Have you been following all the 2014 CrossFit Games action?
2014 CrossFit Games
The CrossFit Games are a grueling test for the world’s toughest athletes and a thrilling experience for spectators! Our research is indicating that the Games’ Facebook page is the best way to get highlights. If you haven’t been following along, here are some exciting highlights so far…
- Cody Anderson, 22, overhead squatted 325 lb. Wednesday night at a bodyweight of 160 lb.
- Mathew Fraser and Rich Froning tied for first place on the Overhead Squat event, both lifting 377 lb. Wednesday night in the StubHub Center tennis stadium.
- Kara Webb claims first place in the Overhead Squat event by lifting 250 lb.
- Camille Leblanc-Bazinet combined a sixth-place finish at The Beach with a second-place finish in the Overhead Squat (242 lb.) to finish Wednesday tied for second place overall.
- Rich Froning finished eighth in The Beach—his best finish in an event with swimming at the CrossFit Games.
- Our beloved coaches are having a blast and Rickke M. sent some great photos, which are up on our Flickr page.
Are you following the Games? What have you enjoyed seeing so far?
Catch even more action tonight on ESPN from 6-7pm PT, Saturday 5-7pm PT, and Sunday on ESPN2 from 5-6pm PT.
News and Notes
- Happy birthday, Elliott W.!
- There’s still space in Ken’s back flip class! Sign up here for the class, which is TOMORROW from 2-3:30pm.
- Love softball? Love watching the sunset? CFSBK’s softball team, the Calaveras, need at least a couple more people for their game on Monday (7/28) at 6pm, at the gorgeous Red Hook ball fields. Pitching softball experience a huge plus! Email Dan H. if you’re interested, dhalioua [at] gmail.com.
- You need something to do after the CrossFit Games end, right? Come to pub quiz with Stella Z. on Sunday! Smart in DUMBO, 7pm on Sunday, 68 Jay St Bar, Brooklyn.
What are you doing Saturday night?
Interested in grilling up your CSA veggies this Saturday night? Join Coach Whitney and Michele K, who are hosting a grill party for up to 8 CSA members at Whitney’s apartment. Protein will be provided, and get ready for puppy utopia: Penny and SBK OG doggie Stella will be in the house. RSVP to mignyc [at] gmail.com.
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Saturday's Programming
5 Rounds for time:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squat 95/65
post from last nights class. 8:30 w/ Whitney
did a modified Rx, subbed MU's for 6 c2b + 6 ring-dips…got 6rds+21DU's. Overall this felt the best of the first three days of crush week. I must have blacked out on DU's because I got 3 rounds unbroken and the other three only had 1 or 2 mess-ups…I've had a couple really helpful tips from coaches in the last couple weeks on my DU's and it's helped tremendously. Front-Squats felt pretty solid too…only broke up one of the 6 sets, glad I went with Rx there. My goal for next cycle is to get a MU…I know coordination is the biggest limiting factor, so I've got plenty of work to do there.
Saturday looks entertaining to say the least…
6am with NickDowell doing Nancy, scaling the OHS to FSQ (at 63#), knowing that my overhead mobility isn't great and not wanting to risk straining my shoulder/neck as I've done in the past. Finished in 16:01. Overall I felt like this was the least crushing workout so far this week. Happy Friday!
6am w/ McNick:
Rx: 16:47, 1st time doing Nancy.
The runs felt sluggish and slow this morning, just didn't feel a pop in my stride. When I started CrossFit, OHS were always a challenge for me. I'm happy with my OHS this morning. It was nice to be in a small group — Nick provided a lot of great pointers and motivation this morning. Thanks Nick! All rounds except for the 4th unbroken. I focused on keeping tension with my hamstrings and not going lower than necessary. Always enjoy this type of workouts that require focus on breathing, heart rate and composure.
6am with McDowell and Nick. I did the fitness version of yesterday's WOD. 5 rounds+21 cals. rowed (with 30lb dumbells). I really had to push to finish that last row, which was kind of fun to finish.
I haven't followed the games at all, but I saw some footage of the ocean swim event. That brought me back to my SoCal summers as a junior lifeguard-which was a great way to spend summers. Unlike pool swimming, the surf adds an element of unpredictability that's a lot of fun. If the surf is heavy, it slows you down on the way out, but timing it right can dramatically speed you up on the way in if you can catch a wave and bodysurf it in. It didn't look like there was much in the way of waves at the Games event, though.
6:45am drop in at CrossFit Lewes, DE.
Partner WOD
8 rounds (4e)
7 power cleans #135
7 jerks
5 burpee penalty to your partner every time you dropped the bar.
scaled to 135# and finished in 19:00 with my partner.
I really frowned when I saw this one, as it was a little too close to DT so soon after Monday's workout. Dropped the bar once during the first 2 rounds, then twice for the last 2 rounds.
Just wanted to extend an invite to all in the SBK family who are so inclined to join me and Matt for some goodbye-Brooklyn drinks at Brooklyn Social on Smith St from 8:30 on.
I'll probably sum up all my feelings about my time at SBK in another, more coherent post, but I wanted to thank all the coaches and members (many of whom have become friends!) who have been part of a transformative, rewarding, and really fun two years!
Hoping to end Crush Week on a high my nailing some MUs tonight!
I am very excited for backflip class, but maybe not on crush week.
I really wanted to do this one with NickDowell as my 7 AM comeback. Yeah, getting home from work at 5:30 AM doesn't help with that. I miss you, SBK (and I know it hasn't even been that long, it just feels that way after being awake for so damn long).
Crush week recap:
Missed Angie due to vacation
DT on Wednesday: 12:04 with 73lb bar. I debated 83 and am glad I didn't do that! I really liked this one.
Fitness on Thursday: 6 rounds even with 20lb dumbbells. Another gasser!
Nancy today: 18:24. I tried to do RX but only lasted 2 rounds. First round of OHS were unbroken but by 2nd round I had to break them up 5-5-5 and failed on the way up on the last rep! So McDowell was kind enough to change out my bar to 53lbs which was much better.
Awesome job running dual workouts today by McDowell with one coach!
Last thing, I really want to do flex on the beach with a scaled team, need another girl and 2 guys. It's sept 13th in long beach, a 55 minute train ride from Atlantic terminal. They announced 2 of the wods already. Check out their site by googling flex on the beach. If anyone is interested please email me at micheleaw@gmail.com.