Performance: 5/3/1 “5 Week”
65%x5, 75%x5, 85×5+
Loss of a neutral back position will automatically end your rep out.
Fitness: 1×5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10lbs from last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
DL e4/6
Row As Many Calories as Possible in 10 Minutes
Post total calories rowed to comments.
Ring Inversions or Skin the Cats 101
2013 CrossFit Games Champ Sam Briggs gets 472 reps on 14.1. That’s 10 Rounds + 22 Double Unders
Sunday Updates and Notes
- Today at 2:00pm Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers will be competing in the CrossFit Total! Come see some big iron move!
- The Foxes are on vacation! There is No Active Recovery today or this Tuesday evening.
- CFSBK OG Sarah LR will be leaving New York for San Fran to embark on a career as a primary care clinician this week. All are welcome to her going away party today at the Whole Foods indoor roof today from 2-6pm. Bon Voyage, SLR!!!! CFSBK will miss you!
TODAY! Village Fishmonger at CFSBK for Fish CSA Meet & Greet
Wondering what to do with your share? There are recipes on the Village Fishmonger site, and Michele will also be posting recipes on her blog, and on the gym blog. Not ready to cook it when you get it home? Pop it in the freezer.
The Last, Disposable Action Hero NYT
Klokov does 225lb Isabel in 5:47