Alex wants to wish you a happy Tuesday!
Active Recovery/Yoga for Athletes Schedule Changes
Many of our coaches are attending the 2014 CrossFit Games in California this week, so please make note of the following schedule changes:
Tuesday 7/22 (TONIGHT): Active Recovery is canceled
Thursday 7/24: Yoga for Athletes is canceled
Saturday 7/26: Active Recovery is canceled
Sunday 7/27: Active Recovery is canceled
Saturday 8/2: Active Recovery is canceled
Check out Pilates with KH/K-Dawg at 7:30pm tonight instead. Mad abs, yo!
CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program
The first cycle of our Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray went so well that we’ve brought it back for a second round! The deets in brief?
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to TWO Open Gym or group classes per week.
When: 2 options beginning the week of 8/4/14
Price: $300 for each 4-week period, $600 total. The first bill is due at sign-up and the second bill will charge automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
Coached by Frank Murray, “participants can expect to build a strong foundation focused around proper technique, mobility, and attention to individual weak points. Building this foundation will not only help lead to higher lifts, but also set the base for continued and consistent progress. Moreover, by developing proper technique, mobility, and focusing on weak points, participants will become more confident, less prone to injury, and more consistent lifters. All of this giving you the tools for a longer, healthier, stronger career with the Olympic lifts.” —Next Level Weightlifting
AM Cycle
8/5/14 – 9/25/14
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30am to 12:00pm
Register Here!
PM Cycle
8/4/14 – 9/29/14
Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30pm to 10:00pm
Register Here!
Each cycle is capped at 10 athletes. Learn more here and sign up now to secure your spot!
Hiring Front Desk Staff
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff the front desk. Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization, and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK, but we are open to talk to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym. On top of an hourly wage, FD staff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who can devote at least 2-4 days of their week to FD and can commit to 6 months of work with us barring extenuating circumstances.
We will be interviewing in early August, training in mid- to late August, and you will begin working in September. The shifts we are looking to fill are below, so before applying, please make sure these openings fit with your schedule.
AM: 5:45am-9:15am (Monday-Friday)
Late AM/afternoon: 9:45am-1:15pm (Monday-Friday)
PM: 4:15pm-9:45pm (Monday-Thursday)
OG: 5:15pm-8:15pm on Fridays, 5:45pm-8:15pm on Sundays
Weekends: 7:45-11am or 11am-2:30pm on Saturdays; 7:45am-12pm or 12pm-3:30pm on Sundays
Email info [at] to inquire and include Front Desk in the subject line.
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Blackest is The New Black: Scientists Develop a Material So Dark That You Can’t See It The Independent
Gorgeous Places to Run Runner’s World
Emoji Among Us Dissolve
Wednesday's Programming
5 Rounds for Time:
12 Deadlift 155/105
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Jerks
Post time and Rx to comments.
Belated congrats to Adele and all of the totalers on Sunday. A lot of fun watching your friends have a great time and achieve their goals. Damn these people are strong.
Lauren's posts about Olympic Lifting class have been spot on. Seemingly small cues/adjustments make a big impact.
My goal is to become technically proficient in these movements. (Yes – ultimately I would like to get a body weight C&J and a 135# snatch – but that will take some time). It's difficult to measure progress precisely because weight on the bar is not a good indicator. Heather had some great cues about setting up for the jerk and then I was able to hit a really solid one at 115# which is definitely sub-max. Same with the snatch. I am happier when I am able to move through the lift hitting the right positions than when I hit an uglier rep at a higher weight.
Ramble, ramble, ramble, I think what I am trying to say is that I feel that I have learned a lot about the mechanics of these lifts and the movement pattern over the last eight weeks. Now I need to focus on moving more smoothly / organically. Looking forward to the next edition.
6am with DO and McD. "DT" didn't look too bad on the white board, but it was a beast. I warmed up, unsure of whether or not I could do it Rx'd, with the jerk being my concern. I attempted to do the first round at 103, but the jerks got ugly and David helped me switch out the plates to 83. Finished in 23:30, with the deadlifts all unbroken, power cleans in 4's, resting before doing the last one into the jerk. Jerks were in 2's or 3's. Glad this one is over.
Congrats to all of the totalers, especially the strong ladies!! Awesome numbers Charlie and Stella!!
6am with David and McDowell. I did yesterday's Angie workout, scaled to 50 ring rows and 50 push-ups. I really thought I was going to be able to do 100 push-ups, but no dice. My arms were shot by the time I got to 50. The whole thing took 12:26. Can't say I'm looking forward to tomorrow-DT looked brutal.
6am with DO and McD.
Oh boy. DT was terrible. DO had us set up in battle formation which was fun. Got to see everyone's pain on this one.
Finished in 20:50 @ 135#. Kept the DLs at 11/1, then split the power cleans up 8/1 or 5/4. Jerks were tough. I was using too much of my arms and making it a push press, plus I don't catch them well coming down, so they wore me out quickly. Feeling really beat up after Angie & DT. Tomorrow's day off is much needed, then headed down to the beach in DE. I'll be checking out CrossFit Lewes for the first time since CrossFit Rehoboth has a one week minimum visitor policy during the summer. I'm sorry to miss the rest of crush week (really!)
