overhand grip only
Post loads to comments.
compare to (5×5) 7.12.09 and (5×3) 5.23.09
Accessory Work
Partner workout
5 Rounds for time of:
15 Rotational Medball Sit-ups, with toss
100 Double Unders
Each team gets one medicine ball and one Jump Rope
Happy Birthdays!!
Sarah, Yesterday!
Brian, Tomorrow!
AJ, Tuesday!
Deb and Alec's Shoulder Seminar is back on!
When: Sunday, August 2nd from 1:30-4pm.
What: Basic anatomy, normal mechanics, impingement and restorative/protective exercises will all be covered.
Who: Alec and Deb run a practice in NYC where they use various methods of manual therapies and neuromuscular re-education to restore balance, freedom of movement and comfort in posture to the body.
Cost: 30$, Space is limited, please RSVP through David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com
Several of our members have worked with Alec and Deb. Please post experiences to comments.
The World is Flat Academic Earth
About two months ago I started having acute knee pain when I stomped (Olympic lifting). It was familiar from when I was a child and a doctor had diagnosed me with tennis elbow in my knees.
I went to see Deb, and she has quite literally transformed the way I move my legs and stand. And aside from normal soreness my knees are no longer sore. I still have a raft of things to work out posturally and with regard to movement, but I feel like I am making a ton of progress.
I will definitely be going to the shoulder impingement seminar even though my shoulders seem to be just fine.
i think have a similar knee problem to malcolm, but am stubborn git as far as i don’t want to stop and keep pushing through the pain. this also means unfortunately i still have the injury, but my one visit to alec and deb made a huge difference. the depth of their analysis to what was causing the problem was MASSIVE.i’ll be going back soon and confident i’ll be fixed pronto.
Red Hook Pool work out this morning..
3×4 warm up2x3 1 stroke count, 1 recover. try to reduce strokes on each2x3 breathing technique..1 breath every 3 strokes, 1 recover, 1 breath every 5 strokes, 1 recover, 1 breath every 7 strokes, 1 recover1x4 relay sprints start at mid pool. sprint to wall flip turn sprint to half way. as soon as swimmer gets to half way other swimmer goes.2 cool down.
I’m super bummed I can’t make the shoulder seminar. Sounds like something I could really use…
Hey Guys ! I havent been to CFSBK since 6/27. I think I have a sports hernia or some sort of lower right abdominal/groin injury. Anyone know anything about or had this type of injury? Would Deb and Alec be able to help me?Im having CF withdrawl over here.
I went by red hook ballfields yesterday. Gabrus’ description of the pool was accurate.
btw. If youre trying to do strict Primal or Paleo (which Im not right now) Don’t go anywhere near the ballfields.
Pupulsas, Tacos, Fried plantain “ships”, tamarindo, horchata….oh man. Makes me miss Cali.
Marks Daily Apple has a Primal Challenge Starting up Aug 3rd with lots of prizes and giveaways. He says this year hes focusing more on improvement and lifestyle changes, vs the 30 day strict primal challenge he’s done in the past.
At this rate Im gonna need that shoulder impingement seminar and a session with Deb and Alec. Im feeling beat up. Maybe Ill do it during my upcoming rest week!
Alec and Deb are amazing. I first went to see Alec about my reoccuring shoulder injuries and pain but have continued working with him on other issues long after the shoulder pain was gone.
Each time I leave their studio I feel my posture is improved and I’m walking and moving better. I’m learning a lot about my own anatomy and am gaining skills to address certain re-occuring pains and issues on my own. My goals at Crossfit have also shifted – now I feel less focused on simply moving more weight and more focused on quality of movement.
Where is this Magic studio? And whats the process of making an appointment? I have been doing a lot of reading into improving terrible posture and mediocre flexibility. I could definitely use some expert advice.
well since i have horrible shoulders and based on the feedback i will definitely be in attendance.
Yeah I was just chastised for poor posture and crappy rhomboids or whatever by my PT today. I’d love to check into a new place. Especially one that isn’t in the upper east side!
also, anton, hope you’re feeling better soon!
Weighted pull-ups 5×3 (in lbs)17.6 26.4 35.2 45.2(PR) 53.0(PR)Feeling more comfortable with my double unders. Can break 50 in a row almost regularly now. Can not do a jump rope cross though. Got some work to do. Thanks to Shawn and Matt for the help on pull-ups.
Done at a park behind my hotel
Time 10:20
DU’s were unbroken the last two rounds, which is more than I can say for the push-ups. Those got hard faster than I would have thought.
After did a few attempts at max DU’s, best was 46.
10, 10, 15, 17.6, 17.6 (2)
Double-unders are coming along; I can now do DU-single-DU-single very comfortably. PR remains a whopping 8, though, and I look like a complete spaz getting that far.
