(E6/8) Use a load 5% heavier than your heaviest triple this cycle. Rest exactly 3 minutes between sets.
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Compare to 10.23.10 and 10.13.10
Complete the following for time:
Row 200m
10 Overhead Squats (95/65)
Row 200m
8 Overhead Squats
Row 200m
6 Overhead Squats
Row 200m
4 Overhead Squats
Row 200m
2 Overhead Squats
David enjoys long walks on the beach
CFSBK is proud to announce our second Active Recovery class! Join Coach Shane every Saturday for an hour-long class employing SMR, static/dynamic stretching, and light gymnastic skills. This class is open to and encouraged for all CFSBK members as well as non-members.
The new class will begin this Saturday, October 30th at 12p!
Wow, nice photo. Where/when was that taken?
Did this wod last night. Illustrated to me that I really need to work on some of the lifts that I haven’t done before or have done very little. Hurt left lat where it attaches at the bottom somehow.
Overhead squats I have really never done before. Didn’t really have a feel for them, only started to towards the end but was awkward.
upright stuff, front squats, ohs, very different.. more on the quads then the low bar back squats that I have more dialed in.
Good wod.
This WOD looks like fun. I wonder how it would feel though…
Last night I got back to my starting strength linear progression after about a one week de-load. Holy crap my legs are sore– I need active recovery right NOW! Was very happy to nail the 160×5 bench but I think it’s time for 2.5# jumps– the bar is getting slow.
It was nice to use the power rack at the box–time to finally kill my NYSC membership!
Next stop– regular WODs!
Great photo! And I am sooooper stoked that Active Recovery is growing. CFSBK, HELPING YOU TO BANISH YOUR FUZZ!
———————–Did this yesterday
Front Squat225/225/225
That’s my previous 1RM and the last rep got a little ugly. Planning on opening at 230 for singles next week, and hoping to hit 235.
WODRx’d – 7:15
Went ~ 90% on the erg (mid 1:40s for me) and only snatched the bar up once for each round of OHSQ. The bar was light enough for me to have a little wiggle room if it felt off balance so I didn’t have to bail any reps. I could have done this sub 7 if I redlined. I liked it.
Great to see David doing this past Sunday’s WOD last night
Jim – that left lat might have been trying to help stabilize your torso without the help of the rest of your business. Remember that in a WOD like this, even though it’s sub-max weight, you still need to organize your mid-line (breathe-belly tight-bear down). It’s a challenge to do that while your heart rate is jacked from the erg.
@Fox thanks, but believe it or not, I did it on the front squat coming up. I have a million speculations, did I feel the bar twisting a little horizontally? are my lats way to tight? are they hypoflexible? (doubt that) Either way hurts to breathe a bit here and there but better today than last night. That’s not a meow, that’s just stating the facts! All the more reason that I need to work on new stuff.Midline, all the same, needs a lot of work!
The picture was taken by a lake in Naples, Maine. I’m not sure what the lake was called, lets call it Lake CrossFit
i just had veal ricotta meatballs at craftbar and my own bolas de carne just look, feel and perform like ASS in comparison.
a very fine noon class today. and a fine photo of our fearless leader taking a leisurely walk by the lake.
WUsquat prep.knew my hamstrings were tight, but had no idea my calves are also to blame for my poor squats. calves! i’m comin for you!
front squat prep 3 each arm x3jilly lunges x3 x3glute raises or something x6 each side x 3
FRONT SQhadn’t done these in a while.(45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×3)225x2x2230x2these felt good. a lot better than i can remember them feeling. thank you strength cycle.
ROW/OHS WODRX’d – 6:53
all ohs unbroken. 1st row 1:30 pace and then down to 1:40-1:45’ish. good to have josh in the same heat.
i thought this was going to mess me up since i hadn’t done many metcons of late. thankfully it didn’t feel too bad.
CDeasy row
Nice 5 PM class, which was going to be Nuttin-but-Muchachos, till Jess Fox decided to show up!
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1
Work: 190×2, 195×2, 200×2 (old 1RM). Looking forward to PR’ing next Wednesday.
Accessory WOD: 7:06 @ 85 lbs.
Warm up was a good ten minutes of broad jump, glute ham raises and front rack prep.Front Squat – 45×5, 95×4, 130x3160x2, 170×2, 180×2 The last set of 180 was feeling heavy and I think I was to forward with my knees (but back, damn it).WOD – 5:39 with 2 pood goblet squats. I lost count of what round I was on (last round) and Dan Rx thankfully helped me out. I could have shaved a few seconds by going all out on that last round had I paid closer attention. My splits starting out were in the low 1:30’s and went up to the mid 1:40’s at the end.I enjoyed this one.
