Performance: High Intensity, 85-90% x 3 x 4
Add a few pounds to your last high intensity exposure.
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add a few pounds to last week.
Exposure 6/8
Work up to one heavy set of 3 reps
Go heavier than last week.
Exposure 6/8
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35
5 Burpees EMOM, starting at 1:00
The goal is to do as few burpees as necessary so hang on to the kettlebell as long as possible.
Post time/rounds and Rx to comments.
Got Plans on Saturday? Come to CFSBK’s Art Show!
CFSBK’s second Art Show is THIS Saturday, November 21, from 7:30-10:30pm. Free entry and alcohol.
Joshua Peters, a local Brooklyn artist (and fellow CrossFitter and coach!), will be live painting a mural from 8-10pm. Check out more of his work on his website, at Strength to Spare. He just painted this insane mural at Freedom Barbell Academy in Long Island.
Coach Whit, a lifelong dancer, will be doing a short performance at 9pm to Nina Simone’s song “Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out.”
If you have any questions, email Kate at Katharine [at]
Get Discounted Tickets to See IN THE SOUNDLESS AWE!
CFSBKer Greg C. wants you to know about IN THE SOUNDLESS AWE, a highly-theatrical, emotionally-wrought, and horrific imagining of the final nightmare of Captain McVay, the man at the helm of the worst Naval disaster in United States history. Greg’s theater company is putting on the show, and he also happens to be the star!
July 30, 1945. The U.S.S. Indianapolis is hit by two Japanese torpedoes, killing 300 sailors in the initial blast and leaving 900 men to drift helplessly in the Pacific Ocean. The survivors are discovered almost five days later. When rescue ships and planes finally arrive, they witness hundreds of large shadows lurking around small groups of broken men drifting aimlessly in the current. Only 321 sailors are pulled from the blood-filled water.
IN THE SOUNDLESS AWE takes place twenty-two years later, finding Charles Butler McVay III, the wrongly court-martialed and disgraced Captain of the U.S.S. Indianapolis, in his haunting final moments.
Here’s a link to the company’s website, and to the show’s page itself.
Greg wants to extend a discount for CFSBK members. We get nearly half off tickets for the entire run! Upon checkout, enter the discount code: CFSBK
Things We Eat Alone GUTS
Photos: Holly Holm’s Kick Heard ‘Round The World ESPN
Press: 77 x 3 x 1, 75 x 3 x 3. The first set happen, but was rough and did not feel sustainable, so dropped the two pounds.
Deadlift: 290 x 3. This is the heaviest I have ever gone for a triple. I was focused too much on grip (didn't feel solid) and not enough on keeping my back as braced as I should. Need to trust my hands and keep all focus on my back for next week.
WOD in 3:35. I might regret saying this, but I like these wods with the burpee penalty.
Today things just all came together for me, at least strength-wise. (My brain, on the other hand…I did NOT have my shiz together. Just ask my bar partners.)
Press 77.5x5x3. Historically this is where I start failing 3x5s, so I was thrilled to hit all my reps here. 80x5x3, I'm coming for you!
Deadlift 245×3. Again, historically this is about the limit of my abilities for 3 reps, but today the bar moved well and quickly (I won't say easily). Definitely planning on 255 next week.
WOD in 3:45. At this volume I can do burpees and not sub squat thrusts, so I did. I am never so motivated to swing a kettlebell fast as when it gets me out of doing more burpees.
6am with Nick and McD. Good to be back.
Press: Did 145# x 3 x 4. Up 5# from last week. Thought it was going to be more difficult. I will continue with another 5# jump next week.
Deadlift: Partnered with Scott and did 385# x 3. This also felt crisp and strong, but I got some feedback from Nick to watch my head lifting up as I stood. I tried to overcompensate and rounded by back a bit, but recovered on the 3rd rep.
Metcon: 2:58 Rx. I did the KBs unbroken; I almost dropped the bell during the second round but really, really didn't want to do the extra burpees. This was fun, I love these self-regulated EMOMs. They make good hotel workouts.
Cashout: MattyChm, SteveH, and I did 3 sets of GHD situps, 10/12/15.
Press: 135x3x4 (87%). This was heavy but never got too grindy. The bar speed felt quick.
Deadlifts: 330 (f), then 290×3. Checked my ego and initially backed off 20#, but apparently it wasn't enough. So I dropped even more and did a quick set of touch and go at 290.
Metcon: 3:33 Rx. Didn't drop the bell, just held on. 36-30-24-11… probably could have gotten a few more in by actively pulling the bell down.
Cashout: 2 GHD situps…
6am with NickDowell
Press: 77x3x4 (85%). These moved surprisingly well. I am excited to test out my 1 rm in a few weeks since my previous was 90 and this is the best my press has ever felt.
Deadlift: 265×3. This ties my 3rm from strength cycle almost a year ago. I followed Kayleigh and used a belt and felt more solid. I struggle the most with losing the grip in my left hand, but got some helpful advice from McD that I'll try out next week.
WOD in 3:24 with squat thrusts. I was pretty annoyed with myself that I couldn't finish this in 3:00. I did 41 the first round, and thought I could split the rest over 2 rounds, but had 97 at the 3:00 mark.
Press: 130x5x3. This was heavy and the first set was the hardest.
Deadlifts: 435×3. First two were better than the last few weeks, but I got a bit loose on the last one.
Metcon: 3:46 Rx. Didn't drop the bell, just held on. 37-23-24-16. Thought this was going to be worse than it was, so didn't push as hard as I should have on the 2nd round.
