Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes:
Fitness and Performance: 1 Snatch
For both Fitness and Performance, start at about 60% and work up to a max for the day.
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Exposure 5/8
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
50 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
50 Double-Unders
40 Toes-to-Bar
40 Burpees
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Power Cleans 135/95
20 Jerks 135/95
20 Power Snatches 135/95
10 Muscle-Ups
Subs: 25 makes/attempts for doubles, 80 AbMat Sit ups for T2B, regular pull ups (bands ok) or ring rows for C2B, and load on the barbell. The Rx weight should be light/medium for you on the power cleans.
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Superman Karl picking things up and putting them down
Coat + Canned Food + Book Drive
We’re combining our coat and can drive with a book drive this year. To keep it simple our collection dates for coats and cans and books (children, to be specific) are going to run from November 15 – 25. Please bring all donations to the Front Desk.
New York Cares Coat Drive
Give the gift of warmth this holiday season. CFSBK is collecting new and gently used winter coats to help keep those in need warm during the winter season. New York Cares aims to collect 100,000 gently used winter coats each November and December and distributes them to thousands of men, women, and children who would otherwise go without them. They work hand-in-hand with a wide variety of Community Partners in New York City to make sure coats are distributed as quickly as possible. We are only collecting coats at this time.
City Harvest Canned Food Drive
CFSBK is collecting canned foods to help stock NYC’s food pantries and soup kitchens. City Harvest helps feed the more than 1.4 million New Yorkers facing hunger each year. They provide free deliveries of food to more than 500 emergency food programs throughout New York City. The most needed foods are canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned proteins (like fish and chicken), and peanut butter (plastic jars).
Reading Partners Children’s Book Drive
Reading Partners is a national nonprofit organization that trains students from low-income schools to be confident readers and they need more books! Bring your your gently used children’s books to CFSBK for the Reading Partners Book drive. These books benefit struggling readers from kindergarten to the 4th grade. We’ll post a flyer on the bulletin board with author and title suggestions, please donate new or gently used books only.
Altered States Oliver Sacks
Strength:Pullups/Log Roll -> V-Up
20 Burpee Pullups
800m Run
20 Burpee Pullups
800m Run
20 Burpee Pullups
9am with Jess
Snatch: worked up to 67. Failed three times, made two with slight press outs. Jess said I was pulling early and got a little soft when I landed. Considering I've made 68# once in my life, I'll take it! Slow but steady improvement.
WOD: So fun!!
50 wall balls, 14#9ish ft target
25 single/single/DUs
40 TTB sets of 5 felt great!
40 burpees
30 pullups! Sets of 2/3 made it manageable and kept me moving
30 power cleans 77# again, sets of 2/3 helped me chip away
7 jerks 77#
Shoutout to worm who did full volume TTB and kipping pullups for the first time. One word: Anti-gravity!!! Seriously.
9am with Jess
Snatch was a mess this morning. Started off at 95 and worked up to 115 but was just an off day today. Got better as the weight got heavier.
WOD – Got to 21 power cleans Rx
Wall balls – 20-15-8-7
DU – one trip
T2b – 5s until 25 then 3s
Burpees slow awfulness
C2b – 3s until 18 then 2s
Power cleans – 3 sets of 3 then quick bailed singles.
My forearms want to die.
Snatch at 105. Failed at 115 on the last round but it was close. Slower to the hip pull is really helping.
Wod at 115. Got one jerk. The burpees redlined me and I never recovered.
Allie and Worm- that's awesome! Well done ladies!
Snatch EMOM- worked up to 78#. Focused on catching lower as always and Noah noticed my knees were caving in as I was getting to the jump position. When I fixed that or at least attempted to, I seemed to be able to catch lower. Again', as with cleans, it seems I need a decent amount of weight on the bar before I can actually start feeling the difference when I make little changes like this.
WOD- got to 4 jerks at 83# with 20 T2B. I did all of the pull-ups although most were not chest to bar. Burpees were the worst part. Could probably have rxed the weight but I know my form starts to break down when I am doing cleans for time so I decided not to. Pretty happy with how this went.
I unfortunately haven't made it to the AG T2B edition but I got some great coaching from KHarpz today which will definitely help going forward.
11am with Noah and Katie
worked from 53-68 on the snatch EMOM. It all felt really good today.
50 DU unbroken
40 TTB
40 Burpees
30 Pullups (not C2B) took lots of breaks because my hands felt like they could rip today.
10 Cleans @ 83#
This was a fun one!
Snatch (kg)
50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 70, 75, 75, 75, 80
This went pretty well. 80 is now a weight I feel like I really own. Haven't maxed out in awhile, but I'm hoping for a PR next time we do.
