We nixed birthdays on the blog because there are too many of you, but for Captain Osorio, we’ll make an exception. Happy birthday to our favorite weirdo—”the wheel and the grease,” to quote Fox from last year, and the one without whom this whole CFSBK thing would never exist. If you want to give him the best birthday gift ever, find a way to help get CFSBK’s Instagram account to 3,000 followers by midnight!
- Yesterday was also Inside the Affiliate‘s second birthday! Head over there to see the latest post about our virtual tour on Google maps, which is such a cool reminder of how much this place has grown.
Coat + Canned Food + Book Drive
We’re combining our coat and can drive with a book drive this year. To keep it simple our collection dates for coats and cans and books (children, to be specific) are going to run from November 15 – 25. Please bring all donations to the Front Desk.
New York Cares Coat Drive
Give the gift of warmth this holiday season. CFSBK is collecting new and gently used winter coats to help keep those in need warm during the winter season. New York Cares aims to collect 100,000 gently used winter coats each November and December and distributes them to thousands of men, women, and children who would otherwise go without them. They work hand-in-hand with a wide variety of Community Partners in New York City to make sure coats are distributed as quickly as possible. We are only collecting coats at this time.
City Harvest Canned Food Drive
CFSBK is collecting canned foods to help stock NYC’s food pantries and soup kitchens. City Harvest helps feed the more than 1.4 million New Yorkers facing hunger each year. They provide free deliveries of food to more than 500 emergency food programs throughout New York City. The most needed foods are canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned proteins (like fish and chicken), and peanut butter (plastic jars).
Reading Partners Children’s Book Drive
Reading Partners is a national nonprofit organization that trains students from low-income schools to be confident readers and they need more books! Bring your your gently used children’s books to CFSBK for the Reading Partners Book drive. These books benefit struggling readers from kindergarten to the 4th grade. We’ll post a flyer on the bulletin board with author and title suggestions, please donate new or gently used books only.
Everything In Moderation? Maybe Not Forbes
World Anti-Doping Agency Wants Russia Banned From Athletics Competitions NPR
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Performance: Medium Intensity, 75-80% x 5 x 4
Add a few pounds to the last medium intensity exposure.
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Exposure 5/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
40 Calorie Row
30 Dumbbell Thrusters
Choose a challenging weight on the Dumbbell Thruster than you maybe can't do unbroken.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Happy Birthday DO! …oh captain, my captain
Happy Birthday David! Thank you for all you have taught us.
Happy birthday Daveed!! From the entire Chmielecki Family.
Happy happy! Thank you for creating a place which has allowed me to completely change the path I was on. Have an awesome day!
HFB D To the O!
Happy B-Day DO!
6am with Jess – Monday's work
Press: Last rep of sets 3 and 4 was a real struggle, but otherwise this felt pretty good. Felt like I had better awareness of the bar path this morning than I generally do – which is not so say that it was perfect, just that I was paying attention to it instead of muscling through the lift in bad positions.
Deadlift: I'm nursing a bruised rib or some such thing, so I was a little worried about going heavy, but these actually felt great. Cut the last set short because the belt was bothering my rib – not the lift itself.
NFT work: Ring dips and chins were fine. The TGUSU hurt like hell, so I did some regular situps instead, and then weighted situps. Think I only got through 3 rounds and into the 4th. Too easy to be lazy when you're not feeling 100%.
Thank you for the birthday comments!! You guys are everything, I'm so fortunate to get to spend time at "work" with so many caring and wonderful people!
HOORAYYYY DO!!!! Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday DO!!
6am with McD
HBBS 185 x 5 x 3 – Easy and moved well. Felt much better on my hip than 165 did last week.
Fitness WOD – 3 rounds + 1 cal at 30#. DB thrusters were 20-10, 10-10-5-5, 10-7-5-5-3
15 minutes goes by pretty quickly on this one. 30 db thrusters is a lot.
Happy BDay DO!!
6am with McD
HBBS 185 x 5 x 3 – Easy and moved well. Felt much better on my hip than 165 did last week.
