(E1/4) Find a heavy single today
We'll also work some 3 postion cleans pre work sets.
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compare to 8.9.10
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Box Jumps, 20"
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compare to 10.25.09
Get up and go!
HUGE thanks to Kathleen M for re-certifying all the CFSBK Coaches on CPR yesterday!
Congratulations on all the "Helen" Pr's yesterday! We even saw 3 new top times for the men on this benchmark.
Scott L: 7:50
Dan L: 7:55
Ryan P 8:11
Great work to Steve K who since Foundations has dropped 30lbs of unwanted body weight!
Congrats to Isaac W on his first Double Under!
Thanks to Josh M for building out our new medball racks! (see scrap book picture) Josh has really helped out the gym by installing the new speakers, building out the storage room in the office and providing regular* eye candy for everyone.
Yesterday was the official info session for the Ragner Relay. Who all is interested in being on team CFSBK?
I’m in for Ragnar. Sarah, I wasn’t 100% clear on where we should drop off checks.
Morning workout today
Power Clean: Got up to 205. A couple of technical flaws here that I think if I correct I can get to 215/220 this cycle.
Metcon: 3:22 – Lots of lactic acid in the quads on this one.
(organic) 3 strips bacon, 4 eggs, cooked in bacon fat, steamed vegetables.h20 and fish oil.
I’m in for Ragnar.
that OPT/Helen video was interesting. i like how he never rushes – it’s steady, especially the transitions between movements.
@Rob, from yesterday’s thread: raw grass-fed cheese is NAST. Tastes of cow, and not in a good way. Stick with Fox’s advice and go Euro.
I’m in for Ragnar! Sarah i’ll bring you a check Wednesday?
Thanks everyone for the grass-fed cheese tips. Kudos to the Europeans for being un-stupid.
Death to factory farming!
Ragnar folks, I’ll be accepting checks between now and December 1st. I am in the gym from 7 to 8:30 on Mon & Wed and 6 to 7:30 on Friday. If none of those times work for you maybe David wouldn’t mind holding a couple of checks until I get in.
the meatball racks look great! thanks, josh!
Warm Up: 21-15-9 easy/hard pulls on the erg3 rounds: :45 ring planks, :45 rest, :45 sledgehammer swings L, :45 sledgehammer swings R
“Helen”3RFT 400 m. run, 21 KB swing 1 pood, 12 pull ups15:08
Very pleased with this Helen time. Never done it before and did the whole thing Rx’d! (Rare for me to do an RX’d WOD) First round of KB swings unbroken, then rounds 2 and 3 I put the bell down at 15. God only knows how the pull ups were broken up. Mainly 1s,2s and 3s. Hope I can grip my coffee cup in the morning.
Warm up today was 21-15-9 Wall ball and 3x 130m runs.
for the 1-1-1-1-1 cleans i was really working on technique since my cleans are really weak.
21-15-9 burpee 20″ box jump killed me today. Thanks to the entire 6pm class for the encouragement went out way too fast and burnt out. 7:21
great to be back in the gym tonight.warm-up = 21-15-9 of wall ball at 15# + 130 m runcleans = 33, 53, 83, 103, 113, 123, 133, 143 (old PR), 153F, 153F, 153F, 153 (PR!). two of those fails were wimping out, one i caught really deep and ended up sitting down. then success! glad i was working with laurel so i didn’t give up.burpee + box jumps = 6:35. i can tell i haven’t really trained in 2 weeks.
Cleaning Monday.
Warm-up: 21-15-9, 20lb wallball and 130 m runs.
Clean drills with barbell and then later 85lbs.
WU: 95×4, 115×3, 125×1
Work: 135, 145(PR), 155F, 155F (GAH!). Chris stepped in, suggested I step back down, and work on technique, so then I did:
135×2, 115×5
Burpee-Box Jump Accessory WOD: 4:29
hey guys .. did the evil bsq wod today at work
45×5, 95×5, 135×3185/225/245/265
at rep 15 or so I moved the bar from low bar to high bar because otherwise it would have fallen off my back… was having trouble keeping it there. form fell apart around that point as well.
woo-hoo! I’m not Last-Minute Louie with my posting for today.
Warm-Up: 21-15-9 wallball (10 lb) + 130m run after each set
My thought with the “heavy single” power clean was to work on technique, not to go for a PR or necessarily work to failure. I ended up doing more sets than posted.
After our group drills (done with 45 lb and then 65 lb):(70×3, 75×4)80x1x2, 85x1x3, 90x1x2, 95x1x2
I forgot that the 33 lb bar would’ve been more efficient and less annoying for my small hands. Hindsight.
