Clean and Jerk Complex
Every Other Minute x 8:
Power Clean + High Hang Clean + Push Press + Power Jerk
Every Other Minute x 8:
Power Clean + High Hang Clean + Power Jerk + Jerk
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
Fight Gone Bad Style
3 Rounds for Reps:
1 Minute Power Clean 115/80
1 Minute Box Jumps 24/20″
1 Minute Row (for calories)
1 Minute Rest
The weights/heights should be relatively easy for you, such that you’ll break the minute up into a few sets of 5-15 reps.
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
CrossFit at 30 Weeks Pregnant
By Melissa Loranger
As I creep through the third trimester and approach D-day, I’m thankful that I can still do what I love and have a healthy and safe outlet for stress. The loads may be lighter and the intensity may be lower (let’s not even talk about bar path!), but with a little modification and motivation, my goal has been to stay healthy and active throughout my pregnancy for my baby.
I’m currently 34 weeks pregnant with 6 weeks to go! I’ve been able to continue participating in and coaching group classes, but have had to be creative and sensible when it comes to scaling. Above is a video of me working out at 30 weeks, incorporating some of the modifications that I’ve found helpful. I prefer rowing to running and have found the Assault Bike to be the most “comfortable” mono-structural option. My belly is at the point where keeping the bar close isn’t really an option, so Dumbbell Cleans and Snatches as opposed to barbell versions of these lifts are usually better options for me. Luckily, I’ve also been able to continue doing Burpees! I use dumbbells to elevate myself off the floor slightly to protect my growing baby. I could also elevate using paralettes, or a barbell in a rack. Walking the Burpees in instead of jumping is another option. CrossFit is indeed, as they say, infinitely scalable.
In terms of intensity, being mindful of my heartrate and respiratory rate as well as how my body is responding to the exercise has been key. Taking adequate rest, hydrating, and ensuring that I can have a conversation throughout the workout are other considerations. If you notice me taking a break and cheering others on mid-WOD, that’s why.
Now is a time to focus on technique, maintaining my fitness, and enjoying the community. For me, this is not the time for PR’s or ego (I’ll leave that to Alex… for now…). And while at times, watching others, I miss the feeling of an all-out 110% effort, I’m also enjoying taking a step back. I appreciate being able to just show up to the gym and get some work done.
I’ve received excellent suggestions from other women at the gym who have continued CrossFit while pregnant, and I hope to offer some helpful recommendations based on my experience to others. Please feel free to pull me aside or e-mail me (Melissa [at] if you have any questions.
News and Notes
- There are just 2 DAYS left to register for Fight Gone Bad 2016. Want to do a fun workout with your friends and raise money for a great cause? Sign up now!
- Schedule change: Today’s 9:00am Yoga class with Jaclyn K. is cancelled.
- Please note: There will be no parking at all on Degraw Street through Saturday of this week.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat / Back Squat | Wall Balls, DB Snatches
4 Grip-Strength Exercises Borrowed from Rock Climbers BarBend
Fighting Back Against Parkinson’s Pacific Standard