Back Squat
Performance: High Intensity, 85-90% x 3 x 4
Add a few pounds to the last high intensity exposure.
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Exposure 6/8
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
500m Row
5 Rounds:
20 AbMat Sit Ups
15 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
400m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Bob S. finished second in his age group this weekend at the WODFather 3 Masters Competition. There were three WODs plus a final WOD for the top 4 finishers. In this photo, Bob is performing in the final, which was max effort in two minutes of each of the following: rowing (calories), lunges or pistols, 75 lb. power snatches, and chest-to-bar pull-ups or bar muscle ups. (Pistols and bar muscle-ups were worth 10 times as much as lunges and chest-to-bar pull-ups.) Bob almost made it to the 2014 CrossFit Games and we interviewed him in May of last year about his intense competitiveness and training. Check it out!
- Want to help Fleisher’s move some turkeys and get some meaty swag? Fleisher’s Park Slope shop needs to load the majority of their Thanksgiving turkeys on Monday AM. It should only take about 30 minutes and Fleisher’s will throw in a Fleishers Turkey Essentials Kit and/or 2 pounds of any ground meat of your choice as a thank you! Contact Danae at Events [at] if you’re interested and available next Monday morning.
- Don’t forget to donate to our Coat + Canned Food + Book Drive, which runs through November 25th. Get more details here!
Got Plans on Saturday? Come to CFSBK’s Art Show!
CFSBK’s second Art Show is THIS Saturday, November 21, from 7:30-10:30pm. Free entry and alcohol.
Joshua Peters, a local Brooklyn artist (and fellow CrossFitter and coach!), will be live painting a mural from 8-10pm. Check out more of his work on his website, at Strength to Spare. He just painted this insane mural at Freedom Barbell Academy in Long Island.
Coach Whit, a lifelong dancer, will be doing a short performance at 9pm to Nina Simone’s song “Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out.”
Most importantly, come check out art from fellow talented CFSBKers. Below are all the artists whose work will be on display:
Jessica Bailey
Lauren Borducci
Aileen Hanna
Katie Harper
Jenna Jerman
Alona Katz
Tim Mauseth
Saul Melmen
Nate Miller
David Osorio
Trevor Safford
Brian “Baz” Zimbler
If you have any questions, email Kate at Katharine [at]
Want to Work at the Front Desk??
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff our beloved Front Desk! Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization, and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK, but we are open to talking to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym.
On top of an hourly wage, Front Desk staff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who keep a consistent schedule and commit to six months of work with us (barring extenuating circumstances). Preference will be given to candidates with the flexibility to change shifts in the new year.
We will be interviewing this month and hiring a new staff member for immediate training. The shifts we are looking to fill are below, so before applying, please make sure these openings fit with your schedule:
Mondays, 5:45am – 9:30am
Wednesdays, 5:45am – 9:30am
Open availability during the week of Dec. 28th – Jan. 1st. is a plus!
Email Janelle [at] to inquire and include Front Desk in the subject line.
Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year Is Not a Word Newsweek
A Seismic Shift in How People Eat The New York Times
Little Girl Makes CrossFit Workout
6am with McDowell and Ro
HBBS – 280x3x4 – Got a bit forward on the very last rep, but overall felt better than 270 did last high intensity day.
Metcon – 9:34 Rx'd – Did everything unbroken. Legs were a little wobbly for the run at the end.
Makeup post from 5:30 yesterday with Whit
Monday's work
Perf Press @ 135 felt good, want to try a new 1RM soon
DL heavy 3 @ 375 felt good also. I have been trying to keep an overhand hookgrip as long as possible rather than using a switch grip and have been able to increase that from high 200s# to about 350#. I think it's helped me with my form.
Whit also helped by pointing out I was too far over the bar so when I adjusted to have the bar over my laces rather than my toes and to keep it closer it felt MUCH easier so that was awesome!
WOD rx'ed in 2:58.
I was not doing a third round of burpees!
I liked this workout but it killed my grip towards the end b/c I was working on pulling the kb back down to speed up the swings.
42 -> 73 -> 100
I took pre-workout not realizing how short the workout was so I was nervous I would never get to sleep but luckily I ate, had a food coma, and passed out!
6am with McDowell and Ro.
250x3x4 on the back squats. This is just under 90% of my 1rm and felt appropriately heavy – though all reps moved without too much grinding. This is actually a 3 rep PR for me, so I'm more than happy with it.
