Fitness: 5 x 3 Linear Progression
Bail each rep and reset within a few seconds. Try to go heavier than two weeks ago.
Performance: Work up to a top set of 3 on a Touch and Go Power Clean
Work on resetting hook grip on the descent. Hips back, chest and knees OUT on the descent to the floor. You can pause at the hang but not at the floor. Must be touch and go. Try and go a bit heavier than two weeks ago.
Post loads to comments.
Look, Feel, Perform Better Capacity Test
“Cindy, Row Your Boat”
AMRAP 10 minutes:
5 Kipping Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
Rest 2 minutes, then:
AMRAP 3 minutes:
Max Calories Rowed
Post rounds and calories to comments.
Rob U.: Warming up or Prancercizing?
Holiday Schedule Reminders
TODAY 1/1 (New Year’s Day)
On: 10a, 11a*, 12p, 430p, 530p, 630p, 730p, 830p
Canceled: 6/7/8am
2015 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Check List
Are you participating in the 2015 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge? If you missed the Kick-Off and Q&A Meeting yesterday, learn more here. We’re starting everything on Saturday, January 3, and the deadline to complete all the sign-up steps is Monday, January 5th:
- Sign your name on the list in the community area of the gym.
- Buy-in of $30. This must be cash and can be given to Front Desk staff.
- Answer a few brief questions and submit your “before” photo according to the guidelines on our new Look, Feel, Perform Better website. These are private will not be published or seen by anyone but the judges without your consent.
- Track points earned daily on the spreadsheet (link coming soon!).
- Perform the Test WOD and record results.
Happy New Year from CFSBK! Do you have any resolutions for 2015?
First Mich, then Serene, and now Rob! It's like a parade of cool kids on the blog!
Came in for 11 AM class today, which was probably a mistake. I'm still not feeling well and I can't even say it's because I'm hung over and had fun getting that way! I blame one particular poor food choice last night ๐
Cleans 108x3x2, still not really catching these low. DO made me do "penance" of holding the catch position for a suspiciously long count of 10 and told me, "Love this position. This position loves you." That's what HE said.
Cindy, Row Your Boat: 5 rounds + 5 pullups + 3 pushups Rx, then 43 cals. In neither case did I score as well as I did at this point last year, but then given how I was feeling, I wasn't expecting to. (Plus, I did ring rows last year. Yay kipping pullups!) Perhaps this will result in my being most improved by the time the end of the LFPB challenge rolls around. ๐
10am. Power clean: 135×3, 185×3, 205×3, 225×3, 235×3, 185×3, 135×5. Three reps felt a lot easier than the fives we've been doing. Power cleans felt snappy. Recorded 1RM is 242. Think I could have easily bested that today. Metcon: 10 rounds + 5 pull-ups + 4 push-ups + 63 calories. 1 push-up less than the pre-LFPB capacity test last year. Same calories. Consistency!
Guys: can we please all submit a photo for #deadliftfacechallenge on the CFSBK flickr please??? It's just so awesome. If you are unfamiliar with this new trend, please refer to this link:
Happy new year everyone!
Hey everyone! Come to AR tonight at 7:30PM!
Perf power cleans: 95×3, 135×3, 155×3, 175×3, 185×1,f, 175×3, 155×5, 135×5
Cleans were slow today, especially turning over my elbows. I was able to move more weight compared to sets of 5.
Metcon: 11 rounds + 5 pullups + 10 pushups + 7 squats, then a killer 50 calories
I definitely sandbagged the row. I had a slight improvement from last year. I was hoping to get 12+ rounds but needed to start breaking up push ups sooner than usually. My goal is possible, especially with the butterfly pull-up.
Solo session today making up my FSQs from Wednesday and today's WOD. this stuff is more fun with other people
500m row
Crossover symmetry
Power clean
40×3 50×3 60×2 70×2 80×2 85×1
Felt ok. ^ 92-93
135x5x2, 155×3, 175×2, 185×1
Hard but doable. ^ 195x3x3
5 Kipping pull ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
3:00 max cal row
9 rounds even / 54 cals
Got through 7 r before breaking push-ups
Kept row just above 1000 c/h
Yesterday DIY:
Failed my fsq lp @ 255×3, dropped down a bunch of weight and finished the sets. Did a few minutes of half-hearted rowing and called it a day.
Things went a little better today – so much better with other people around!
Did a few sets of 3 power cleans @ 175 but my form was bad so dropped down to 135 to finish off and think about fast elbows.
LFPB with 3 strict pullups subbed. I was worried about burning out on pushups but ended up going too easy – finished 7 rounds + 1 air squat, but could have done 8+ if I hadn't been so conservative. Oh well. Then 62 calories on the row, medium hard.
Hungover 5.30pm class with Whitney and Arturo.
Power cleans 93 x 3 x 5. Felt weird doing the power version.
LFPB CT- 3 reps short of 13 rounds with ring rows and knee push-ups. 49 cals. Overly scaled this one. Last year I tried to do 5 strict push-ups for as many rounds as I could and I really should have done that again this time, but because that is harder to measure I did not. 3 cals less on the row than last year, but I'll blame that on the bubbles I drank last night.
Can't really believe I made it in at all to be honest. Pat on the back.
Happy New Year everyone!!!
4:30pm. Starting to get back to normal with my cleans. 165x3x5 then 175x3x1. All felt good.
WOD: 9 rounds + 9 push-ups + 58 cal. What a difference from a year ago, where I had 7 rounds + 5 push-ups and 48 cal. Push-ups are the limiter for me. I'd really like to work on them in 2015 because I think I tire out too quickly on them.
6:30 with Whit and Arturo
Cleans: 95×3 135×3 155×3 165×3 175×3 185×3 185x2x2 155×3
These were alright although I had the usual trouble dropping lower at 185, and Arturo pointed out that my grip got narrow after the transitions. I did a couple doubles just to practice the transition.
Lfpb challenge: 10 rnds + 5 pull-ups and 7 push-ups. 63 cal row. Hard. I paced the air squats a lot but went all out on the row. Pushups were the limiter. All pull-ups were butterfly, which I suddenly have somehow.
Glad to have attended Whitney's first ever "official" Thursday AR class.
The 8:30pm regular class actually had nobody show up, as far as I could tell! I guess I just lost my only chance to attend a private class.
Honored to be the first featured photo of 2015.
Did cleans at 115 and then 135. I'm still just reverse curling them. I need to work on form. I have the strength for much more but not the form.
Did 7 sets + 11 reps of the test WOD today with ring rows. 46 kCal row. Still sore from 4 days snowboarding on a lot of ice.