Back Squat
Performance: Medium Intensity, 75-80% x 5 x 4
Add a few pounds to the last medium intensity exposure.
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Exposure 5/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
40 Calorie Row
30 Dumbbell Thrusters
Choose a challenging weight on the Dumbbell Thruster than you maybe can’t do unbroken.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Jay Star crushing gymnastics! The GIF creator we used promised this was “magic” and would break the Internet, so you can look forward to that today.
CFSBK Art Show: Featuring a Live Mural Painting by Joshua Peters
Do you have CFSBK’s second Art Show on your calendar? Saturday, November 21, from 7:30-10:30pm. Free alcohol and lots of art from some of your favorite CFSBKers!
There will be a live mural painting from 8-10pm by a friend of Coach David’s, Joshua Peters. His artwork, according to his bio, “explores the social, political, and cultural response to the individual heroic aspiration. By focusing on both traditional and non-traditional role models, he attempts to deconstruct the influence of masculine stereotypes by examining the conventional social rules imposed on males and females. His work is a reaction to the failure of our heroes as well as our surprise when they defy expectation.”
In additional to traditional oil paintings, Joshua also paints sneakers, which are pretty incredible. Check out more of his work on his website, at Strength to Spare. He just painted this insane mural at Freedom Barbell Academy in Long Island. Joshua is also a fellow CrossFitter and coach.
Check out the event flier for more info on the CFSBKers whose art will be displayed!
Want to Work at the Front Desk??
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff our beloved Front Desk! Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization, and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK, but we are open to talking to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym.
On top of an hourly wage, Front Desk staff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who keep a consistent schedule and commit to six months of work with us (barring extenuating circumstances). Preference will be given to candidates with the flexibility to change shifts in the new year.
We will be interviewing this month and hiring a new staff member for immediate training. The shifts we are looking to fill are below, so before applying, please make sure these openings fit with your schedule:
Mondays, 5:45am – 9:30am
Wednesdays, 5:45am – 9:30am
Open availability during the week of Dec. 28th – Jan. 1st. is a plus!
Email Janelle [at] to inquire and include Front Desk in the subject line.
What I’d Say to the Martians Jack Handey
Happy Veterans Day to all those CFSBKers who have served or serve our country! We are thankful for you!
That guy is hot!!!
6am with Ro and McDowell
HBBS – 255x5x4 – this is right at 80% for me. Moved well. Used a belt for the last 2 sets since my back was starting to feel a little tight
Secret performance metcon: AMRAP 15 min of
50 Wall Balls
15 Muscle Ups
2 rounds + 21 Wall Balls. Happy to make it through 2 rounds. I really need to practice MUs without a false grip.
6am with Arturo & McDowell
HBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225x5x4. Everything moved. Felt a good bounce out of the bottom today.
Perf metcon: 1 round + 62 reps (12 muscle ups). Thought I paced out the wall balls too much but McDowell astutely pointed out it matched tabata timing. Second 50 was definitely slower. Muscle ups felt crisp today with a good kip. 5-3-3-2-2 then 3-3-2-1-1-1-1.
Wow Jay! How many reps did you do? I stopped counting at 75!
Perf Back Squats at 225# today. Moved quickly and smoothly.
Perf Metcon
I have still been struggling with (1) extending arms all the way in MUs and (2) maintaining false grip for more than 3 or 4 strung together. Made it through the 50 WBs in about 2 1/2 minutes. Hit 12 MUs before they started looking ugly and I started failing. Banged out another 50 WBs and then moved to the low rings to work on form. Then hit one more full muscle up as time was called.
I also got some great tips from Ro on strengthening the false grip. I am going to start incorporating them into my morning warm ups and hopefully start to see them translate.
I love our coaches.
125#x5x4 on the performance HBBSQ. These felt heavier today than they should have – I ate dinner kind of early last night and was hungry when I woke up this morning. Then 2 rounds + 37 calories on the WOD. Went with 15# DB, which is lighter than I normally would choose (still babying my shoulder). Honestly, this would have been hard with 30 air squats. My derriere is en fuego.
