3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
5 Rounds For Max Reps:
1:00 Row (for calories)
1:00 Max Reps Push-Ups or Ring Dips
1:00 Max Kipping or strict pull-ups or Ring Rows
1:00 Rest
Post workout results to comments.
- Watching the CrossFit Games? Keep an eye out for the CrossFit commercial featuring Coach DO and Constance T!! Huge thanks to CFSBKer Robin R for setting up and shooting it!
- Want to try something other than Group Class today? Check out Yoga for Athletes at 10am, Active Recovery at 11 and 12 or Open Gym from 2-4pm
- CFSBK will be screening the finals of the CrossFit Games during OG on Sunday night
Soda’s Diabetes Problem: The Non-Obese at Risk, Too