CFSBK would like to wish Coach Shane a very happy birthday today! Shane has been with us since the early days and has never faltered in his commitment and love for this program. Thank you for everything you've brought to CFSBK, we love you back! Here's to another year of new adventures with familiar faces!!
(I happen to know for a fact that Shane LOVES being tickled so if you see him, dig on in!)
Does anyone remember the "Shane" WOD?
Congratulations to Carlos G, Mike F and Samir C on their first Muscle Ups yesterday!
There's still time to sign up for the Winter Challenge at CrossFit Hoboken! Check out the photoset from last year.
You're an athlete, now train like one SicFit
Historians admit to Inventing Ancient Greeks The Onion
Happy Birthday Brother. Hope you have a great one!
Big happy birthday from the West Coast Shane!
Happy Birthday Shane! Looking forward to singing the TGI Fridays bday song in your honor.
Happy Birthday Shane!!
Happy Birthday Shane!
!Happy Birthday Shane!
Also, does anybody have a soldering iron I could borrow for a 5 minute job? I need to fix the charger for my wrestling team’s scale. I’ll be at the gym tonight around 7:30 to pick up Ariel. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks,-Ben
Shane was my coach for the teaser class that was my intro to CFSBK. His lighthearted but no-nonsense style was a big part of why I got hooked. Happy birthday dude!
I wasn’t around for the “Shane” WOD but from looking at it, I’m pretty thankful for that…
Congrats Chopes, Mike and Carlos!
Happy Birthday Shane!
Definitely glad to not be doing that “Shane” wod. That’s just silly.
Happy Birthday, Shaney-cakes.
Thanks for all you’ve done for me over the last year and a half. You’ve helped make me a better coach in numerous ways, and I’m glad to know ya.
Happy Birthday Shane! Thanks so much for all you’ve done for CFSBK and for me and my family. We’re lucky to know you.
Hey Shane! Happy B-day!
Happy birthday, Shane! Hope it’s a good one!
Happy birthday Shane! Have a good one, treat yourself well.
Big Shane, Happiest of Birthdays Brother! We are all lucky to have you as a coach.Samir, Mike and Carlos, congrats on the muscle up!
Happy birthday Shane! Have a great one.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Williams! You are a great coach and friend.
Congrats to all the muscle up maniacs!
Happy birthday Shane! I hope it’s awesome.
i think one of the first times i saw shane, he was being pursued relentlessly by a small female child who was repeating “SHANE-IE!” over and over. so now every time i see him, i hear SHANE-IE in my head.
happy shane-ie day.
Just signed up for Hoboken Winter Challenge! It was sold out, but Craig opened up 15 more slots. I did this last year and it was lots of fun. I expect this year will be even better, as they have limited the # of participants. So that makes Dan L and me…Anyone else in?
That was either Lucy McGrath or Laurel.. it’s hard to tell the difference sometimes.
I had contemplated signing up for the Hoboken challenge since the announcement came out in September. Today, I finally decided to do it…but the registration was closed. Emailed Craig to see if any other slots would open up, thinking if they didn’t, I wouldn’t be crushed. As Fox stated above, he replied that he reopened registration with 15 slots. So, guess who’s nervous already!?!
To Josh Martinez…you mentioned you wanted to sign up. Do it ASAP!!! Any other SBK ladies wanna join me? Please?
Happy Birthday again, Shane. And thanks for wishing me (and everyone else in the room) a happy birthday back upon saying happy birthday to you. It’s ok to keep all the Happy Birthdays for yourself when it’s your birthday. You deserve it.
Super in awe of the muscle uppers, as well as Charlotte who did a very minimally assisted one at today’s birthday boy nooner. It feels more likely that I’ll sprout wings than ever get that one down, but it is a sight to behold for sure.
Happy Birthday Shane
@Fox LOL what an @#$# awesome article.
“Use tabasco sauce as eyedrops.”
I love it, and I am doing it Sunday night, around 8 o’clock!
Two gargantuan burgers, no buns, a hand full of fish oil, and a tall glass of go eff yourself for lunch. I am ready for some squats!
Happy Birthday Shane!
I want to sign-up for the challenge but I need to make sure I have some way of getting there. Jess will you guys give me a ride? let me know and I’ll go!
Happy bday Shane, thanks for keeping things light and fun brother.
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! SBK has changed my life for the best. I am so thankful to have you all in my life and I look forward to working with you all in the years to come. Thank you for all you have given me.
Re: “Shane” Worst. WOD. EVER.This was back before programming was, well, programmed and David and I were in a pickle to come up with something. That is what we spit out. It started with the 200 KB swings and just spiraled out of control from there.In the CF community these WODs are referred to ‘any assh*le’ workouts because any assh*le can come up w/ them.I remember Brian Scott, Firefighter Dan, Margie, Michele and a few select others slogged their way through this monstrosity.It was amazing to witness as the sun set and darkness fell in the Lyceum. We didn’t have music for whatever reason and so it was silent except for the grunting and growling of the participants. At the end Margie was about as close to a true ecstatic experience as I’ve seen someone.
Working with David, Fox, Margie, Jeremy, Laurel and Nick along with each and everyone of you has certainly made me a better trainer and will continue to as we move forward together.
A million thanks. And then a million more.
PS-That tickling thing is NOT true. I hate tickling more than I hate puffins.
More importantly, congratulations to Samir, Carlos and Mike F on their muscle-ups!
And Charlotte you’re knockin on the door of that muscle-up. Keep it up and I can see it happening before the year is out.
PPS-Today’s 12 o’clock all-ladies class was so much fun.