EMOM 8 Minutes:
2 Deadlifts, not touch and go
Use 80% of your 1 Rep Max.
Post loads to comments.
#sbkgoeswest to SolCity CrossFit
Dog Training Today at 2:15pm
If you signed up, remember to come train your dog today at 2:15pm with Anthony Newman of Calm Energy Dog Training. Newman was New York magazine’s pick for Best Dog Trainer of 2013, and he’s visiting CFSBK to train CFSBK’s beloved dogs!
Competitions to Follow This Weekend
- Uzef, Paul J., and Rob I. are all competing today at the 31st Annual USAPL New Jersey State Powerlifting Championship in New Brunswick.
- Good luck to all the CFSBKers who are competing in the first round of the 2014 Subway Series tomorrow at CrossFit Long Island City.
- Pavel M. is competing in the NYC Triathalon tomorrow! His number is 4422; click here if you’d like to track his progress!
Get after it and make us proud, everyone!
The Great Hamstring Saver New York Times
How to Master CrossFit Double Unders Daily Burn