WOD – 21-15-9 burpees/box jumps5:29 as RX’ed
Wallball/running warm-up: 14lbs, 8ft, 15-9-6 cause I was already tired and sore.
CLEANS!!! warm-ups: 33,63,83,103,113,123,133
work: 143,153(F),153(F),153,158 (PR)
Once the weight got heavy I had this looped tape in my head of Malcolm hurting his wrist in the clean a few weeks ago. I’d pull the weight up to my collarbones and then panic and jump away. David helped me calm down and Katie talked me back onto the bar. Thanks!
WOD: 4:44 as Rx’d. Great to work with David Mak, he did an amazing job keeping up a steady rhythm and pushing through. I attempted to emulate him and it definitely helped my time.
Warm-Up:About 15-20 Minutes of stretching and soft tissue. My right mid trap was really hot so I theracaned it to death. The trigger was sending spasms up my neck when I got it. Felt better afterwards.
Power Cleans(75×3, 95x2x2, 135×2, 145x1x2)155×1, 165×1, 175×1, 185×1, 195F, 195xF
This is my first time cleaning since bike accident. I felt very tentative about doing this and ended up going way heavier than expected. Felt okay landing on my clavicle but I really had to have spot on technique so that it wouldnt land on my plate.
Happy with this!
21-15-9 Burpee/Box Jump3:25
Interesting warm up of 21-15-9 wall ball/130m runs. 20# at the ten footer, yum.Power Cleans… well it went something like this: 75×4, 95×2, 125×3, 135×2 155×1, 175(F), 165×1 then ran out of time. I think I might have gotten 170 but really my technique I feel is just not there. I’m not comfortable catching in a squat and I can’t get my damn but back. A work in progress with the progress in it’s early stages!
WOD: 4:53 rx’d. Same back at ‘ya, Laurel, it’s an inspiration working with you, especially right after I saw you get that 158 clean! Thanks for the encouragement and the steady count.
Power cleans: 120. gotta work on my technique. Thanks Dave O for all of your coaching.I figured I’d crush the wod. Not technical, which is good for me. Burpees. I can do those. 20” box jumps. I can jump on a box all day. So I thought I’d finish this one in 4:30 (that’d be crushing for me) and hate myself for not pushing myself more. oops, so wrong. I was sucking wind after the first set of burpees. never got a groove on the jumps. last set of burpees–so sloppy. ok, i’m middle aged. Can’t do anything about that. But I love beer and I love to drink lots of it. And that doesn’t help on burpees and box jumps. December goal: drink less beer. January goal: do this wod faster than 5:14 that I did this evening.
Warmup:21-15-9 Wall ball @ 14lbs, 10ft. and 130m runs.
Cleans:-(45, 65×5, 85×5, 95×3)-singles at: 100, 105, 110, 115, 120These were only ok. I still need to get under the bar so much faster.
Burpee/BJ wod:4:33-This went well (over 2 minutes faster than a year ago). I did have to convince my legs a couple of times that it was ok to jump.
Goal work:-Snatch: drills at 33lbs, then 53. Work at 63.Really tried to land them all in a squat snatch, but I need loads of work. If I landed high, I still completed the overhead squat. Only one, throughout my tons of reps, actually felt solid.
Strength Cycle #2 Day #9
Pre Class: foam roll and lacrosse ball action. Good stuff.
SQ: 45*5 135*5 205*5 235*3 277.5*3*5
felt pretty good. my back had been bothering me for a few days but felt fine during these.
PR: 45*5 65*5 85*5 102.5*3*5
i’m really starting to dislike the press. how can i go down in weight and it still feels heavy? gonna have to do some shoulder strengthening work when this cycle is over.
DL: 135*5 225*3 275*1 315*5
weight felt ok but my form was shitty on a few reps. gotta remember to properly set my back on each rep.
i’ve gained like 5lbs in 2 weeks of 1 pint of milk per day. hopefully i’ll make it to 190 this time. i would if i could actually do a gallon but that just isnt gonna happen, maybe a half.
Warmup: 15-9-3 wall ball/runs @ 15lbs with the wonky blue ball. Apologies to David for getting frustrated and whining about the ball.
Cleans: Drills at 33, 63, then (73×3, 83×2)93×1, 93×1, 98x1x4, 93x1x2Not getting under the bar fast enough and still having issues with the bar coming too far in front/pulling too soon. Before my last pull David suggested closing my eyes and mentally rehearsing 5 pulls, which really helped me to re-focus and re-set.
Burpee/BJ WOD: 6:27, holy slow. Thank you Theresa for counting me and keeping me moving, I can’t imagine how much worse my time would have been had you not been there with the 3-2-1s. 🙂
Bleh lifting session tonight. Head not in it.
Power Clean176 a few times, though none too crisp.