Are any ladies out there lifting in the (women's-specific) Nike Romaleos? I am trying to determine what size to order but I cant find any women-specific reviews talking about fit. Just wondering if anyone has them, and whether they'd recommend sizing up or down based on my true shoe size or my running shoe size?
HBBS: 175 x 5 x 3. Need to remember knees out coming up and a deep breath to tighten up before each rep.
WOD: 2 rounds + 40 cal + 1 DB thruster at 25#. That was terrible.
AG last night – I think I'll just try to stick with kipping for a bit, but it was fun to get the exposure to butterfly and try something new. Nose&toes holds felt solid, L-tucks less so. Scaled the WOD to 9-6-3 pull ups. Hit 59 DUs in the first round, which I think is a record for me – was just pissed I missed the last one. No idea what time I ended – too focused on the "Yeah" part.
What if your erg doesn't do calories?
Do you have a concept 2 erg? If so press the "change units" button until you see it. Otherwise I would row 550m. Are you following the programming remotely?
w4 B
HBBS: 190, 205, 215, 225×5
BB Lat Pulls: EMOM 8' 185×5
First time using a belt during Squats. My last set of 5 at 225 is typically a mess, but it moved extremely well with the belt. Better late than never (I guess).
10am with Jeremy
Perf squat at 255
These felt pretty good. Got on my toes on one but corrected and kept my chest up leading the way.
Fitness wod with 30# dbs
3 rounds flat
Broke up the thrusters is:
10am with Jeremy!!! My first time taking class with him outside of strength cycle and wish I could do it more often.
LBBS: 200x5x3. This moved well and I tried to focus on making each rep perfect and not rushing through the sets.
WOD: 2 rds + 25 thrusters at 20#. Thrusters were 10-10-5-5, 10-5-5-5-5, 10-5-5-5. I think I chose an appropriate weight and maybe rested a little too much.
Took some time afterwards to do my shoulder exercises and even played around with attempting pull-ups again and the shoulder is definitely feeling better.
Noon lifting
Bent Row
9 am session to shake things up.
Warm up x3
6 ea single arm OH reverse lunge 20#
4 chin ups unbroken
10 shoulder taps in handstand facing wall
HBBS 80%
155 x5 x4 – felt low energy but not too bad
MU practice
3 banded transitions (blue)
3 kip swing sets
5 kipping MU w manual assist thru transition
**these felt stable after the transition which is a victory — I tend to worry about shoulder stability and not commit
15 min AMRAP — 2 rounds and 37 calories
40 cal row (700-800 cal/hr)
30 DB thrusters @20# (10-10, 10-5-5-5-5)
This is my nemesis work-out.
HBBS: 245x5x4
Some light benching to get started again: 95×5, 115×5, 135×5, 145×5
Weighted pull-ups: 25x5x4
Hatch- Week 2 Day 1
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 165 x 10, 180 x 8, 195 x 6, 205 x 6, 220 x 6
Front Squat
125 x 5, 145 x 5, 160 x 4, 160 x 5
I let the bar slide back too far and let too many fingers out from under it and felt like I might break my index finger if I tried to do a 5th rep at 160 so I reracked it. Front squats are hard!
Bench press
45 x 5, 75 x 4, 95 x 3, 115 x 1, 125 x 1, 130 x 1, 100 x 10- all paused except rep-out.
Joined 12pm class for the WOD- thank you coaches!
15 min AMRAP
40 cal row.
30 DB thrusters.
2 rounds 19 cals with 25# DB. So much harder than barbell thrusters!
Good Squad Sesh.
132 x 2 x 2
143 x 1
155 x 1
167 x 1
176 x 1–F BUT MAN I HAD IT. I doubted I'd even get 80kg up enough to drop under but I did and found myself unready at the bottom. Too soft in the catch but it's there and I'm FLIPPING PUMPED. Next time.
