Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on our normal schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
Open Intramural Team Rankings: Week 3
Coaches David and Keith are here to bring you another edition of the CFSBK Update Show. Once again, they recap the Intramural Team Competition standings and highlight some impressive individual results. You may notice a professional wrestling vibe in this week’s episode. Be sure to watch until the end, when they get oiled up and throw down in the squared circle.
Current Ranking – Team – Overall Average
1. Jacked in Black: 26.54
2. Blubonic Plague: 30.66
3. Reasonably Okay Hulks: 30.94
4. Code Red: 31
5. Bar Muscle Pups: 31.12
What will happen to these already-tight standings when the dust settles on this week? To find out, join us tonight starting at 5:30pm for Friday Night Lights. Sign up for a heat HERE!
News and Notes
- A new cycle of Coach Ro’s Anti-Gravity Strength class starts TOMORROW, and there are just 2 spots left. Go HERE to learn more and claim one!
- We’ve made some tweaks to our class schedule to better serve our community. Here’s what’s happening: Tuesday’s 5:30pm Strong Fit class will be dropped. Anti-Gravity classes will switch days and times. AG will now meet Wednesdays at 5:30pm and Saturdays at 1pm.
- We have a new cycle of our Level 2 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu starting this Sunday. Go HERE to learn more and register.
- Pilates is cancelled this Sunday, March 10th.
- We’re always trying to get better at what we do. If you have a minute, head over to the Feedback page and tell us about your experience at the gym!
Yesterday’s Results Board
Everything Is Connected Breaking Muscle
Sticking With CrossFit Through Cancer Morning Chalk Up
Saturday’s Programming
For Time:
200-ft. Dumbbell Overhead Lunge
50 Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
50 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
200-ft. Handstand Walk
Rx: 50-lb. dumbbell, 24-in. box
Time Cap: 10 minutes
Post time and Rx to comments.
Open WOD w/KHarpz at 7 AM. Really wish I could’ve done 8 AM like I did last week — not that I don’t love my judge Vanessa but I was the only person in a Jacked in Black shirt at that time and I would’ve made 3 of us at 8 AM.
90 reps, as expected; tiebreak 7:43 (I had no expectations on what that would be). Lunges were both easier and took longer than I thought they would. Step ups were a slog, and I shouldn’t have taken breaks, or at least not as many breaks.
Not that I think I would have gotten my first HSPU if I’d gone any faster. I did get closer and closer to the ground with each attempt until I finally did get my head to touch the floor a couple of times, but then reptile brain immediately took over and I fell out of the handstand with a terrified scream. LOL. It’s gonna take more than the Open to conquer what is, for me, a very deep-seated fear.
Which is fine. A couple of years ago I’d be beating myself up over this, because I know I’m strong enough to do it (especially now that I weigh so much less than I used to!). But 90 seconds of trying ain’t gonna do it; when I decide to spend, like, six months of focused work on it, that’s when it might happen. I do wish it didn’t take me so long to learn movement skills, but hey, nature balances her gifts, right? I have to compensate for my crossword skillz somehow. 😛
It’s (still) just exercise!
Good Job Stella, you’ll get one!
It is just a workout. You are a master of Crossword Skills. But….. What if you could do Crosswords whilst HSPU’ing…..
That sounds like dental work waiting to happen. LOL
Reptile brain! Lol! Stella you killed it! You’re starting to really own the control in your descent and you should be proud of that. I know I am! Once I got used to the first scream I was cool with it, but the first one my stomach dropped because I thought u were ded. Nice job today Stella!!!
LMFAO!!!! I thought I had accustomed everyone to my soprano yells by now. I even do that shiz when doing skin the cats 😂
great work and great aggressively chill attitude this morning, stella – those lunges looked effortless. and way to confront the reptile brain. i *am* used to your upside down screams and knew you were just fine 😉
Hoping by just signing up for AG Strength, it got me a Strict Handstand push-ups. Or even better…. 50 of them.
Knowing you, anything is possible!
