Sled Work
5 Sets of a 100′ Weighted Sled Push
If you’re beat up from “Murph,” use this as active recovery. If you’re fresh, go heavier but submax.
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AMRAP 10 Minutes:
15 Dumbbell Power Snatches 50/35
30 Double-Unders
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
The 9am heat gets serious at Murph Day 2018. Photos by Robert C. and Thomas H. are up on Flickr, and even more are on the way! | Photo by Robert C.
The hits keep coming from our wonderful CFSBK coaching staff. We’re a little behind what with Murph Day and Iron Maidens and all, but be sure to check out these recent posts written for our friends at Beyond the Whiteboard!
- “That’s when the little voice popped into my head that said ‘you’re going to quit your job.’ It was a relief to think about that choice, not because I hated my job or physical therapy, but because it was a major stressor that was eating away at my happiness. It was time to let go, move forward, and condense my efforts to serve the fine people of CrossFit South Brooklyn.” From Coach KHarpz‘s “Lift & Let Go”
- “Get away from working on your fitness and spend some time outside enjoying your fitness. Regularly schedule time away from a barbell or a pull up bar. You (hopefully) don’t suffer in the gym for the sake of it, but for the level of fitness that you gain from all that hard work.” From Coach Fox‘s “Older, Fitter: 3… 2… 1… REST”
News and Notes
- All classes are cancelled this Saturday for Iron Maidens!
A note from Trisha B.: “I will be traveling from 6/11 – 6/20 and need some coverage for my part-time babysitting job. The job is very easy. It’s basically helping a family get their 5-year-old girl off to school a few mornings a week and also, if possible, picking her up 2-3 afternoons. This lovely family lives on Garfield Place between 4th and 5th Avenues and their daughter attends PS 118 on 4th Avenue and 7th Street. I know they will take whatever help they can get, so don’t be shy about asking me about different time frames. Contact me at 917.370.0672 by text or phone or email at msbuckley189 [at]”
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
5 Professional Strongmen Give Advice to New Athletes BarBend
Manhattanhenge: What Is It, and How to See It Scientific American
A1) Front Squat:
4 x 5-8
A2) Single-Arm Ring Row:
4 x 5-8
Use a heavy load (or degree of difficulty for the Ring Row) for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form, heavier than last week. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements. If the Clean is the limiter in how much weight you’ll be able to Front Squat, and you feel like they’ll be too easy for 5-8 reps, perform them at a 31X0 tempo.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Front Squats, followed by a set of Ring Rows, heavier than last week. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
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Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
30 Power Cleans 115/75
30 Push Jerks
The load should be light, and you should be fast, scale accordingly. The Push Jerks are “shoulder-to-overhead anyhow.” Be sure to fully stand up on all 60 reps.
Post time and Rx to comments.