Finished the metcon in 15:55 rx'd. The first set of sit-ups and wall balls were unbroken, but after that I broke the sit-ups into 5-7 rep chunks and the wall balls into 10-5 or 8-7. The run was SLOW – hard to get my legs under me.
Thanks to an early morning wake-up call from Ayana, I came in for the 7AM class today with McD and Ro.
HBBS: 262.5x3x4
WOD: 13:33 RxD
6am at NorCal Crossfit Redwood City in Cali
Fun workout (and no drop-in fee!) at NorCal CF today. They also follow a Perf / Fitness style of programming. Perf workout today:
Strength: Work up to a heavy snatch.
Worked up to 175#, felt okay but not super solid. Always feels weird to do some of the technical lifts without lifting shoes and wrist straps. Maybe I should start training without them(?).
5 rounds for time
5 snatches (185/125)
50' handstand walk
Did this in 16:04 at 155#. I scaled since my shoulders were toasted from the heavy lift and wanted to get out of there before 8am. Handstand walks are really fun in a workout.
See you guys Friday.
Bob S. is a total badass and an inspiration. He works so damn hard. I want some of that work ethic.
HBBS: 185 x 5 x 3. Belted. Helpful advice from Ro – need to keep thinking hips through.
WOD in 10:52 Rx. Everything unbroken, which was tough at the end but just kept moving.
What Samir said.
Hatch Week 3 Day 1
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 4, 135 x 2, 165 x 1, 180 x 8, 195 x 8, 220 x 6, 235 x 6.
Front Squat
125 x 5, 145 x 5, 160 x 5, 170 x 5
Ooooof! Today was really hard. I've never done that kind of volume at these weights before so these are all PR's right?
Strict pull-ups
12pm WOD (thanks McD and Ro for always accommodating)
11:17 Rx.
Guys I think I am actually starting to like wallballs. I even feel like I could have done them unbroken and faster but I was trying to pace myself – this really is the fastest I have moved in a long time. It's so exciting to see my lungs gradually getting back to their old selves snd with a stronger engine too. Feeling great!!!
Fun doing the run at the end aka the cool down with Anna G.
10 rounds
:30 Max Effort Row
1:30 Recovery Row
Averaged a 1:34.3 split and 150+ meters per round. My best round was the 6th one, which just happened to be the one Nick was videoing.
w5 B
HBBS: 250x3x4
400m Row
5 rounds
20 AbMat Sit Ups
10 Thrusters (75)
400m Row
I went up 25# on my HBBS from last week. Belts are so awesome.
Oh and GO BOB!
Nice work Bob! I always enjoy hearing about your training. You are inspiring!
I don't want to lose any progress made during the 4 week rings cycle, so I spent some time working on these things.
Mobility: hamstring stretches, rolled out quads — pretty tight from last two days.
3 rounds of:
Dynamic stretches from class
10 air squats
5 push ups
5 x :15 L holds on rings
5 x 3 ring dips (first 2 sets unbroken, then 2-1, last set singles)
3 x 3 blue band reverse lever to inversion (this was fun)
3 x 1 blue band muscle up
3 rounds of:
6 hollow hold with 5# weights over head.. not sure what these are called
10 ab wheel from knees
Lax ball traps, pecs, shoulders
HBBS: 130 5X3. Better than last week's 127. Still hesitant to get full depth on EVERY rep. I'm not trying to win any competitions here, so I'm just going to keep making very small jumps and work on technique.
WOD: 11:07 RX'd, except did the run first. All unbroken. The row was definitely the hardest and slowest part.
Blue banded MU transitions EMOM:
3, 2, ;2, 1, 1, 1
Helpful advice from Whit about pulling slowly, then whipping over fast, as well as bringing my knuckles together on the descent.
3X :15 L-Sit
7:30 with Katie and Nick
HBBS 180x3x4
Wod RXd in 11:00. This was a fun one!
Cashout: playing with the puppies.
LBBS 175#x3x4 (~87%)
WOD in 12:14
Row- slow so my legs wouldn't die during wall balls.
Wall balls- surprisingly unbroken until the 12th rep of the last round where I threw an air ball. There were a few other wall balls that I probably should have no repped myself on as well.
Estimated I would do this in 14 minutes because I'm so bad at wall balls and running so happy with my performance tonight. Situps were the perfect amount of rest to push through the wall balls. Run wasn't that bad for me either. Progress.
242, 253, 264
242, 253, 264
253, 264, 275
(308, 330, 341)x2
*Been working on making very large jumps in order to conserve energy. This will be pay off in the meet i think.
Squat: 376x2x6
Bench: 295x5x3
Weighted back extensions: 3×10