3 Rounds for time of
20 Front Squats, 1/2 BW
Run 600m
Accessory Work
GHD Hip Extension 101
Congratulations to Joe and Sarah on their upcoming Marriage and honeymoon in Costa Rica!
Please support our own Stephanie Paddock who will be running the NYC Triathlon this weekend in order to raise money for Parkinson's Disease. Check out her Team Fox page for more information and to help her reach her goal. Go Steph!!!!
So far Scott L, Edgar, Anne, Jacinto, Margie, Erik, Paul S, David Mcg and Steph have registered for our C.R.A.S.H.-B. Team. If you're name is not on the list and you're interested please send me an email.
Also, if you're interested in Alec and Deb's Shoulder Seminar on August 4th from 1:30-4pm please email me as well. We've already got a big group coming out and have been talking about future seminars!
Really interesting video on some of the behind the scenes action at the CF Games from main site today:http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFitGames09_CejOverview.mov
go steph!
ummm. August 4th is a tuesday…
Go Joe!!!
16:22 as Rx’d (90#)
1000m row 4:10
Happy to be doing things as Rx’d, now trying to get my times better.
10:04 at 75# (as Rxd)Except for the 1st set of squats that sucked (in a fun sort of way).
Matter of fact it sucked so much Im keeping my post shorter than usual tonight.
P.S. Ive eaten half a bag of cashews, drank 6 ounces of milk, eaten 3 figs, an apricot, and I still have dinner coming..bring it Dan!
14:47 75lbsweight wasnt really an issue, i was just soooooooooo gassed on the runs. my sides were really hurting. i think that i might have exercise induced bronchospasm.other issue is the fact that im losing weight, gonna have to go on a hard gainer regimen though i dunno how much my stomach can take.
It was cool to have the WOD outside today. Hopefully we can do more of this as long as the weather stays decent
10:41 @ 77.5lbs (Rxd)
Felt good tonight though I now have big blisters at the tip of each of my second toes. First time getting blisters from the vibrams.
My calfs still hurt from the Double Unders on Monday.
11:53 as rx’d (57#)I actually wanted to scale up to 60# but the fractionals were in use.
Then row technique work with Nick.
I really enjoyed this WOD and class tonight in general. Great work to Rebecca – you really hauled it on the last run!
14:06 @70lbs, scaled up 5lbs. Should have run harder – sprinted the end and was only mildly nauseated. I can job and sprint, but don’t have a good middle ground run.
Awesome work Juliana – you smoked me with ease! Very inspiring.
Cooled down on the erg: row 2k, every 300m slowing pace by ~10 seconds. I wasn’t very good at keeping my pace, spent 11 minutes doing it.
Scaled everything. Shane, thanks for helping me out and running with me, I assume to make sure I didn’t crumble in a heap on the side of President. (Bonus: I didn’t! Almost, but didn’t!)
9:06 @ 83 lbs
All front squats were unbroken.
My runs were horrible, made up all the time because of the front squats.
I’m not much of a runner, although my legs weren’t terribly affected by the front squats. Mostly I think my cardiovascular system is inferior. That, and I have to improve my running speed.
Shout outs to:
Malcolm for doing awesome and also being a great judge keeping my reps legit.
Ryan and Willie for totally rocking the workout!
Laurel, Margie, Rebecca, and Julie for kicking so much ass.
Carrying the barbell back was like playing a game of “operation.”
Warm-up:300m RowCouple Pull-upsOH Rot Lunges with the Sledgehammer
FSQ/Run WOD10:29 75lb FSQs, (+5lbs)
Did all my squats unbroken, felt I went hardish on the runs, maybe slowed down a bit for the last quarter of it unintentionally. I really enjoyed this one.
********Weekend Beach Trip*********This weekend is prime for our long discussed, but never implemented, beach trip. Imagine sitting on the beach, eating paleo approved food, all while delighting in glorious 94 degree weather.
A real opportunity to enjoy summer.
So, who’s down for a trip either to the Jersey Shore (if it really exists), or to a trip to Long Beach.
So for the Jersey Shore, we’ll need some vehicles for transportation.
Long Beach, we can take a train from Penn Station.
Proposal is to get food after the WOD on Sat, and then head out.
This is intended as a relaxing trip, but we’re not going to keep you from taking a swim, running on the beach, doing burpees in the sand, or doing a partner WOD.
So, who’s in?
aw, thanks guys! my little 32 pounder looked so puny on the sidewalk. deceptively puny. Margie, your help was sooo necessary. 14.14. kinda like an onomatopoeia.
60 reps of 32 pounds is still no joke.
Off to bed, will dream of GHD situps…
hm would love to go to the beachunfortunately my sister is in town, i don’t think they will be up for it.
we should get some maces:
let the head bashing begin! ar!
10:09 rx’d. Squats are a huge weakpoint of mine. Had a lot of fun with this one. Thanks to Shawn for keeping an eye on my squats.
er, i think my sleepy brain meant palindrome…
I made a mace-bell out of an old broken bowling ball, big piece of PVC (~8ft) and a bunch of gorilla glue. Bowling alleys have broken balls that they will just give to you. I don’t know if it’s a good workout, and it doesn’t have the kind of a “Jackass” feel to it that the slosh pipe does, but it is fun to swing around.
I had to sub in 30 air squats with a PVC instead of the 20 front squats. Did the WOD in 10:45.
Sciatica is no fun at all. My recovery is very slow and painful. I guess the advancing years make injuries even more serious.
Dan, I’m in for the beach trip!
Dan – BEACH!!!! Malcolm and I are both in.
made this up thursday morningas RX’d with 11513:53
I was making some weird noises while running, thanks to DavidO for keeping my pace on the last lap
11:55 as RX’d. I misheard what the workout was and did 30 reps of front squats each round. Embarrassing!
8:44 at 95 lb (a bit more than 1/2 body weight).
M/ 35/ 130 lbs/ 5′-6″A Rx + 10lbs (used 70 lbs)10:57felt good.. I did not push hard enough in the run.. the only time the front squats felt hard, like they were burning my legs and lungs, were the last 10 really.I did push jerks and D.L. and front squats last night pretty heavy, so a fast MetCon was just what I was looking for. This was fun. I’d like to do this when I’m a little fresher and push a little harder in the run.. that’s so much of the time, so cutting 15-20 secs. per run would make a really big difference.. hard to cut out 20 secs or so on the F.S.600m is a different animal than 400 for sure.
Hey Dan is it possible to do the beach thing on sunday? I will be at the citychase on saturday and won’t make it in time.