13 power snatches Rx'd. Moved through the higher rep/bodyweight movements pretty quickly. I think I got to the bar at around 11 minutes. Power cleans were done as singles. Jerks were 5, 7, 8. Then spent 3 minutes doing 13 power snatches. At that point I really didn't have much left.
I'm a liar- i went to 73 on the snatch haha
Nooner with Noah and Katie
Worked up to 165#.
Hit 2 jerks Rx'd.
Fsq: LP 145x3x5, felt smoomth
with comp class
EMOM 10: 1 Back squat–187 across. Felt smooth, I can probably go up from here, but I'm still not sure where my squat is right now.
AMRAP 4: 5 squat snatch (scaled from 95 to 75)/10 barbell burpees
–Did 1 set + 5 sq snatches, hit my hip weirdly as I was bringing the barbell down from my 4th snatch, and felt weird tingling/burning sensation down the front of my leg, somewhat akin to what I would feel in my arm if I were to hit my funny bone.Stopped, and took another 12 minutes (rather than 2) before doing the next parts of the workout
AMRAP 4: 10 power cleans (95)/20 pull ups
2 rounds+ 10 power cleans. First set everything unbroken, second set 6/4 on pc, 10/5/5 on pull ups.
AMRAP 4: 15 box jump overs/30 wall balls
1 round+ 24 wall balls. First round was fast with three sets of 10 wall balls. Round 2, my legs felt like led and most wall balls were sets of three, with short rest. Probably could have stayed on the ball longer.
Snatch EMOM: Started at 63, worked up to 93 (did the last three sets here, but none of the reps were great). New goal is to be able to do this weight in a WOD.
PP 110x5x3
OHS 3×83, 3×88, 3×99
8am with the Foxes
Worked up to 62# snatch, got easier for me to coordinate as the movement got heavier.. At lighter weights my pull was too fast and I was leaning forward weirdly.
WOD was a fun one..
50 WB RX
25 double unders -work in progress
5 T2B, fell apart with a pain in right Palmer crease I could not grip the bar
70 sit up sub
40 burpee
30 pull up, sucked up the uncomfortableness thru this. Sets of 5/5/5/3/3/3/2s
20 cleans 60#
Good sweat on!
OG Friday:
FSQ: 145 x 5 x 3.
Followed this with twenty plus minutes of trying to kick up to the wall. Finally started to get there consistently near the end. Tried again today and was able to do so.
Then some conditioning mixing up some jerks, box jumps, and DUs, then rowing, burpee box jumps, and running.
Snatches: Started at 68#, ended with a few at 93#. One wonky miss in the middle where I didn't commit, but otherwise okay.
50 WB
50 DU
20 TTB – more than I have ever done before ever in a WOD, so pretty happy here.
40 Burpees
15 Pullups
30 Cleans @ 93#
11 Jerks
AG afterwards to work on some pistols – can balance at the bottom no problem, just can't stand up at all.
Snatch: 58-63-63-68-73-73-78-78-83-88 (fail, didn't drop under the bar)-88 (make) PR match.
50 wall balls
25 DU makes
40 T2B broken up in sets of 5 except for the last 10 done in smaller sets
30 pullups done in sets of 6. Coordination felt off again today.
30 Pwr cleans @83#- all singles. Katie pointed out that I was rounding my back. I know I do that when I do high volume cleans. Need to pay attention and stop doing this.
20 Jerks @83#: 7-5-5-3. I took my time on these bc I knew I wouldn't get any snatches so took long rests in between each set to get my breathing in order.
10seconds to spare! But there was no way I was snatching 83# at that point anyway!
Pistol holds. Not sure if that's what they are called.
5 Chinups/ 5 log roll EMOM: Did chinups with green band which were not challenging but I was beat.
WOD: I did half volume and did this half ass. No offense. Just tired and hungover today.
Found my rope!
Ag today
Pistol holds were much easier with a lift under my heel.
Emom log roll/v ups left some nasty bruises on my hips. Used the red and blue band for the pull ups
Made up FS from yesterday
3×5 120
48kg x 1 x 2
51 x 1 x 3 –head through issues on last.
Snatch Panda Pull:
60kg x 3 x 2
64 kg x 2 x 2
—hit too high a few too many times today so was shy bringing my hips through.
Pause BSQT:
71kg x 3 x 2
76kg x 2 x 2
Got a little fitness and snatch technique work in today.
3 rounds
15 cal row — tried to stay above 900 cal/hr, last round tried to hit 1200 but couldn't quite get there, finished that round in :53 though
3 pull ups — unbroken
3 ring dips — unbroken
Snatch practice with Lauren S and help from Arturo
Doubles from 35kg to 44kg
These were feeling strong
46kg came forward and left knee touched the floor, which hasn't happened in a while
Went back down to 35kg and did doubles from hang
Then played on the low rings with a blue band — some banded MUs, which felt ok, and some banded reverse levers, which were pretty terrible