Panda pulls:
157 x 3 x 2
165 x 3 x 2
157 x 2 x 4
Solid evening. Time to indulge
@GD, awesome, I was wondering what the yelling was about!
Snuck out of work early to hit the 5:30 class.
Keeping LBBS relatively light to concentrate on hitting depth, these felt better today than they have in past weeks. 255x5x… so… this is the 2nd Wednesday in a row that, with three to a bar, we've run out of time. I see others posting that they made it through all their sets. What's the etiquette here, is there a polite way to say "it's not that I'm a highly neurotic & melancholy-prone but if we don't get through all of our sets I will remember this moment with every future squat and wonder about what might have been, had only we had time to do that one last set?" Or does one just go with the flow? In the interest of bonhomie I've been doing the latter but I do like sticking to the programming.
WOD was fun. I really mean that, I think. I was going to go with 30s but one glance at Paul's 35s convinced me to try it. I chased him, a few reps behind, the first 2 rounds but he took off on the 3rd. Finished 2 rounds + row + 16 thrusters. In retrospect I should have pushed the rows harder because I knew my arms were going to get fried and my lungs weren't going to be the limiting factor. Still, arms were burning after & this was right in my preferred "stay under the red line" workout zone.
PSA: I was curious to try BCAAs. I thought, who needs all these crazy flavors, I'll go with unflavored. DO NOT DO THIS. Here is a quote from the first search result for "BCAA taste," which I should have read before buying them: "the taste is much worse then anything that i could have imagined, it tastes so chemical and feels like my body is preventing me from ingesting it for survivability reasons (tastes like it would kill me honestly)." Pretty much says it all.
Peformance LBBS:
160x5x4 (80%, moved well)
WOD: 2 + 35 with 20# DB
Had trouble pushing myself on this one. DB thrusters are so hard! My front rack position is very weak!
7am across the street.
215 3×5 felt tired and really sore. Work has been grinding on me and some personal stresses lately have not helped.
WOD rowed three full rounds and got two full rounds of the thrusters at 25 pounds.
HBBS: 127 5×3. Considered doing 130, but wanted to make form better! Helpful reminders from Noah helped me nail form on more reps (staying in heels and getting low)
WOD: 2 rounds + 30 cals + 5 thrusters (20#, scaled row to 30 cals) rowing is so hard.
Brendan suggested I do the performance wod with MU transitions. I Was afraid of complicating things, so I did some after class:
5 MU transitions with green band
1 with red & blue
5 with blue band
Could've done more, but had to go!
These felt good. I think I can get a muscle up soon…ish. I'm going to keep practicing.
OG posting. A heartfelt appreciation to all of our veterans out there. The following is from a friend of mine who offers sustainable farming training to veterans… Very well said:
Dear Friends,
On Veterans Day, I want to share some thoughts with you about the ambivalence some people feel around Veterans Day celebrations.
Some people disapprove of certain wars, maybe all wars. They don’t want to celebrate militarism, so they're ambivalent about honoring soldiers.
And some soldiers are ambivalent about displays of honor, especially about being described as heroes. Granted, the word “hero” has become a branding tool (like so much of our language); but these soldiers feel that only most exceptional soldiers deserve to be honored.
Both kinds of ambivalence are understandable, but unjustified.
Honoring soldiers is not a celebration of militarism. And as John Ruskin* says, soldiers are honored in all societies, throughout history, not because they are exemplary or exceptional as individuals, or because the wars they fought in were wise and just, but because they take a heroic oath. This oath says that if called upon to do so for the sake of their society, they will, at a moment’s notice, go and stand in front of enemy bullets (or spears, or cannon) or drive over roads thickly sown with explosives. They will not turn away from duty even when faced with death. 99% of Americans don’t take that oath; but soldiers do. It is in the taking of that oath that soldiers earn the honor, gratitude and respect of their fellow countrymen.
3×5 back squat at 135
2 full rounds plus 40 calorie row and 12 thrusters. Used 20lb db.
@DMak – thanks for that