Five rounds for time of*:
40 pound dumbbell, walking lunge, 16 alternating steps
40 pound dumbbell, swing, 20 reps
Post time to comments.
*WOD modified due to lack of 50lb Dumbbells.
Accessory work
Alternate the following two tasks, 3 rounds:
L-Sit max hold
500m Row
Mobility Wk3
CrossFit Hoboken Winter Challenge Updates:
Affiliates are limited to one team of 6 athletes
Teams must RSVP by Dec. 9th or lose their slot
Athletes are encouraged to donate 5$ each for the trophies and food that went into setting up the event.
Click here for more Info
Well, for Three Years, Every Bite Organic NY Times
Is CrossFit Functional? Spark Sport Conditioning
Strength Standards for Women Gubernatrix >CFNYC