First time back at CFSBK in 8 days. It felt amazing.
then Scott whooped my ass on double unders and med ball fights.
Weighted pullups were good.17, 26, 35, 45, 53 (PR).
This was the first time I had pulled more than 50 in the overhand grip.
Double-unders and medball twists with Eric. 19:47. I think Eric did between 2/3 and 3/4 of the double unders though. Mine are getting better but still not much. I did get 3 in a row for the first time though in the third or fourth round.
35, 53, 72, 82, 87 (2)
I’m feeling like I’ve hit a plateau with Double-unders and need to put a lot more practice to improve. Sorry about hitting you in the face with the medicine ball Gabrus.
Weighted pull-ups:10,20,25,30,35X2 … fun fun fun!
Partner WOD: 15 russian twists and 100 double under’s with my partner Willy. I think our time was 16:57.
Deb has done wonderful things for my shoulder and posture (although I still have a lot of work to do, habits to change etc.) Not only does Deb have the uncanny ability to figure out where I’m uncomfortable and how that connects to the rest of me, but she takes time educate me about it. I’ve learned anatomy and functional movement patterns that I am using throughout my day as well as for crossfit.
On top of all this, the combination of Deb and Alec is wonderful – the space they’ve created together and the way they share it and bounce ideas off of each other makes me happy. I learn so much every time I go.
Made up last Thursdays wod21-15-995lb Mid Hang Power SnatchesKnees To Elbows
Wasn’t real urgent with it. Still, I rather enjoyed this one.
Later did the double-under, med ball twist with Malcolm: 19:47
That was rather fun.
I’m really looking forward to tomorrows rest day. The past three days have wrecked my legs.
How was Foundations today? What did I miss? I was really upset not to be there…
weighted pullups 3-3-3-3-317.6, 26.4, 30, 27.6, 35.6(f) assisted by Vincent.
Pretty easy day overall looking forward to the rest day and seeing if my shoulder gets better at all.
Sarah, Brian and AJ – Happy Birthday!
This has been a great vacation but I miss CFSB way more than I thought I would. I think it’s been a need rest for me, though. I’ve been doing some workouts but taking a lot of rest and my body feels much better and ready to go. Can’t wait to get back!
As for Alec and Deb – ditto what everyone else has said. I am about as inflexible as they come and Alec is doing wonders for me and, most importantly, educating me at the same time. Can’t say enough about them!
Was late to class and shoulder isn’t 100% — only did a few warm up sets of weighted pullups. Stoped at 53 lbs, am slowing building back strength.
Then proceeded to do the partner WOD. 11:41
Need faster double-unders…
Happy Birthday to all the SBKers!!!
Sarah, Brian, and AJ — y’all are kick ass!
Gosh. Thanks. It has been our absolute pleasure. Great to work with such a motivated and interested group of folks. Looking forward to the seminar.- Alec and Deb
Steph, Foundations learned mid-hang cleans. Our workout was half a Tabata of wall balls (is that an accurate description?).
It was balls. Every night after class I wish I pushed harder or faster. This time especially, because I know exactly what held me back: the thought that I was throwing a heavier ball. Mind over matter, matter over mind. Sheesh.
I’m missing this Thursday’s Foundation class. Going to be at San Diego Comic-Con. Will do thrusters in a She-ra costume with jumbo He-Man toys instead of dumbells, as makeup.
Tueday AM class
Made up weighted pullup 5×51)BW (around 115ish)2)+2.5#3)+5# x44)+5# x35)+2.5# x4
Overhand is rough.
rings dips 3×3
Light Grace @ 55# 4:52 about a minute and half slower than last time.
Fun morning!! I enjoyed all the action.
I think there are 2 Annes all of a sudden…one of you needs a funky nickname. Anne in Foundations, maybe you should be She-Ra?
Weighted pullups this morning:White band x33 sets of: 1 unassisted (27 lbs baby weight), white band x2White band x3
I tried for a 2nd rep of unassisted in the 2nd work set, and it was comical how the brain was willing but the lats were weak. I just hung there like a bug.
Fun to have FGB going on all around me this morning!
Anne! Who are you and why did you steal my name?? ;)Kidding…welcome to Foundations!
The old Anne (Anne W.) will now be Annemal (pronounced “Animal”) until I can come up with a more exciting name. I’m already jealous of She-Ra.
Annemal! That is rad.I’ve been trying to shake “Anne” for as long as I’ve been one, but She-ra would just be false advertising (because I’m not…blonde…ahem). Maybe incorporate my last name and go with “Ishii-ra.” Ha!
BTW any recommendations on a limited space limited time business travel workout for a foundationer?