Just wanted to note that the OLY cycle has been modified from the first version of it.. For the same price you now get the TWO oly classes plus TWO not one extra Group Class or OGs.
Also Great work to all the DTers today. This is one of my favorite Hero Workouts!
Veg CSA members: grill party at coach Whitney's on Saturday, with bonus DOGGIES
Interested in grilling up your CSA veggies this Saturday night? Join coach Whitney and Michele K, who are hosting a grill party for up to 8 CSA members at Whitney's place. Protein will be provided, you bring your veg. Get ready for puppy utopia: Penny and SBK OG doggie Stella will be in the house. RSVP to mignyc at gmail dot com.
Didn't have much in me for Olympic lifting today, but always great to practice feeling the positions. Snatch doubles at 73. These felt great – especially timing and explosiveness. 83 wasn't happening though.
C&J was weak today, too. 133 was ugly so did a couple at 123 and moved on to mobility. Left shoulder, hamstring and calf behind knee have been talking to me.
Joined 12pm class for Angie
My callouses are a mess from all the barbell stuff (yes I file them but they're still a problem), so pull ups were real painful on the hands. Those took about 13min, having to keep dealing with the hand situation. Only one tear but lots of blisters and hotspots. Wambulance. I know
Push ups were mostly 5,3,2 or 5,2,2,1
Abs real sore, so sit-ups were a drag — until Jeremy started describing all the ice cream flavors at Ample Hills, and then the reps just flew
Squats were squats
Ok. Now I'm ready to go to the Games!
Also, thanks Jay.
I don't plan on taking this next oly cycle because I have to take a look at my schedule/time/priorities, but I plan to take it again in the future. I learned so much from Frank and Heather, and it felt like a luxury to get so much time to practice these lifts.
With strength cycle completed – and PRs on all 3 lifts plus the total itself in the can – my focus is now 100% on the CrossFit endurance program with Mike O and getting ready for my 9th NYC marathon.
The 6am Tuesday crowd is a hearty lot, even if the bulk of the class chooses Thursday PM instead. Today is was Morton, Roger, and me. After warm-ups we did a relatively light workout of two 15 minute runs (about 1.5 miles each) at a zone 2 pace.
Really love the 6am Prospect Park endurance class, though getting up and out is hard.
Oh, and this… Share it with your friends.
oly class
snatch: 53, 63, 83, 93, 103F, 103F, 103, 103F
on lighter weights, dropping down really really clicked for me.
on the 103 attempts, just ripped it too fast off the floor, rushed the second pull, didn't rotate hip/knee into power position. wanted to try for 113 again today but it obviously wasn't quite in the cards.
clean (no jerk): dead hang drops (63×4), 83, 113, 113, 123, 123. focused on punch elbows up and landing at same time.
came home for lunch and to recharge. Penny and I both had equally epic naps, I'd say.
For those interested in the Games that are not making the trip, YouTube is live streaming the Masters and Team events starting today at The ESPN deal means the Individual events are only being streamed on YT ex-US.
I think all events are also being streamed on although you need to authenticate access (via your cable provider).
I think everything is being streamed on the Games Site too.
I can't wait!!
4:30 w/ Coaches Jeremy & Whitney
DT: #115:
Never in my most delusional wildest premium fantasies would I try this at rx.
If anyone is interested in a Dark Brown Wood Furniture Set on SUPER SALE. Please contact me Must go by Friday.
Click here for more info:
Hi All – just posted this on the classifieds as well, if anyone's interested:
Seeking cat-sitter or house-sitter for August 1-11:
We're looking for someone to come by 1x/day and feed our three friendly kitties while we are out of town. Would also involve changing the litter robot a few times, bringing in mail, etc.
Alternatively, we'd be open to someone housesitting for us instead – if you want a break from your current living situation and want stay here while we are gone, we could work something out. We're in a house in South Slope – yard, wifi, AC, etc.
Please contact me at lesleyoseep [at] gmail if you're interested.
Lesley and Nate
6:30 with Ro and Whit. First time doing DT rx'ed, and finished in 11:39. About a year ago I did a 12:00 AMRAP of DT, and only made it through 4 rounds and 10 deadlifts. So I'd call that a pretty big improvement. Rested after the 11th deadlift and the 8th hang clean from the very beginning, and added a few extra breaks starting in the third round. My hands are shredded.
I'm off to camp in Maine for the rest of the week tomorrow, and feel super sad to be missing the rest of crush week! Enjoy it all
Power Clean Triples, @70%x3x5
Push press@70%x3x5
Some Dips, Muscle ups and Ab wheel rollouts
My first DT and I loved it. We (Colleen, Miguel, and Steph) had DO all to ourselves. I was unsure of what weight to use, and in warmups, I decided that 105 would be plenty, so I dropped down to that, and finished in 11:40. I love barbell complexes, and this was a great mix of movements. Looking forward to going heavier, but I suspect my press will be the big challenge with bigger numbers; some of those reps were nasty at 105. Still, I can do more.
+50 air squats w/Val, for fun. Bike ride home was slooooow!