Power Clean and Jerk
Every minute on the minute x 10 minutes:
Power Clean + Mid-Hang Clean + Power Jerk
Build to a heavy load on the complex.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
50 Calorie Row
40 Handstand Push-Ups
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
20 Burpees
For Time:
20 Burpees
30 Pull-Ups
40 Push Presses 95/65
50 Calorie Row
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Jeremy sends Chainsaw Charlie into lift at last year’s Iron Maidens Raw Open
The Iron Maidens Raw Open and the Stay Strong Scholarship
You probably know that The Iron Maidens Raw Open, our women-only powerlifting meet slated for February 18th, is one of our most anticipated events of the year. 60 women, from CFSBK and beyond, will test their strength at Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift.
For the second year in a row, Iron Maidens lifters will raise funds to support the Stay Strong Scholarship. The Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship is operated by Grace Outreach, a South Bronx based non-profit that works with women to further their financial goals and gain financial independence. Students at GO face significant financial barriers to starting college. They are first generation college students who are low-income and working to support their families.
All of the money we raise supports a scholarship fund that pays for 80% of college tuition for undocumented students or women who have been victims of predatory for-profit colleges. Students in these financial situations have no access to financial aid dollars and the undocumented students are ineligible for most scholarships.
The Stay Strong Scholarship sent 7 women to college last year, and they’re all thriving, but if we don’t raise at least $24,000 this year we won’t be able to keep them enrolled. This is the prime time to be supporting this cause. The undocumented women we support are more vulnerable than ever given the current , and as a collective group of strong women we are all aware of the political and social issues they face.
Now, more than ever, we are proud to be giving this necessary support to undocumented women who are working to improve their lives through education. This scholarship rewards persistence—the grit and determination to keep going during hard times. We believe this recognizes and addresses the reality our students face, and also captures the essence of the Iron Maidens Competition.
How can you get involved? If you’re an Iron Maidens competitior, make sure you’ve signed up through the Crowdrise page, and get started with fundraising by reaching out to your friends, family, and professional networks. If you’re not competing, show some love by donating to your favorite lifter(s) through the 2017 Crowdrise campaign here.
Join Us for the CFSBK Community Potluck this Saturday at 7pm
We’re excited to get everyone in house to break bacon and socialize together outside of normal classes. This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look Feel Perform Better Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together.
This event is open to everyone and all are encouraged to come. See the event page for more details, and post in the comments there to let us know what you’re planning to bring. We can’t wait to see you there!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Rack Step Ups and Chin-Ups
The Only Way We Can Fight Back Is to Excel NY Times
Brainz n Gainz made a solid comeback last night to win pub quiz by a handy margin. Between the old guard (Kevin, Karl, and me) and the first-timers (Dan, Koji, and Jess), not even an entire round on Marcel Proust* could stop us!
If you want to play too, we do Wednesday nights at the Rock Shop whenever we can pull together 3 or more people. Email me, stellavision, gmail, if interested.
*that I wrote, and therefore had to sit out of. I am almost as good at making a poker face as I am at bar muscle-ups, FYI.
Today's work w/McJess. Did the complex with 5 sets at 93 and 5 at 98. Jess pointed out that I have a tendency to lose connection with the bar and let it crash-land on my shoulders instead of pulling myself under it. After several attempts, I think I kinda sorta fixed that?
Fitness WOD with 1/2 volume pullups, 9:06. My kip was not awesome today, but it was also not terrible. I will take it!
6am with Jess and McD
Worked up to 198 on the complex. Never felt heavy but didn't have a ton of recovery time between reps so it got tiring
Metcon in 8:55 – this was a fun one. HSPU were the toughest part
EMOM Complex: Started at 113 and ended with a few at 143. That rest just become shorter and shorter.
WOD: 12something as Fitness with C2B pull-ups. Hand are pretty beat up, some took my time here with the pull ups. Burpees fast, push press in 3 sets, and row in 2:40ish,
Bench Press: 115 x 4 x 2, 120 x 3 x 2. This was my top Iron Maidens weight last year, so excited to do it for reps.