6am with McNick
Press 122.5 x 5 x 3 – 2.5# PR for me on a 3×5. Quads were appropriately jiggly and jello-y by the end. Will try 125 next week but it's going to be a struggle. My long arms do not help me on the press.
Deadlift 305 x 5 – Still moving well and in my 1×5 range so keeping to 5s. Definitely the easiest and best feeling 305# has ever felt so hopefully that means my 1rm is getting higher..
WOD in 3:33 Rx. After getting 41 reps the first minute I was hoping to finish with only two sets of burpees but was only at 92 at 3 minutes. At least I feel like my burpees have gone from reallllly slow to just slow.
GHD cash out with Michael A. and MattyChm. Was hoping for 3 sets of 10 before MattyChm crushed my dreams as I started my second set.
X-O Sym
w5 A
Press: 45x10x2, 75x3x5 – total crap
Deadlift: 255, 285, 305×3 – moved fast and well
5 rounds
10 GHDs
10 Matadors
Although my shoulder is still sub-30%, I feel that it is actually healing… glacially…
Hi. Re: the coat drive. Are down vests accepted? I know vests aren't coats, but they are warm.
McD session this morning
3 Rounds NFT
250m row
15 GHD
15 Hip Extensions
7 Rounds For Time
7 Power cleans @63#
7 Thrusters @63#
7 Burpees over Bar
13:09. I couldn't breathe, but it made me want to come back for 4:30 class.. also Arturo mentioned that gravity wasn't working today so I wanted to lift.
Press with Kelly & Worm
68# (90%) x 3 x 4 – fast
Deadlift with Worm (and only with Worm from now on)
200# x 3 – had to try hard for the second one and even harder for the third, rounded back but it went up and didn't feel strained. 200# or 205# is my 1rm, so this was exciting.
100 KB w/ burpees OTM in 3:30
Today was a good training day. Feels nice to have one of those.
Performance press: 68#x3x4. Last rep was a little tough. Glad I didn't make the jump to 70.
Deadlift: 3 reps @230#. Same weight as last week. First two reps solid, but on the third rep Ro said I rounded and didn't lead with my chest. I got really dizzy on the third rep.
WOD in 2:54? I was so surprised I didn't pay attention to exact the time.
Swings were 42-28-30
Released the KB at the top so my grip would last. Pushed the bell down to move it faster. Burpees AFAP.
First day back at CFSBK since my knee injury and surgery in the spring! I was super nervous all week, but walking through the the open roll up gate and seeing all the familiar faces and sounds made that disappear instantly, and I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off of my face for the first few minutes. I'm starting with some 1-on-1 sessions with McDowell until I get more strength and coordination back, and to supplement my ongoing physical therapy.
Warmed up with 3 rds of 10 hollow rox, 10 push ups and 10 ring rows. Then worked on single leg step ups using a 16" box; 3 sets of 5 reps with each leg. Had to hang on to McDowell for balance when working with my right leg, so hopefully that gets better as I gain more strength and confidence. Then strict presses at 45# x 5 x 3 and ended with some erg time. I felt fine during the workout, but am feeling a bit sore in the knee afterwards, so will try to take it easy tonight and tomorrow.
I'm excited to be back and to enter this next phase of recovery.
Welcome back Neal!
6:30P Group Class with Ro across the street.
Shoulder's been feeling really sore and my head hasn't quite recovered from an epic wedding weekend in California. No, I didn't go to any boxes while away. Yes, I had beer with breakfast everyday.
Press – dialed back to 75-85# for reps of 5-7 with 5 sets, felt ok. Will see how this week goes.
Deadlifts @295# felt lightl. 10# jump for next week.
WOD – really wanted to finish under 3:00 but came up short. 40-28-26-6; 3:23. Could have gotten a couple more in the 3rd round but once I realized I wasn't going to make it, slowed the assault. Fun quick workout!
7:30 pm class with DORo!
Fun playing pizza tag as one of the warm ups, now I want to take CF Kids!!!
Performance press at 70x3x4 felt good, Ro pointed that I needed to keep a straighter path, which is easy to fix and duly noted!
DL 205×3 good to deload again! Was fine and good.
WOD Rx 3:45, tried to do as many unbroken as possible so I wouldn't have to face 4 rounds of burpees and it was successful. All I could think about was keep moving and avoid burpees!
Good to be back in group class! So glad to see you tonight Neal P! What a delight!!
high volume day. 3 weeks out from the meet.
(253, 264, 275)x2
(308, 330, 352)x2
*missed the jerk on the first wave at 352.
Front Squat
Weighted back extensions
Feeling good after a full week of training last wk, rest day yesterday, and some solid sleep the past two nights!!
Crossover Symmetry
3 RDS:
-6 box step up L (:03 descent, 12kg), 4 R unweighted
-5 tempo push up
-8 v-up
PRESS: 33×5, 53×4, 68×2
YES! belted. a couple of these were a real fight, but overall still feeling pretty solid.
-heels down, ribs down!
CLEAN: work up to heavy single
3 position cleans: 35kg, 45kg
70 – (96%)
74kg – Fail! Would've been about a 3 lb PR. Got under it pretty nicely, but don't have the legs to stand it up right now! Felt great to get under that weight, though I need to catch a little tighter and not be surprised when I get there. Thanks Ro and Jake for the eyes and feedback!
Overall, still pulling a bit early. Leave hips back longer past the knee.
LATER, I WATCHED KATIE HARPER MURDER A 195# JERK!!! I'm in shock, impressed, and inspired to say the least.