Sameer's Austere South West WOD and Muscle Up
Only Some Things Matter CrossFit WaterTown
CrossFit NorCal Margarita
Muscle Up Straddle Through CrossFit NorCal
What are some of your favorite rainy day activities?
WOD 8.27.09
5 Rounds of:
1 Minute C2 Row, for calories
1 Minute Wall Ball, for reps
1 Minute Weighted "Rest"
Putting down your barbell during the weighted rest constitutes a Foul
Post reps and fouls to comments.
Accessory Work
Plank Work
12' Wall Ball Shots
Team 10 So far. Only 2 slots left for Fight Gone Bad!
Jacinto Bonilla
Jenna McAuley
Charmel Rodgers
Fight Gone Belated (So Far)
Andy Hadel, Jack Levavi, David Mak
A Margie Sighting!
Extreme Tennis Court Locations Toxel
Hamburger Bed! Fashion Binge
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compare to (5×5) 8.17.09 and (5×3) 6.22.09
Accessory Work
Muscle-Up Practice
WU: 3 Rounds NFT
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Weighted Lunges
15 Pulls on the Erg
Shawn rips out some 95lb Thrusters
Fight Gone Bad, Team 9!
Joe Williams
Matt Ufford
Jillian Bronsteyn
Nick Peterson
Charlotte Kaiser
We've got one odd man out who needs 4 teammates for a 10th and Final Team. Who's gonna join the Warrior, Jacinto Bonilla on FGB Team 10??
Rest Day
Malcolm meets the newest member of our community, Hazard Peterson
Fight Gone Bad Team 8
Leonid Rozenburg
Margie Lempert
Alec Hellner
Sameer Parekh
David Osorio
Joe Williams and Matt Ufford have started FGB Team 9, they need 3 more people for a complete team.. who's gonna step up?? Register Online Here
We also are going to need volunteers to help set up, tabulate scores and do a little crowd control the day of the event. If you're interested, please email david(at)
There are still slots left for our next Foundations Cycle. Here are the cycle details:
Times: Mondays and Thursdays at 8pm
Dates: 9/3, 9/7, 9/10, 9/14, 9/17, 9/21, 9/24, 9/28
Program Overview: Click Here
Register Here!
Thanks to everyone for the thoughtful responses to this week's discussions on preparing your own food. We talked about the health benefits, economic motivation and joy of ritual that comes with making your own meals. Why not take all this motivation and prepare a delicious meal for someone special?
What song are you currently really into?
each rep will be taken from a dead start
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compare to 7.27.09
Accessory Work
WU: 3 Rounds NFT
20 Double Unders
15 Box Jumps
10 Knees to Elbows
Fight Gone Bad Team 7
Dan Reshef
Carlos Guerra
Shawn Sadjatumwade
Stephanie paddock
Mike Voigt
We've 2 athletes shy of a complete 8th Fight Gone Bad team. Interested athletes (especially females!) should register here. Represent, ladies!
Where is the World is Coach Margie Lempert?
Overhead Squat
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compare to 8.15.09
Accessory Work
Sumo Deadlift High Pull Review and practice
3 Point Wall Ball and Max Height Throw
Group External Rotator Stretch
Fight Gone Bad Team 6!
Ben Walsh
Ariel Kalishman
Vincent Dugan
Nicole Shannon
Gerrit Gills
Sumo Deadlift High Pull CrossFit
Sumo Deadlift High Pull by Rachel Medina CrossFit
High Pull Fault CrossFit
Throwing Grace CrossFit
WOD 8.22.09
For time:
Row 500m
40 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1 Pood
30 Pull-ups
20 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs
10 Burpees
Accessory Work
Work on a weakness or spend some time on the Foam Rollers
Get Well Soon, Bethany and Allan
Good luck to Coach Shane as he travels to GSX Athletics in Texas this weekend for a CrossFit Kids Certification.
Fight Gone Bad, Team 5:
Ryan Piester
Rebecca Steinman
Bjorn Bellenbaum
James Ryan
Laurel Madar
Rest Day
South Brooklyn's own Anthony and Mike overseas. At ease, Gentlemen.
Our first two Fight Gone Bad Teams have selected captains and names:
Team 1 gave the big "C" to Anne Williams and made use of all their initials to form their new name: "A.rmed A.nd dangerA.S.S"
Team 2 will now be known as "The Chocolate Milk Thistles" and will be led by Captain Sarah Haskins
Fight Gone Bad Team 4:
Debbie Parsons
Jeremy Fisher
Anne Ishii
Erik Kelly
JR McKenchie
Click here for a breakdown of all the teams so far.
Which FGB movement do you think is the most difficult and why?
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compare to 8.12.09
Accessory Work
Medicine Ball Rotational Tosses
Clean Drills
Kicking Ass and Taking Names one Decade at a Time
Fight Gone Bad Team 3!
Juliana Agudelo
Christian Fox
Paul Steinman
Paul Sanwald
Colette Komm
Fund raising note: Everyone who would like to participate in Fight Gone Bad IV must register through the FGB portal and is encouraged to attempt a fund raising effort. While there is no minimum to compete, even donating $20 yourself will go a long way towards 2 great causes. At the end of the day, this is about community, charity and friendly competition. Register here
Get well soon to Bethany B. who dropped a knife on her foot and Allan E. who d broke his leg dancing. Yikes!
What was a really enjoyable meal you had out recently?
America's Food Crisis and How to Fix it Time
Orthorexia: Healthy Food Eating Disorder Guardian UK
WOD 8.19.09
Double-under for 2 minutes
Sit-up for 2 minutes
Double-under for 90 seconds
Sit-up for 90 seconds
Double-under for 1-minute
Sit-up for 1-minute
Double-under for 30 seconds
Sit-up for 30 seconds
Post numbers of sit-ups and double-unders to comments.
Accessory Work
:10 Front Lever Holds, 5 sets
WU: 3 Rounds NFT of:
6 Pistols each leg
12 "3-2-1" Push-Ups
Fight Gone Bad IV Team 2:
Shane Williams
David McGrath
Peter Hoppman
Sarah Haskins
Jessica Fox
You know the drill guys, contact one another, choose a captain, pick a team name and determine exercise order and preferred heat placement out of a hypothetical 6 teams. Good Luck, "Team 2!"
Haven't Registered? Register Here
Fight Gone Belated!
We've got a few folks who can't make this years FGB due to scheduling conflicts. If you want to participate in the event but aren't available the weekend of the 26th to compete, please post to comments and email me so we can set up a Fight Gone Belated team.
Welcome back from Brazil, Juliana and Charmel!
Do you eat more vegetables when you cook at home or when you eat out? Is the quality of greens the same either way?
10 Reasons to go Grain Free Nourished Kitchen
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