Water Balloon Fight!
Happy Birthday, Steph P!
Congratulations to Gabrus and Margie on their Press PR's yesterday!
Good luck to all our athletes competing in the Subway Series 5K tomorrow!
Nick P, Matt R, Carlos G, Christian F, Asta F, Brian Z, Joe W, Ryan P, Jess F, Steph W, Sarah H, Juliana A, Sameer P, and Dan R
Remember that JacintoStorm is this Sunday from 9-12. We'd like to have a paleo bbq and potluck afterwards so please bring a side or refreshments!
Upcoming Foundations Cycles:
July Evening Cycle
Dates: 7/14-8/9
Times: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
July Morning Cycle
Dates: 7/27-8/19
Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7am-8am
Register Here!
Is anyone planning on watching the CrossFit Games?