(E3/4 L1 5×5 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 4.17.10
3-5 Attempts of:
Run 270m
Rest as needed between rounds. If you'd like to run with a sandbag, go for it.
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Introduction to Paleo Eating Workshop May 2, 5:30pm at the Brooklyn Lyceum
Coach Margie gives the lowdown on eating like we're old school.
Maybe you're new to CF South Brooklyn and have overheard whisperings of this crazy "paleo" diet. Lots of meat? And fat? No grains? What about spelt?
Or maybe you went through our Primal Quest and are totally "yeah, yeah, yeah" about the whole thing, but your friends think your propensity for coconut, avocado and pork belly is totally outrageous (because they're secretly envious), and you really wish they'd stop pestering you and just try it, for god's sake.
Or maybe your athletic performance has hit a wall, your body composition is not optimal, or you're worried you might be heading down the road towards type II diabetes.
Well, here is the perfect opportunity to find out a few answers about this incredibly common sense, yet oddly controversial approach to eating. We'll tackle the fundamental principles of paleolithic dining, its value in the context of health and athletic ability, and how to incorporate it into your life. We'll also look at some of the reasons why people resist eating this way.
You'll walk away with a solid understanding of the basics, resources to find out more and a few recipes. Plus a tasty homemade paleo snack!
All for $5. Pretty sweet deal.
Sign up here in advance to guarantee a spot