Front Squat
Performance: Medium Intensity, 75-80% x 5 x 4
Heavier than your last Medium Intensity exposure.
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Exposure 5/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
8 Dumbbell Power Snatch, alternating arms
12 Pull-Ups
24 Double-Unders
Choose the heaviest dumbbell that you can handle. You should be able to do the sets of 10 with not much more rest than the second that the dumbbell is on the floor for the switch. Sub bands or ring rows for pull-ups, 15 attempts + makes for doubles.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Throwback to the Subway Series this summer, with lots and lots of pull-ups
- Good luck to Bob S. and Pierre D., who are competing in the the WODFather 3 Masters Competition. Let us know how it goes!!
- Want to try something other than group class today? Check out Yoga for Athletes at 10am, Active Recovery at 11am, or Open Gym from 2-4pm!
Travel Gym Recommendations
Have you traveled to another affiliate recently, or do you need recommendations for your upcoming holiday travels? Check out our Travel Gym Recommendations forum (found in the bottom left bar under Member Resources). Check out these two recent ones and add your own:
- Colleen M. visited CrossFit Paradiso in Venice, CA.
- Stella Z. visited Brick Boston in Boston, MA.
Coach Noah wrote a great guide last year about how to be a good visitor at other CrossFit gyms, titled “On the Road, and Sweaty: Visiting Other CrossFit Affiliates.”
If you do hit up another affiliate, be sure to take a cool photo so we can give you some blog love! Send it to Managing Editor, Kate R., by emailing her at Katharine [at]
Is the Game of Thrones Workout the New CrossFit? New York
8am with Mel-DO
Front Squats
4 sets of 5 at 195# which is about 80%. These moved well.
Made it through 5 rounds plus 8 snatches and 8 pull-ups.
Used a 65# DB which was about right.
Pull-ups were unbroken for two rounds then quick sets of 6.
DUs were mostly unbroken with slip ups in the second and last round.
I've been to at least 15 other affiliates now (yes, I counted) and it always tells me just how spoiled we are at SBK.
I would say the biggest thing that I miss in a box is DO's sense of organization. I've seen some good coaching from an athletic perspective at other boxes, but almost nobody thinks about things like "How much space/equipment does this workout take up?", assigning pullup or other stations, and, most noticeably, at least to me, *assigning partners*. I cannot tell you how many times I've gone to a box and been told it's time to partner up for lifts or a WOD, and either a) the coach assigns pairings without asking about weights and movement capabilities, or b) the coach does not assign pairings, and people pair off on their own. Both of these suck for visitors. When there's no rhyme or reason to the partners, I always, always end up with a woman who's lifting a lot less than I am. We get paired just because we're women, and then the workout is a mess.
This was especially bad at one box that programmed a 30-minute WOD that included three different barbell lifts at three different Rx weights, even if you and your partner were doing the same weights. So, okay, that's two weight changes right there. But I was paired with a girl who was fresh out of their foundations classes, and THAT meant that every 5-10 reps, we were taking weight on and off the bar! (If this happened to me today, I would tell the coach that I'm happy to partner with this person, but we should probably have separate barbells.)
DO's solution — just *ask* people what weights they're going to be lifting, and pair them from there — is so, so simple, and yet almost nobody does it. Drives me bat-poo crazy.
I knew it was gunna be a good day at the gym when I got a "comin' along, comin' along…" from David after both HSPUs and Toes to Bar! AG, y'all!
Front squats: 5×3 117.5. Some reps still shallow, so for the last set MeLo suggested I use a belt! Whoa! Felt like cheating, but I felt stronger at the bottom. 120 next week with belt.
WOD: only 3 rounds + 8 db snatches + 8 pullups
35# (go heavy!), full volume kipping pullups broken up (got 6 in a row one time!), 15 Single/single/DUs. Worked strength/technique more than speed which felt great.
11am with whit and mcd
Front squat 133x5x4
Doing the wod with no contacts was so disorienting! I am very blind haha.
30# db and 6 pull-ups.
4 rounds +8+4 pull-ups
Performance FSQT: 120#x5x4
Lost tension at the bottom of some of these.
WOD: 4 + 27
Snatches with 35# DBs- much easier than expected, but got a little lazy and had some press outs.
Pullups- Sets of 6-8. Kip was a bit disorganized today so broken up into more sets than I wanted/expected.
