Partner WOD
In teams of 2, partners alternate full rounds of the following…
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
5 Handstand Push-Ups
Choose a Kettlebell that’s on the heavy-ish side for you to perform 20 unbroken reps with. Scale Handstand Push-Ups to 1-2 AbMats or to Box Piked as needed.
Rest 5 minutes, then…
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps 24/20″
Use a box that allows you to move pretty consistently through the 15 minutes.
Post rounds, reps, and partner to comments.
Another beautiful sunset on Degraw Streeet
Today: CFSBK at the Crow Hill Open
Some intrepid CFSBKers are headed to the USAW Crow Hill Open this weekend. Francine D., Morit S., Katie H., Jacob M., Alex B., and Coach Arturo will be competing in this two-day Olympic lifting meet. Francine, Alex, Katie, and Arturo are shooting to qualify for the National Masters Weightlifting Competition, and this is Morit and Jacob’s first meet! The men will lift today, and the women will lift on Sunday. Show some love in the comments, or better yet, head over to Crow Hill and cheer them on! Kick some ass, guys!
Vote for Movie Night!
Exercise your CFSBK civic duty! On Friday, July 21st at 8pm (after Open Gym), a CFSBK summer tradition returns. That’s right, we’re talking about Movie Night! And we want you to tell us which of the following movies we should show:
Please leave a comment on the event page to vote for your preference! Movie Night will be BYOB. Come for some fitness, stay for some fun!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
A Plus-Size Girl Fitting in a CrossFit World Morning Chalk Up
How to Be Extremely Productive Without Getting Extremely Exhausted NY Mag
Gonna try and head over to Crow Hill after some fitness to watch some CFSBKers crush it!
In other news:
I’m selling my Gitane road bike.
It’s $150 on craigslist and $100 to a CFSBKer. (posted in the CFSBK classifieds too!)
It’s a 49cm frame, so anyone from 5’2-5’6 (maybe 5’7 if you have shorter legs) could ride it, body geometry depending. For reference I’m 5’5 and it’s perfect. It has a new back wheel and is a single speed conversion.
Rode her for 2 years then upgraded, it's a great city bike, steel, takes the road well but I was still able to carry it up a 5 floor walk up with a couple other bags. The brake set up is super nice as it lets you remain a little more upright. I'd like to see her go to a good home.
It would probably be wise to replace the bottom bracket in like ~1-2 years if you ride a lot. It'd end up being like $100 should it need to happen, hence the price now! Another plus is all the old bike dudes in the shop get excited when you bring in a Gitane from the 70’s so you’ll get old bike dude street cred.
Here’s the craigslist post.
This bike rules!!! @karina s. I just emailed your Craigslist ad. I will totally buy that from you!
@KHarpz yaaaaaassss 🙂
Fun class today. Partnered with frequent visitor Eric.
20 rounds plus 6 reps on the KB/HSPU
16 rounds plus 9 reps on the BRP/BJ
Felt pretty smoked after this. We kept the same consistent pace on the first WOD but Eric definitely got more rest on the 2nd one.
anyone know what time the dudes lift until?! Im a dingus and left my bike by the gym. want to try and squeeze in a trip to the gym before OG but unsure if they'll still be lifting
Hooray for our lifters at the Crow Hill Open! Was only going to pop in for a little bit, but got totally sucked in… very compelling event. Ro, Alex and Jacob all did very well; both Ro and Alex qualified for the masters. Congrats!
OG today. very quick warm up, then…
a1. 3 x 8 RDL @ 20×1
(95, 125, 145) 155, 165, 175
hook grip. WOOF.
a2. 3 x :10 top ring support, :03 lower, :05 bottom of dip ring support
b. 3x:
50' single arm farmer carry @ 105#, each side
8 single arm DB Press 25, 27.5# x2
carries sucked today after doing the RDLs. grippy. no pain on DB press.
c. 7x
:20 push press 65#
:20 DU
:20 TTB
:60 rest
this was perfect for today. 9 push press, 20-25 DU, and 7 TTB per round.
was moving at a good buzz and with the intention of stabilizing every PP at top for a couple seconds and focusing on position. played with narrow grip and really tight kip for TTB today which felt good. could have cranked out 8-10 reps/round but just wanted a consistent unbroken set without struggle.
d. lost a lot of motivation… ended up with 3×4 abwheel rollout from knees. and 1x10ea eccentric ankle dorsiflexion plus some stretching.
OG today!
18 min EMOM
1-4 strict c2b pull-ups (towards the end I wasn't hitting my chest low enough)
2- 4 strict dips ( finally feeling stronger!!)
3- 12 pistols
Slowly adding pulling movements into my workouts again. Shoulder is feeling more and more stable.
Front squat
5*4 @ 75% #165
My legs are getting stronger! Ever since I hurt my shoulder my lower body has been getting all the attention! Strong legs supply the engine!!
Every five minutes for 5 rds:
18 cal AAB
5 power snatch #95
Last round totally crushed me. Pushed myself though. I kept my RPM on the bike consistently at 60 which I was happy with. So hard to breath but slowly learning how to pace myself in these long workouts.
Beach day tomorrow! Hope everyone's enjoying the nice weather!!