That AGS sign-up form is quite powerful, but only if you do it with a 4s tempo 😉
Dam it thaaaaats why i didn’t get my stict yesterday! No tempo!
19.3 at 10am class with super tanned coach Whit and bring judge by Superman/Clark Kent himself, James Franch
91 reps Rx
Got one strict HSPU!! I thought the lunges would be the terrible part of this, but it was actually the step ups. Alternating legs really confused my oxygen-deprived brain, and I had to take more breaks than I wanted. Tie-break time 9:15, which means I basically only had time for 1 attempt. Maybe if I had another 30s I could have gotten 2 HSPU? Definitely not worth redoing this to find out where I could jump from 91 to 92 or 93. Glad to have gotten this one out of the way early, and to have witnessed James beast out his HSPUs.
Nice, Daniel!
Agree on the step-ups being worse than the lunges.
91 is a beautiful number for this workout, Daniel! Big congrats.
91 is a magic number for this. well done
90 reps RX; 7:26 tiebreak
This went OK! Lunges were very challenging–didn’t know what to expect, and could really improve with more efficient foot work (needed one last lunge past the line every.single.time) and more balanced strength (did a whopping 2 passes w/my left arm). Also lost balance quite a bit out of the gate with people next to/in front of me. Tough to focus! Should have pushed harder on the steps up. I think I could have reasonably finished this around 7:00 if I’d taken a shorter break from the lunges & ramped up after the first 10reps instead waiting until the last 20; that was purely mental, it’s not like I would have failed a rep or something (just JAM, kate!). Kicked up to the wall a couple of times, but like I told my team, that was a one way elevator down. I got that one strict HSPU that one time, one year ago, and I’ll just keep chasing that feeling 🙂
I anticipate some hella fast tiebreak times on this + more than a few handstand walks!!!
ALSO, just took a very important 1mi or so cash out to walk my a$$ out. My glutes & quads are gonna be comically sore tomorrow.
Woah black Betty JAM A LAM! In the words of B Marley, WE JAMMIN. STOP JAMMERTIME!
10 AM with Whit.
I was more excited that I predicted part of this workout than with the actual announced workout.
Thrilled to get 90 reps at 9:11. Kicked up but didn’t really come close to one hspu. Judged by Bob Semmens- 13th the in the world on 19.1 in his age group!
Struggled to maintain alternate legs on both exercises which seems crazy- finally got to an even/odd: left/right counting scheme on the step-ups.
Balancing the weight behind my neck for the step-ups worked well.
While judging James, all I could hear was a loud “YEAH” from your side of the floor and I knew you had finished those dreaded lunges. Good job Charles!
Noon class with Brett doing 19.3
90 Rx’d with a 6:12 tiebreak. I knew I’d be gunning for a good tiebreak since I don’t have HSPUs. Right arm down, left arm back, 8 steps each time, with minimal rest until the 6th set. Step ups with the db btn as 30-20 and really tried to move on the 20. Don’t think I could’ve gone much faster. Then two failed attempts at a hspu.
Nice, Linda! That is a KILLER tiebreak time!
10am doing 19.3 RX as an unregistered open athelete (forgot to write my score on the white board this morning, so figured I’d post here – trying to stick with my NY resolution of posting scores!)
108 reps.
Did the first four laps of lunges unbroken with my right arm. Finished with one lap with my left, two with my right and one with my left. Felt strong on the right side from the start so figured I’d go as far as I could without putting the weight down as, personally, once I put something down I get really lazy and end up resting way too much. Tried to keep transition times as quick as possible.
Step ups unbroken with weight behind my neck, shaking out arms from time to time. These were super boring and I just tried to force my brain into autopilot mode. Finished around 6ish minutes.
My goal for the HSPU was to not go to failure and that was my only real plan going in. Started with 3-2 and then a slow, slog of singles to get to 18. I wish I had done 2-1, 2-1, etc. from the beginning and I *think* I could have gotten to 25. Maybe.
Definitely know some folks with bad ass strict HSPU strength who will make it to the HS walks this week!
Courtney – I knew you were going to crush this…wanted to hang out after short circuit to watch. Nice job!