Fitness WOD – 3 rounds + 1 cal at 30#. DB thrusters were 20-10, 10-10-5-5, 10-7-5-5-3
15 minutes goes by pretty quickly on this one. 30 db thrusters is a lot.
Happy birthday to THE BOSS!!! You're the best, DO!!!
Happy birthday DO! Hope margaritas are involved.
7 AM with Jess
HBBSQ 170x5x4. The first set felt like hell and I thought, "I have to do this 3 more times?!" Fortunately it was probably a case of not being warmed up enough (my fault, I psyched myself out with bar math using 35# plates) and my other 3 sets went fine, as they should on a medium intensity day.
WOD 2 rounds + 23 thrusters with 400m run instead of rowing and 25# DBs, which got really heavy really fast.
1. Happy Birthday David!!
2. AG
Skill: Butterfly pull ups
Strength: :15-:30 nose n toes hold + :30 L-sit
For time:
60 double unders
21 pull ups
50 Double unders
15 Pull ups
40 double unders
9 Pull ups
Happy Birthday DO! Hope your day is full of seltzer baths, listening to weird heavy 20 minutes long instrumental music, foam rolling the bad neighborhoods of your body, and eating something better than sauteed ground beef.
Happy Birthday DO!
Happy Birthday, David! Thank you for the extraordinary community you've created for us.
Happy Birthday DO!!
Happy birthday, David!
Happy Birthday David! Thank you for starting such an amazing community at CFSBK. Hope this year is beyond your wildest dreams!
From yesterday with Nick and Fox
Press – 3X5 65lb
DL – Heavy 3 at 185 – Thanks Jaclyn for pushing me on this, I was going to do 175
WOD – got through 4 rounds,
chin ups – 5 each round and used as blue band – this was very challenging for me and towards the end i had to break it up
dips – matador dips, 5 each round, no band…I think this might have been the first time i did these without a band…woohoo! my hands did go numb, which Nick told me was not normal…so um…yeah…stupid injured wrists
TGSU – started with 12.5 and worked up to a 20lb DB
Monday and Tuesday posts:
M evening group class:
warm up 3 rounds:
8 glute bridge L
5 tempo push up
3 chin up
4 each side lateral lunge
PRESS: 33×5, 53×3, 68×2
(belt on sets 2 and 3)
still feeling like there's some room in this, though it's definitely tough! so happy how this number continues to climb, as before I always felt stuck when I got to 68!
DEAD: 135×5, 175×3, 200×1
meh. not great. thoracic rounding. this is always my breaking point… sets at 215.
may need to re-set or change my approach.
Pendlay Row: 95x5x3
Took so time to re-group, mobilize hips a bit then…
2 muscle ups
270m run
-just under 9 minutes
-first set of MU i missed the second rep and did as a single. after that, all doubles! yay!
T morning solo:
20 min mobility, bb drillz
Open WOD Test:
50 WB Shot 14#, 9'
50 DU
40 BJ 20"
40 TTB (5-5-5-5-5-3-2-3-2-2-2-1)
30 CTB Pullups (4 to start, then mostly 3's, some 2's in the last 10 reps)
30 burpees (slowwww)
20 Power Clean (100#) – tried for a triple but bar slipped out of hands on third rep. singles.
20 STO (100#) – got through 11 reps (3-4-4)
10 Power Snatch (100#) – didn't get there
10 MU – didn't get there
So, got through 11 on STO. Rested about 2ish minutes then did three singles on the power snatch and two singles on the muscle ups, for fun. woof.
Happy Birthday Coach!!
Does anyone out there have any experience with CrossFit Prospect Heights (Good or Bad)?
I have a friend moving to Prospect Heights from Manhattan, and he's looking to get into CrossFit and was asking me what I know about them – which is nothing. Obviously I tried to steer him toward SBK, but I think he lives on the same block as CPH, and likes the fact that their morning classes are on the half hour. If you know anything about their coaching quality, programming, or just the general vibe of the place and can share that I'd appreciate it. Either post here or feel free to email me: braddevendorf(at)gmail.com
Older and already wiser than most. Happy born day, David.
