Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds.
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 70% of 1RM (capped at 20).
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
50 Calorie Row
40 Alternating Leg Goblet Reverse Lunges (20 ea)
30 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
AMRAP 12 minutes:
50 Calorie Row
40 Toes to Bar
30 Front Squats 115/75
20 Muscle Ups or Chest (20 Strict C2B Pull Ups sub for those who can do all the T2B but not MU)
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Coach Fox leads a class through some hip openers during DROMs
- Interested in learning more about the 2015 Look, Feel, and Perform Better Challenge? Come to the free info session TOMORROW at 4pm!
- Happy birthday, Daniel S.!
Holiday Schedule Reminders
TODAY 12/27
Canceled: Yoga for Athletes
All other classes are back to normal schedule
WED 12/31 (New Year’s Eve)
On: 6, 7,8, 10, 12p, 430p, 530p, 630p
Canceled: 730p, 830p
THUR 1/1 (New Year’s Day)
On: 10a, 11a*, 12p, 430p, 530p, 630p, 730p, 830p
Canceled: 6/7/8am
Recordings That Made Waves: The Songs That Saved The Whales NPR
Worth Radiolab
Fun am with DO and MeLo. Spent most of the week laid up with the flu and finally was able to work out again yesterday. Woke up feeling like something had crawled into my stomach to die but came in anyway.
Going up, my hbbs warmup set at 225 felt heeeaaavy. But then 280×1 was totally fine, and the rep out @ 220 was manageable. Finished all 20 with a Zowistowski-inspired scream at the end, then curled up on the floor for a while to catch my breath. That was hard.
Then perhaps the world's least intense CRASH-B workout. One 20' session on the erg at an extremely conversational pace. I shouldn't row on an empty stomach!
8 am w DO and Melo.
210 fitness back squat was good.
Performance Wod. Made it to 7 MUs.
10 AM class at Rising Fire. I miss SBK and DO's OCD levels of organization.
Part 1: 5 RNFT
10/side sledgehammer swings (whee! Cool CrossFit toys!)
Shuttle sprint
15 K2E
Part 2: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
FSQ 75# (should have done 95*)
Matador dips (blue band)
I have no idea how long this took me. All FSQ unbroken.
Part 3: 20-15-10
Ring row
KB swing 24 kg (American)
3:44, easy peasy.
*this is where better organization would have helped. I dropped the weight because we had no warmup time, and 95 feels really damn heavy when you haven't warmed up at all.
12pm AR wonderfulness with the Captain, followed by 1pm group class with Noah and JB.
LBBS- performance.
Wasn't so sure how this would as I have been skipping Saturdays lately for knee/ rest reasons.
225 x 1, 235 x 1 then 185 x 11.
225 did not feel heavy so I added10lbs. It was heavy but I may go heavier next week. The rep-out was hard and I always find my lower back starts screaming so I quit at 11. I definitely had a couple in the tank but I was happy to leave it there for today. Really surprised at how well this went.
WOD- fitness- did the whole thing once and got to 25 cal on the erg. I switched to goblet squats with 20kg KB as lunges are a bit funny for me right now. Scaled to 15 chin-ups- 5 x unassisted, 5 x red band, 2 x blue band, 3 x blue and red band!! These got so hard, so fast. Push-ups were not so bad this time.
The one mile group jog was surprisingly fun and refreshing. What a beautiful day.
9:15 drop-in at CrossFit Boone in Boone, NC.
A very disorganized class. The CrossFit class was in a larger athletic center and the class was inside the basketball gym. Weird.
We started with some back squats and weighted pull-ups. After asking what we were supposed to do (whatever warm-up you want followed by strength work), I was sort of paired up with something without even knowing the weights each of us were doing. They were doing 5/3/1 so I went along with that rep scheme.
Back squat: 195×5 / 225×3 / 255×1
Again very little instruction. Placed some thin mats on the hardwood floor. I doubt the folks involved in basketball appreciate the barbells being dropped on their floor, even with those mats.
20 min AMRAP:
10 pull-ups
20 squats 95#
30 DU
360 reps (6 rounds).
I won't be returning to this one. CrossFit Postal is the better option in this area.
Snatch, did some waves today
231, 242, 253
242, 253, 264
253, 264
Clean+2 Jerks
308x(1+2)x2 =1848
Squat, 75%x3x5
Pendlay Rows
LFPB Challenge Q&A is being pushed back to 5pm start tomorrow!
Somewhat disappointing day at le gym for me…
175 M,M
205 M,M,M
185 M
2pm Comp Team Practice
2 Rounds
15 cals
3 Muscle Ups
:45 Hollow Hold
:45 Arch Hold
Clean and Jerk Complex
Clean Deadlift + Clean + FSQ + Jerk
7 Power Snatch 135
14 Pistols, alternating
Got through 2 or 3 snatches in round 5 at the 12 minute cap. Back was really tight and slowed me down a bunch.
EMOM 10 min
6 Burpees to a 6" target
6 Toes to Bar
Took the 6th round off and then scaled to 3 Toes to Bar. Bummer.
Mile cool down jog
AR with David, then:
Squat 205x5x3, pretty solid.
Wod (fitness): 1 rnd + 47cals
1 mile jog. Walked a bit as I got no rest after Wod.