LBBS: 220 x 4, 220 x 5 x 4
Got nervous on the first set and stopped one rep early. Got some safety bars and was able to finish it out – just needed that mental safety net.
Assault Bike: 108 calories (10 minutes – 17 sec work, 13 sec rest)
6am McJess
EMOM – up to 165#
Trying to work on not losing tension at the bottom when catching cleans. Think I got it a couple times, but something to work on more.
Perf Metcon
Still have some gnarly tears from BMU day so just did the row and HSPU. Took me forever (~15:00 – 16:00 in total), but got through 40 with 1 ab mat, which is big win for me.
6am with McDowell and Jess
EMOM work: 83×4, 88×3, 93×2, 98 made the power clean fine, failed the high hang clean. Just didn't commit.
WOD: either 12 or 13 something, totally blanked on what Jess said my time was at the end. Scaled pull ups to 20 with a green + blue band, 63# on push press one set of 10 and a bunch of 5s with more than a few push jerks slipping in. Row sucked.
If I ever see a racehorse named Candle in the Wind I will put all my money on it.
6am with Jess and McD
C+J complex: 154×2, 165×2, 176×2, 187×2, 198, 154 – Focused on snappy jerks. We've done tons of higher volume overhead stuff recently, but very little max effort, so its been easy to get sloppy.
Metcon in 14:57 (scaled to 20 HSPU) – This was all HSPU. Got 4 then lots of singles.
7am w/McJess
EMOM CJ complex- up to 140. love CJ EMOMs so much
Fitness WOD in 11:30. Push presses in 6-8s, hardest portion to get through. Died on the row, as per usual when it comes last in a chipper
I love this photo of Charlie and Jeremy. It beautifully captures so much.
7 a.m. w/proud owners of Rich Froning & Tiny Prancer.
C&J EMOM: 135×3, 145×3, 155×3, 165F. Lack of practice on the full cleans (and missing so many squat days due to travel on weekends this cycle) has really been detrimental. Starting to get in my head a little bit. Need to take a step back and work the full range of motion carefully.
Metcon: 11:08, Fitness Rx'ed. Steady on the burpees, slow on the pull-ups, fast-ish on the push press (10-10-10-5-5) and row (2:47).
10am class
Up to 198 on the complex. None of these felt great today and the window of rest seemed to get really short.
Perf Rx in 10:50
HSPU took forever. My shoulders are smoked.
6am with McJess
EMOM – 135 x 2, 145 x 2, 155 x 3, 165 x 2, 175F
Rushed and didn't commit to the hang clean at 175. Rest felt good.
Performance WOD in 17ish?? minutes with 34 HSPU. Didn't look at the clock at the end. HSPU took me forever and after failing two in a row at 34 decided to move on to save my head and neck. c2b in small sets.
10 AM with Jess and Brett.
started at 63# on the complex and upped in 5# each round to end at 108#.
Love these EMOM workouts.
Metcon in 7:16 with ring rows @ 63# pushpress- decided to do the same as yesterday's jerks and it worked fine. have to get back to my pull-up work.
6a with McDowell & Jess
C&J EMOM worked up to somewhere in the 185-190#.
Was a combination of KGs & LBs. All reps felt nice and light.
WOD: 13:59 Rx
HSPUs still need work. 40 took a long time
Fun chipper workout
Hopped into the last half of yesterday's 6:30pm Group Class with MelRo's place.
AMRAP 12:00
12 Burpees
12 T2B (Unbroken 4 Rounds, 4-2)
12 Push Jerks @ 115 (Unbroken 3 Rounds, 9-3)
4 Rounds + 17 Reps
Todays 12:00pm Class With Lady Fox
Power Clean + Hang Clean + Push Jerk
175x1x5 Was doing this in Kilos… thought I had more weight on the bar than I actually did :/
Performance Metcon
Row 50 Cals (slowish)
40 Strict HSPU (5-5-5-5 then 3's and 2's at the end)
30 CTB Kipping Pull-Ups (Unbroken)
20 Burpees (as fast as I could)
Tired. But have been eating really clean and enough calories which is really helping hit these workouts hard and recover
Jumped into 10AM Group Class for the lifting portion to keep me from lollygagging on my own!
