Push Jerk
Every minute on the minute x 15 minutes:
1) 7 Push Jerks 155/105
2) 7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
3) 10 Calorie Row
The barbell comes from the floor (via a Power Clean). The barbell load should be medium-heavy for you, and the reps should be performed unbroken. The Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups may be broken up, but leave at least 15 seconds in the minute to transition to the row. Scale to regular Pull-Ups or Jumping Pull-Ups as needed. Aim to pull the 10 cals in as few strokes as possible.
Post time and Rx to comments.
For Time:
50 Burpees
Get down, get up
Post time to comments.
Meredith R.’s award-winning desert from Saturday’s CSFBK Community Potluck. More photos from the Potluck will be posted this week!
Register for the 2017 CrossFit Open
Registration for the 2017 CrossFit Open started a couple of weeks ago. We want you to sign up! But why should you? First, as of a couple years ago, the Open includes both Rx’d and Scaled divisions, so don’t fret if you don’t have Muscle-Ups or Handstand Walks yet. Second, registering for the Open is good for the whole CFSBK community. As befits our spirit of inclusiveness, we usually have a big team, and we’d love to have an even bigger team this year. Even if you do only one rep for one of the WODs, it won’t bring the team down. We’re shooting to have 100 CFSBKers register for this year’s Open. The third reason is a little more complicated. What if—like your CFSBK blog Editor—you’re not naturally competitive because you were always large for your age and thus a big, slow target in dodgeball? To answer this last question (or some version of it), we’re reposting Coach Fox’s blog classic “Why Compete?” Enjoy!
Why Compete?
By Chris Fox
Originally posted on 12.1.2012
As a youth I was not very involved in competitive sports, so I can’t speak to that angle on why competition is a healthy aspect of training as an adult. Sure, I’ve played some pick up football, basketball, rugby, baseball, etc… but the consequences were only week to week, never having long lasting meaning to me. As an adult I have found new meaning in what training and testing mean to me. I’ve trained with intention and set performance goals for more than a decade and found CrossFit within the past 6 years. CrossFit was the first time that I had ever really tested my performance in a competition setting. The beauty of Crossfit, and the related fitness sports that go along with it like powerlifting, olympic lifting, strongman/women, adventure races, etc… is that while you are ‘competing’ with the people you’re sharing floor/track/trail/platform space with, you must also compare your performance to your own previous performances. Sometimes the goal may be to only finish an event. First time out? Just get through it with success. Other times it may be to best your previous years placement or possibly to achieve a top place in an event. In my case the goal is to get better as an athlete and to not slip backward as the competitive environment gets more and more, well, competitive.
I have no illusions of winning any powerlifting meets, Olympic meets, the CrossFit Games, or even any of the local throwdown style events. Does that mean that my participation is silly? Hell NO! I get to hang with some cool folks, push my limits, and measure where I lay not only in comparison to my fellow athletes but also in relation to my previous self. As a (very) soon to be 40 year old male, society would have me believe that my best days are behind me. I respond with a resounding “NOT” and strive year after year to be a bit better that the me from the year before. I enjoy the process, the goal setting, and the satisfaction of knowing that I prepared for an event as best as I could. Or, in learning what I might do differently the next go around.
We test ourselves day in, day out at CFSBK. There are metrics to be recorded for sure, and you should be tracking them regularly. I encourage you all, however, to step outside of your comfort zone once in a while and and test your performance in those not so cozy places where the others are. You might find out that you hate it, but you might also find out that it inspires you to be better or at least have some outside of the box fun. At the very least you’ll have learned something about yourself.
Your Attitude Can Make or Break You Thrive Global
Benefits of Depth Jumps Breaking Muscle
With the games fast approaching I propose the name The Gray Skulls" for our merry group of masters athletes. Let me know if you are with me!
6am with Ro and McD
Did the EMOM at 155 – never got too tough. Liking these EMOMs as skill work and lighter training days over NFT work.
Burpees in 1:58
6am with McD and Ro
EMOM at 155, wasn't too bad. Tried to push it hard on the row at about 1700 cal/hr, focused on rebounding the jerk and kipping on the C2B.
Burpees in 1:25.
EMOM at 103 and doing kipping pull-ups. Usually had to take an extra breath after the 4th jerk to finish them out. Pull ups mostly in two sets (5-2 or 4-3).
Burpees in 2:32. I think I was just beginning the 30s when Michael finished.
Bench Press: 115 x 4 x 4.
103# on the bar felt intimidatingly heavy in warmups, so I did the workout at 93#. In retrospect I should have just trusted in my strength and gone with the Rx.
Kipping pullups, on the other hand, were not bad! I didn't do C2B — not there yet — but I was able to string together 3 or 4 chin-over-bar kips every time. Thanks, AG!
Burpees in 3:47. I think. Which is consistent with my MO of "be 1.5x slower than Kayleigh."
7a with Ro and McDowell
EMOM jerks at 93, broke up into sets of 4-3 for the final two rounds. Rows at ~30 sec each, kipping pull ups.
Burpees in 2:26. For the final 25, tried to think about it as a few quick sets of 5 instead of trying to count up to 50
6am McRo
EMOM @ 135#
Those push jerks got tougher than I expected by the 4th set. First three rounds unbroken and no problem. C2B feeling good today.