Front SquatWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135x5Work: 185×1+F 175x2x2 175×1+F
Had no idea where I’d end up with these. Front rack is still a hard position, especially at the bottom.
Accessory WOD7:49 at 65#
Again, no idea how the weight would be. Opted to keep it light and work on form.
WU: Double-under practice. Broad jumps, arm stretches, tire-based hip extensions (I think we looked like some kind of crazy tire-worshiping cult).
FSQ: (45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 175×2) 180x2x3 (PR)
Acc WOD: 8:42 @ 85#
On the accessory work my wrists felt all kinds of weak, giving me trouble on both pieces. Had to split the 6-rep OHS into 2×3. Plus, I could tell my snatch form was terrible.
Good working with Joe, who is an absolute metronome on the erg.
@Nick: The 6 PM class totally did look like a tire-adoring cult, especially when that one mellow track was on the speakers, and y’all were lowering and raising your butts off the floor! A classic image, if only we could have captured it on video.
Last nightWU Situps 50/40/30/20/10Front squats 45×3, 95×3, 145x2155x2x3
Subbed front squats for OHS @ 95lbs6:20
Strength Cycle #2 Day #2gonna start logging again.
Pre Class: foam roll torture and some tennis ball action. i hate these things. needed this because of the soreness from monday after the week off. i hope i keep this up
BSQ: 45*5, 135*5, 185*5, 215*2, 250*3*5
felt much better than the 245 on monday. still some room to maneuver before microloading.
BP: 45*5, 85*5, 115*5, 130*3*5
everything felt good. weight was heavy but manageable and my shoulders felt ok throughout. we’ll just keep adding the 2.5lbs and see what happens.
CU: 10, 10, 6
needed more rest between the bench press and chins and also more rest in between sets. damn upper body does not recover that quickly at all.
still need to eat more and up my milk intake which will happen next week
Thanks fellas for letting me join the 5pm man show! Next time, I’m bringin’ singles. 😉
Warmup:-10min amrap of front rack mobility stretch, broad jumps, and glute bridge on the tire.-nearly busted my ass on one of the jumps–lifting shoes + crazy humidity = slippery surfaces + danger
FSQ:(45×5, 95×3, 135×3,)150×2, 155xf, 145x2x2-very frustrated with these today. On Saturday I was able to get 160×3 so I was aiming for 168. Didn’t even come close. Every single one of those f’ers felt super heavy leaving me feeling defeated going in. I just didn’t have drive in me tonight. I also blame some real poor sleeping habits over the past couple of days.
Wod:8:03 rx’d.-first row was sub 2:00 split then kept the later rounds between 2:05-2:10. All OHS were unbroken. I was surprised by how taxed my quads were when I hit my first set of squats. Definitely did these slower than I would have liked. Also, I should have put a little more into the row.-enjoyed the wod though.
Cooldown:-foam roll and lax ball on my legs.-long, relaxing walk with the dog.-cooking dinner while enjoying some wine.-ice on my sometimes achy right ankle.
Mobility Challenge post. I mentioned about 40 some days ago that I was going to try to post consistently about my mobility. Well, this seems to be a bit of a different definition of consistent.So here I am at day 53 of my Mobility WOD challenge and day 87 of my yoga challenge.Today’s events: Yoga, 22 minutes, Hip Opening Flow #2, “20 Min yoga Sessions” from YogaDownload.comMOB WOD: Some crazy hip grinding openers. I didn’t have some of the equipment for the ring dip prep so I did an extra 15 minutes of lax ball rolling behind the scaps with arm extended over head.Additional minor stretching throughout the day.Thoughts — The pain will never end but stretching is feeling better all the time. Still a sloooooow process. Again, 40 years to get here so it’ll take time to unpretzel. My body has moods and some days seem like a step back and that’s ok. It’s difficult to establish shorter term goals in a process as incremental as this.
I find myself thinking of the body as more of a mechanical wonder. It’s amazing what’s connected to what.
Squat – 245 failed last rep, set 2 & 3.
OHS/row WOD – 6:55 (I think) as Rx’dUnbroken on the OHS 🙂 felt good.
front squat: 160, 165, 165
row/overhead squat: somewhere between 8:30 and 8:50