Thanks again everyone!!!
You guys are the best
Happiest of birthdays to you, David!!
I didn't make it to the gym most of last week on account of a migraine that just wouldn't die. Finally made it in last night.
Press 42x5x3
Deadlift 145x3x1
2 rounds of NFT work: 10 DB bench (15#, 20# – too light), 5 Turkish sit-ups (8kg KB – too heavy, 12.3# DB), 3 chin-ups
Happy Birthday DOs. Glad to know you, and I love the stache!
Another luxuriously light morning. Clients/Classes at 6 and 7, then starting at 8am…Rolled around for about an hour. X-Over Symmetry. Then some erg sprints.
10x 30s Max Effort/90s Recovery
150+ meters on all efforts. Felt like Power 15s each time.
Then rolled around for a bit longer and ate breakfast before training a few more clients at 10 and 11.
Made up Saturday's and Monday's lifts today.
Front Squat: 195x7x4
Press: 112.5.x5x3
Deadlift: 275×3
Happy bday DO!!!!
Happy bday David!
@brad- Lauren borducci coaches there if you want to reach out to her !
Felicidades David! Que tengas un cumple de maravilla!
Happy Birthday to Man…the myth…the legend…the mysterious DO!!!
Happy Birthday, DO! Hope the 3am seltzer is birthday cake flavored.
Really fun AG tonight!
Butterfly pull-ups: got the rhythm for three in a row, but definitely were too low to be considered real butterfly pullups.
3 rounds:
:30 nose/toes hold
:30 L-Sit (:20/10 x2, :30X1) Glad I finally did :30 straight! Allan and I definitely decided it's mind over strength with those things.
Scaled WOD:
15 single/single/DUs
21 pull-ups
20 single/single/DUs
15 pull-ups
12 single/single/DUs
9 pull-ups
Great encouragement from everyone. I <3 AG!
7:30 w Jess
HBBS 165x5x4 belted.
Wod with 25# DBs. 2 rounds + 28 cals. Had zero motivation today to speed up 😛
AG.. I <3 AG too.
I was able to get single butterflies kjnda sorta.
Strength: :15-:30 nose n toes hold + :30 L-sit. I can't actually straighten my legs on the L-sit. Not entirely sure why but it's impossible for me.
For time:
60 double unders
9 pull ups
50 double unders
6 pull ups
40 double unders
3 pull ups
in ??
Scaled to 9-6-3 pull-ups. DU's were pretty good today. I got 47 unbroken in the first round which is about twice as many as I have ever managed unbroken in a workout. Pull-ups were hard and I was having trouble getting high enough and I will say that I think it was in large part because I was on the Rogue Rack and the bar is thicker and slidy or something. I don't know but I did a couple just after on the regular low bars and they were much easier…. just sayin'… I'll be avoiding that bar in future.
Pretty cool moment when Arturo asked if we were all doing unassisted pull-ups and the whole class was. AG rocks. I know I'll never master half the skills we work on but it's so much fun and always a great crew.
Happy birthday, DO!
Butterfly pullup progressions. Finally getting the hang of the movement. Now just need to get my chin over the bar!
:30s L-sits and nose and toes hold x3. Weak hip flexors and tight hamstrings make L-sits really tough for me! Can't do them with straight legs. Need to work on these.
WOD: Rx'd in 7:52
60 DUs
21 pullups
50 DUs
15 pullups
40 DUs
9 pullups
Ro said we shouldn't spend more than 90s on the DUs so I used that to gauge if I would need to scale the volume. I did the first 60 in a little over a minute so did full volume DUs the entire WOD and didn't count misses. Second set took longer than 90s though. I strung together lots of sets of 8s, 10s, and even did a set of 23, but there plenty of singles in there, too.
Pullups: 13-6-2, 6-5-4, 9
I second what Charlie said! It was awesome that everyone in the class could do unassisted pullups! BUT, you can still do AG if you do assisted pullups!
Fun class!