50 Burpees in 4:17
Went wayyyy too hot out of the gate for the first 20 and then spent lots of time hating the rest of it on the floor.
7am w/McRo
EMOM @ 120#, appropriately heavy. Forcing myself to add weight on all this shoulder to overhead recently is satisfying after hanging out comfortably at 95-105# for months.
50 burpees in 3:58. Felt like heaven lying supine for a minute afterwards.
6am McD/Rooooo
EMOM @155#. Repeating Dan L's comments. I like the EMOM work.
Burpees: Kayleigh minus 3 seconds 🙂
7 a.m. w/McDowell & Ro.
EMOM: 135#, regular pull-ups in lieu of C2B. Unbroken throughout, which was my goal.
Burpees: 3:15, far and away a new record for me and at a better pace than the 77 I put up on the 7-minute AMRAP a few months back. Ro bellowing "FASTER!!" at us during the first 10 seconds as Rage Against the Machine blasted from the speakers was highly effective.
6am with McRo
Emom work at 135#. Ended up doing 5 reps of push jerks for 3 of the rounds as they were bothering my low back. It was uncomfortably quiet during the emom work.
Burpees in 2:49. Definitely have time to shave off this. Heart wasn't in it today.
6am class before an awesome professional development late start day at work!! So fun to have the workout done! In fact, I'm doing laundry right now on a school night because I actually have time! Yay!
EMOM: 73#, was appropriate but disappointing. C2B were mostly pull-ups- have a hard time with kip and actually touching my chest.
WOD: man, I tried my best but those 6amers are so amazing. 2:43 was nothing compared to the speed and dedication in that class! Dang. I'm blaming my lack of coffee and breakfast. :/ or I really need to start running again!!!
Ro spotted me on a muscle up again! Eeeee can't wait for the day I do it on my own. Any day now 😛
Jefferson Deads 185x5e x3
Shoulder Openers 5x5e x3
EMOM x 15 (5ea)
7 Push Jerks 155
7 C2B Pull Ups
10 Cals Rowed
Started to get a little tunnel vision heading to the barbell after the 3rd round. All unbroken and Rx'd. about 15-20 seconds for the jerks and pull ups, about 25-30 seconds for the rows.
Have to make up the burpees. My best is about 2:30. Will be tough to beat :/
EMOM at 83# and regular pull ups. I get high enough sometimes but struggle to touch my chest to the bar. Anything overhead is still a huge weakness for me- these felt really hard.
Didn't catch my breath in the short break (that i tried to drag out haha)
Burpees in 2:48. brutal.
6:30pm Group Class with MelRo's Place
2 Rounds
8 each 40lb DB Push Press
16 40lb DB Swings
4 Strict Pull-Ups
5 Rounds
7 CTB Kipping Pull-Ups (Unbroken)
10 Cal Row (:25-30)
7 Push Jerks 155lbs (Unbroken)
Last set of Push Jerks was a challenge and admittedly I started it probably :15 after the clock turned over. Spent a lot of time focusing on catching my breath as quickly as I could between work intervals.
50 Burpees
Steady but didnt feel like I had a 4th or 5th gear today. Actually think I'm coming down with something. Several children sneezed or coughed directly into my mouth between preschool class, kids class and a birthday party… so I blame that.
5:30 with Ro & Melo
Ugh, felt so strong this weekend and so beat up & slow today.
EMOM: 73# on push jerks, unbroken the first 3 then 5-2, 4-3
Scaled pull ups to 5 strict w/green + blue bands
Mentally stupid on the row, need to pay attention to my own pace AND practice once in a while
4:06 on burpees–about the same as 75 in 7min
All ughs aside, I really liked the progressions we practiced for kip swings. Dreaming of that pull up some day.
Started out doing some 500M splits across the street and decided I wanted to work out with people. I've been really enjoying group class lately so I decided to keep it going. Missing the camaraderie and always come out of group class feeling happy : )
6:30pm group:
1) push jerk at 103#, felt crisp towards the last 3 rounds. was able to find a good rhythm with my breathing, kind of went into this feeling all soft and wiggly, but once i remembered how to tighten up and be aggressive these felt great.
2) C2B: these were feeling on tonight so I went for 7 in round 1 and then went for 10s.
focused on a cue from Ro on the kipping 101 work about pulling more horizontally and it really worked! My kip was so much tighter than usual so the EMOM work served me well. need to try and reinforce this
3) cal row: woof. I have no legs today. felt slow and quads were burning like crazy
50 burpees: 2:11
Just closed my eyes until it was over.
Charlie found my rope in the "valuables" drawer!! Thank you to whomever returned it! And although it's not that expensive, it is valuable to me:)
Push Jerks @ 83#. Reallllly wanted to do these at 93 but didn't want to get too greedy as I ease back into it. They felt great though. All unbroken and cycled.
C2B: started doing C2B but was flailing all over the place. Switched to pullups. Def need to get these back before the Open!
Row: Gave it my ALL and finished in 35s each round. Probably 1s quicker if I didn't stop to let it coast from 9 to 10 cals.
Burpees: 2:56 (or maybe 2:54)
Goal was under 3 minutes, but thought I could do them faster. Planned to do 18 per minute, but only squeezed out 17 in the first minute so knew it would just get slower from there. 18s improvement from July 2015.