A) Front Squat:
5 x 3 @ 3011
No pause at the bottom but the turnaround should be controlled with little to no “bounce.” Add a few lbs to last week.
B) Chin-Up:
5 x 3 @ 3011
No pause at the bottom but the turnaround should be controlled with little to no “bounce.” Add resistance or use band assistance that allows you to perform the reps at the prescribed tempo. As an alternative, perform Tall Kneeling Band Pulldowns. In either case the goal is use a more challenging variation than last week. Keep your neck neutral and avoid “chinning” yourself over the bar. Instead, keep the focus on the lats by pulling the elbows back and down toward the hips. The cue to “pull the bar/band to your sternum” may be helpful here.
Post loads to comments.
Week 6 of 6
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
15 Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings Left 24/16kg
5 Turkish Get-Ups Left 24/16kg
15 Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings Right
5 Turkish Get-Ups Right
The kettlebell loading should be challenging for the get ups. Modify and use a lighter dumbbells as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK’s Fit 55+ plus class is a strength and conditioning class for older adults who are not content to simply sit on the couch getting older. As the old adage goes, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” Research points to development of chronic disease in older populations not as a consequence of aging alone, but as a product of decreased activity and less-than-healthy lifestyle choices. Fit 55+ to the rescue! All classes include a warm up, a weight-training circuit intended to build strength and bone density, and a conditioning circuit designed to improve cardiovascular health. Know somebody who might benefit from Fit 55+? Send then this post!
Active Recovery Cancelled Today
Today’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled. Still want to do something other than CrossFit group class today? Don’t forget that we offer Pilates at 12pm!
5 Back Squat Errors and How to Fix Them BarBend
Michael Pollan On Caffeine Cravings NPR
Feeling a little beat up as we approach the end of our 6-week training cycle? Do something nice for your body! In our never-ending quest to be your one-stop health and fitness shop, we’re very happy to offer massage therapy with Leah DeCesare, LMT.