Our 10am Christmas WODers yesterday!
Holiday Schedule Reminders
TODAY 12/26
On: 9*, 10, 11*, 12pm, Open Gym
Canceled: 6/7/8am
SAT 12/27
Canceled: Yoga for Athletes
WED 12/31 (New Year’s Eve)
On: 6, 7,8, 10, 12p, 430p, 530p, 630p
Canceled: 730p, 830p
THUR 1/1 (New Year’s Day)
On: 10a, 11a*, 12p, 430p, 530p, 630p, 730p, 830p
Canceled: 6/7/8am
Reminder: The 2015 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge
It’s that time of year again… New Year’s Resolution time. While we think that it’s best to act in accordance with your goals and values all (or at least most) of the time, we also recognize that many of us use markers like the beginning of the year to kick start positive changes. Some of you have done this in years past, some of you are new to it so here’s the overview.
Who? The entire CrossFit South Brooklyn community
What? A six-week challenge meant as a collective kick start into healthier nutrition and recovery habits.
Where? Right where you are. You’re encouraged to organize “rest day dinners” either in your homes or out at restaurants with fellow participants and there’ll be LFPB Challenge forums that you can look to for daily support. The key is consistent practice every day.
When? We’ll have a kick off meeting and Q&A on Sunday, December 28, at 4pm that outlines the challenge which will run from Saturday, January 3, 2015 through Friday, February 13, 2015. We’ll wrap up with a potluck and awards ceremony on Saturday, February 21nd.
Why? To look, feel, and perform better! And, for some sweet prizes!
For more information, click on the black widget box in the right column (or click here), or even better, attend the kick off meeting THIS SUNDAY at 4pm!
What 2,000 Calories Looks Like New York Times
When Humans Quit Hunting And Gathering, Their Bones Got Wimpy NPR
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds.
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 70% of 1RM (capped at 20).
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
50 Calorie Row
40 Alternating Leg Goblet Reverse Lunges (20 ea)
30 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
AMRAP 12 minutes:
50 Calorie Row
40 Toes to Bar
30 Front Squats 115/75
20 Muscle Ups or Chest (20 Strict C2B Pull Ups sub for those who can do all the T2B but not MU)
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Happy Boxing Day!
Quick LFPB question:
I'm not back in town until the 4th of January. Could I do the online registration steps and then sign up and give the money in on the 5th? Really excited to try this!
Warm up 2 x2
10 c2b kipping pull ups (4-4-2 getting better)
10 reverse lunges
15 KB oh 16hg
45, 95×5
170×1 – wonky
12 min AMRAP
50 cal row (under 4min – felt fine maybe push harder, was afraid of frying my quads)
40 kipping t2b (10,7,6,4,6,4,3)
30 FSQ @75# (10,10,10 – kinda long rests in bw)
8 c2b strict chin ups (singles, tried to keep legs straight on all of these – I tend to pull my knees up when it get fatigued – took lots of time to avoid failure)
AR on fire escape. Could not resist all the sunlight
Noon lifts
Wiped out after this.
About to go for a motorcycle ride on the 55 degree December afternoon. Finding the silver lining in global warming.
9am drop-in at CrossFit South Tryon in Charlotte, NC.
Hero WOD "Loredo"
6 rounds:
24 squats
24 push-ups
24 walking lunges
400m run
Had a good coach today. Will write both of my Charlotte visits up in the Travel section.
Did today's squat work at Rising Fire open gym. 210×1, 165×12. I really missed my lifting shoes! On the plus side, I had kipping pullups when warming up!
No ergs here so I went with the metcon from a few weeks ago of 100 KB swings (24 kg) with burpees EMOTM. I missed it when I was in Cali anyway. 5:47 and my lungs felt like I'd blowtorched them afterward. This WOD, as it turns out, is a great one to do alone because you can't sandbag it. The slower you go, the more burpees you have to do!
Finished up with 2 rounds of PVC arch hold and hollow rocks. I'm toast.
Makeup from Christmas!
Rx-ed the WOD with Talia. I don't remember how many rounds we got. 4 or 5 each and then we split the work up evenly in the last minute in smaller increments. Tough, but a great way to start the day.
OG tonight.
Press 82.5x3x5. Need to bring my elbows more forward at the bottom. Struggled a bit but not bad. I maybe could of hit 85 this week.
Some accessory work, then DO wrote me a fun WOD:
16 minutes, EMOM, alternate:
:20 Assault bike for calories
:30 burpees
Got 10-11 burpees each round and 6-7 cal. That bike doesn't mess around.
Tonight was one of those nights where I remember just how much I love working out. Good stuff.
Today. Back squats: 135×5, 205×3, 245×2, 275×1, 295×1, 225×16. Probably had a few more in the tank for the rep out, but was feeling a bit beat up today. Perf metcon: row, t2b, front squats + 8 MUs. Rings were hung such that I couldn't kip, so this was 8 strict MUs, done in 4 sets of 2. Finished the row in a little under 3 minutes, the toes to bar right at the six minute mark and the front squats just under the 3 min mark. Toes to bar felt good today: 4 sets of 7, then 2 sets of 6. All kipped except the very last one. I think seeing t2b as part of standardized warmups has been helpful. Front squats were more broken up than I expected.
Yesterday. Did the X-mas workout solo with a ghost partner who was exactly as fast as I was. Got through 5 rounds and change: 1:58, 2:06, 2:15, 2:24, 2:56 + 21 squats. Those squats sure added up. They were probably to blame for my wussing out on the back squat rep-out today. Good workout. I went home afterwards and ate cinnamon rolls all afternoon.
Crossfit Annaplis (12 Labours)
1k row
2 rounds:
15 babbled good mornings
15 front squats w medicine ball
15 push-ups
25 burpees
25 thrusters @ 135
25 burpees
** 5 wall balls at each minute
This was brutal due the excess wine and bourbon over the past two days. Did all the thrusters as squat clean thrusters since missing cleans this week– bad idea. Completed around 15 mins, sucking wind the entire time. The burpees were easy.
Xmas WOD at 10am yesterday, extremely hungover.
Partnered with Aileen. Scaled to 73# which just right. We got 16 reps shy of 12 rounds (I got away without doing the last set of burpees)
Tough, but I survived it and felt a lot better afterwards.
My very first OG tonight! Just about dragged my ass in for 7pm.
Snatch- 73 x 3 x 2, 68 x 3 x 3.
Clean, 3 jerks- 83 x 3 x 5.
Rack pulls- 275 x 5 x 2.
Thanks David for your help!
Wish I could make it to OG more often.