DUs: Full 24 but included misses. These were not good today….or ever.
I left my jump rope at the gym on Tuesday but didn't find it in the lost and found or hanging with the other ropes in either gym. It has a green metal handle and a wire rope. If you grabbed it by accident, can you kindly leave it at the front desk or put it in the Lost and Found for me? Here's what it looks like:
I also left my black, Velcro Valeo weight belt on Monday or Wed. I don't care about this as much, but maybe someone saw it. I didn't look near the other weight belts for it yet.
Gosh, I knew I had a busy, stressful week, but didn't realize how quickly I ran out of the gym each night!
9am with DO and Melo
Performance FS at 225#
Felt good and will go up some next week
WOD with 75# dbs, they were heavy but doable.
Finished 5 rounds
Broke up PUs after the first round to 6,6
DUs slowed me down, I need to do them more often
Noon today
Did the snatch complex that I saw Todd throwing around yesterday.
Snatch + Snatch Balance + OHS
45, 95, 115, 135, 155
No misses. Was jumping a little forward on the snatch but the snatch balances felt good. Shoulder seems good to go.
Felt good. Frank's advice to grab the bar (as much as possible) in the front rack has made a huge difference for me.
Hey there everyone –
I just wanted to check in and say thank you so much to everyone who has reached out via text and Facebook to check in. We were only a few blocks from one of the shooting sites last night in Paris and it was a very scary evening. We spent the night barricaded in a bar until we felt it was safe enough to get back to our hotel.
It's been a weird day today in Paris; the streets are quiet and everyone looks spooked. I'm seeing some friends tonight that live here and then will be flying back to the US in the morning. I am really looking forward to being home.
See you guys soon
Noon with Whit and McD
110 x3 x 5 this was +10lbs from last week, since I haven't been putting a lot of weight on
4 rep consistently got soft, pulled it together again for 5
8 DB power snatch 25#
12 pull up (5/4/3, 4/4/4, 3/3/3/3, 3/3/3/2/1)
10 DU (still a work in progress, + 40 singles)
4 rounds + 8 + 3 pull up
Given a week in London/Amsterdam and the amount of booze and cheese in take, i'm glad to just be back and moving again..
Are any sbkers watching the roused holm fight in bk tonight? A friend and I found a few options but would love to join a larger crowd if there is one.
Ahem… ROUSEY v Holm.
@Michael A- thanks for the update- glad you guys are OK. Stay safe.
Open Gym
Hatch Week 2 Day 2
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 2, 165 x 10, 195 x 8, 205 x 8, 220 x 8
Front Squat
125 x 5, 135 x 5, 145 x 5 x 2
Oh my god the back squats were seriously hard today. My heart rate spiked, breathing was very difficult and it was really hard to finish that last set. Not used to this kind of volume at all.
I almost went home after that but thankfully I had kind of half planned to do some conditioning with Michael C and he held me to it. Thanks Mike!!
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
8 Dumbbell Power Snatch-
6 Pull-Ups
24 Double-Unders
6 rounds, 3 snatches. I used the 30# DB for the first round, then 35# after that. I scaled to six pull-ups. This is the most kipping pull-ups I have ever done. It's a real head game for me- once I decided I would do 3 unbroken I was able to, Funny how that works. Nonetheless I need to practice more cause it would be nice to do the Rxed amount next. Going to add more pull- up stuff to my warm-ups.
Good day of fitness for me. I'm exhausted but in the best possible way.
Ro and I crushed it today
Snatch: Work up 85%x1x3
CJ: Work up to 85%x1x3
Front Squat: Heavy Single
420 (PR)
Last rings class today. I really liked doing this, plan to continue working on these things and hope to pick it up again in January when Ken does it again.
I could not get this to post yesterday..
3 sets of:
12 front raises 10#
12 lateral raises 5# ea hand
12 curls to overhead press 10# ea hand
5 weighted hollow hold things from rings class 5# ea hand
Then Thursday's work-out solo:
C&J Bbell drills
10 min EMOM C&J
45kg, 50kg for all the rest — cleans were fine, trying to nail that elusive speedy, committed jerk
5 rounds for time:
5 deadlifts @165
10 burpees
5:04 — all unbroken except last set of DL 3-2
Then lots of bike riding with multiple dinners interspersed
Saturday OG is the best. So grateful for it.