Clean and Jerk
Warm up (sample warm up progression below, notice the sets at lower weights) and test your 1RM. If you’re feeling good, then try to set a new personal best. If not then warm up and try to make a few singles at or above 85% of your previous 1RM. If you’re newer to the lift, or just want to break it down a bit, perform the complex of: Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Jerk (or Push Press).
Sample Warm Ups (previous 1RM 133): 53 x 3 x 2, 73 x 2 x 2, 93 x 1 x 2, 103 x 1, 113×1 (85%). If you’re feeling good then… 123, 130, 135, more?
Press outs are missed lifts, as is any part of the body other then the feet touching the floor.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
Set a fast pace and try to hang on. Scale Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Next Sunday: The Subway Series Stops at CrossFit Queens
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throw down: the 8th annual NYC Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year.
This year the 3rd event takes place at CrossFit Queens on October 7th. The Subway Series uses a team format (M/M and F/F), and there are both Scaled and Rx’d divisions, so we hope as many CFSBKers as possible will sign up.
Grab a partner and register here!
To better serve the littlest, cutest members of our community, we’ve made some adjustments to our Sunday CrossFit Kids schedule. Starting today, the new class times will be as follows:
8am – 9am: CrossFit Preschool (3 – 4)
9am – 10am: CrossFit Kids (5 – 7)
10am – 11am: CrossFit Kids (5 – 7)
All classes will take place in the Annex at 597.
Now that schools are back in session, our Kids programs are becoming more popular, so it’s really important that you register your child ahead of time. Our Preschool class is capped at 10, and our Kids classes are capped at 8. Please RSVP in advance via the member connect site.
Yesterday’s Results Board: “Jerry”
Important Considerations When Lifting With a Larger Body Girls Gone Strong
16 CrossFit Athletes Over 50 Who Think Reader’s Digest Is Full of Shit Morning Chalk Up