Ergs: Everybody loves ’em! | Photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Interested in volunteering for Iron Maidens? We’d love your help! There are a variety of ways to be involved. Fill out this volunteer form to learn more and share your availability.
2. With the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge in full swing, we revisited Coach David’s “Perfection Is the Enemy of Good Enough.” Whether you’re counting macros or just trying to eat a little cleaner, it’s a good reminder of what really matters when it comes to getting fitter and living healthier!
3. Join us for the inaugural Strong Fit class tomorrow at 8am! Strong Fit will stimulate different energy systems/intensities, and include objects not normally seen in group class: the yoke, axle, sandbags, handles, ropes, and sleds. You may end up giving The Mountain from Game of Thrones a run for his money.
4. Another new class, Fit 55+, starts Monday! Fit 55+ is a strength and conditioning class for older adults who want to move and use their bodies and are not content to simply sit on the couch getting older. See yesterday’s post for more info.
5. Join us for the next Iron Maidens Lift’n’Learn session this Sunday at 2pm! The session will focus on practicing the powerlifting commands used at Iron Maidens, followed by a discussion about fundraising. Danae M. will be providing information about Grace Outreach students, how the Stay Strong Scholarship fund has worked over this past year, and our goals for keeping it going in 2017. Superstar fundraisers Bethany Erskine, Christina LaBrie, and Halston Bruce will be talking about how they raised so much money to support our scholarship students.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard Results
Efficiency Tips: Barbell Cycling CrossFit Journal
“Weekend Warriors” Show Survival Benefits NY Times