A. EMOM x 10 : power clean + hang clean + power jerk
50kg, 55, 58, 60, 60, 63, 63, 65, 65, 68kg = 150#
Pretty sure 150# is a PR for hang clean and also power jerk. Happy to hit that relatively cleanly while tired at the end! As always, I lift heavy weights better when I have less time to think and more external motivation.
B1. 4” Frack Def Rvrs Lunge 4×10 @ 90# (3 sets R)
B2. Single Arm High pull 4×6 @ 45#
C. 5x, moving consistently:
50’ yoke carry (195, 235, 275×2, 315×1)
:12 L-Sit, straight legs
(3 sets only) 50 double unders, unbroken
Fun to work the yoke with Lady Fox!
7am w/ Jess and McDowell
EMOM: 95×2, 100×4, 105×4. Right shoulder feeling spicy today, so I didn’t push it too hard. Good pointers from Jess and McDowell on finding the right landing position in the jerk.
WOD in 9:15.
~2:45 for the row, 20 handstand pushups (sets of 2-4), pullups in sets of 3-5. Burpees were burpees. Took my time on the HSPUs. Good practice.
1) FSQ 4×4 Heavier than last week
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 175×1) 195x4x4
-all worksets with a belt but they felt a-ok!
2a) Press 4×4 Heavier than last week
(45×5, 75×5) 87.5x4x4 (moved well, no belt)
2b) Stiff Legged Deadlift 4×4 Heavier than last week
(135×5) 185x4x4 (also fine, no belt)
3)Group class WOD solo
For time: Performance Wod;
50 cals, erg (3:07)
40 HSPU's (5-5-5-5-5-4-3-3-3-2)
30 CTB (7-3-3-2-3-3-3-2-2)
20 Burpees
Time: 12:36
4a) Yoke Carry 50' at (195, 235, 275) 315, 335, 355, 375
4b) Wide Grip Strict Pullups 4×5 (strict with blue band assist)
1a) Sumo Deadlift 4×4 Heavier than last week. 240x4x4
1b) Matador Dip 4 sets x 1-5 Strict + Max Kipping: was able to do 4 strict + 4 kipping for all sets.
1c) Ring Support (top) 4x :20
2) 5 Rounds
15 Wall Ball 14/9
12 Power Snatches 75
9 Burpees
Rest 1 Minute Goal is consistent splits
2:23, 2:28, 2:33, 2:51, 2:50
-so much harder than I expected. All wallball unbroken. First round of snatches were 6-4-2 and then just kept to 4 for the rest of the rounds. 1min rest is not alot of time!
1" Deficit Deadlift
250 x 4, 260 x 4, 245 x 4
Respect to all you long-legged deadlifters out there- an inch made a big difference! These were solid pulls though.
75 x 4, 80 x 4, 82.5 x 4
Pin Squat (so strange!!)
155 x 5 x 3
5:30 with Whit and Ro.
Worked up to 118# on the EMOM clean complex.
Performance WOD in 15:25 I think.
-Attempted RX but the HSPUs took forever and wrecked me for the C2B so I only did 5 C2B and the rest were regular kipping pull-ups. Butterflies were not happening today.
Had originally intended to scale volume on the HSPU's but got to 30 and thought wtf just do 10 more. Should have maybe stuck with my original plan. You live, you learn!
This was a lot of fun though!!
And yes- this is one of my favorite pics from last year's meet. I was dying to run out onto the platform, the adrenalin was pumping, Beyonce was playing, everyone was cheering and Jeremy, always the voice of reason and a calming presence, was holding me back because they hadn't called my name yet. This was probably taken just as he told me to go get 'em. PR'ed my deadlift moments after this pic was taken. Magical day. Looking forward to more of the same in a few weeks.