Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press / Goblet Lateral Lunge Superset*
A1) Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press:
4 x 5-8
A2) Goblet Lateral Lunge (not alternating):
4 x 5-8
Use a heavy load for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements. Prioritize range of motion and stability over load on the Lateral Lunges. Good range of motion would have the femur of the “lunging” leg hit below parallel depth while maintaining a neutral spine. The foot of the opposite leg can stay flat or rotate up onto the heel, whichever feels more comfortable.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Bench Presses, followed by a set of Lateral Lunges. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
4 Rounds for Times:
10 Toes-to-Bars
20 Push-Ups
30 Sit-Ups
40 Squats
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
The goal is fast and relatively unbroken rounds. Scale Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises and Pus- Ups to Knee Push-Ups as needed. Don’t fall into the “simple” movement trap, where your start doing Toes-Near-Bars, Pervy Uncle Push-Ups, Hunchback Sit-Ups, and 1/4 Squats. You have 400 opportunities to perform these common movements uncommonly well. Use all 400 of ’em!
Post times and Rx to comments.
Murph Day 2018 is just a week away! So far 99 of you have registered. Can we beat last year’s number, 177? Go HERE to sign up for a heat! | Photo by Thomas H.
“Murph” Is For Everyone
By Chris Fox
Originally posted on 5.23.17
Hero WODs are usually longer, harder, and heavier—more grueling than your average WOD. “Murph” is no exception. But “Murph” is also for every CFSBKer who wants to do it. As always, we have a scaling option that is appropriate for wherever you’re at on your fitness journey. Whether you’re going to do a full “Murph” or not, you can choose to perform one of the following options:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats however desired. The classic and most often-chosen version is “Cindy” style: 20 rounds of 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Squats. Many folks choose to split the Push-Ups up and instead do 20 rounds of 5 Push-Ups, 5 Pull-Ups, 5 Push-Ups, 15 Squats. If your Pull-Ups and Push-Ups are pretty strong, you might consider doing 10 rounds of 10 Pull-Ups, 20 Push-Ups, and 30 Squats (less to count!). Of course, you can also choose to perform the reps “Angie” style and do “Murph” as a chipper… or as Rx’d and wear a 20/14lb vest for the whole shebang.
Our standard movement scaling options are…
Run: Row or Bike
Pull-Ups: Ring Rows
Push-Ups: Knee Push-Ups
Squats: Squats!
We know that many of you can perform the movements as prescribed but may need to scale the total volume a bit. To this end, here are some scaling options:
1/3 “Murph”
33 Pull-Ups
66 Push-Ups
99 Squats
11 sets of 3/6/9
1/2 “Murph”
50 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
150 Squats
10 Sets of 5/10/15 or 5/5/5/15
3/4 “Murph”
75 Pull-Ups
150 Push-Ups
200 Squats
15 Sets of 5/10/15, or 5/5/5/15
We encourage everyone to complete both 1 mile runs, unless an injury precludes you from running. It’s generally the large volume of bodyweight movements that need scaling.
How have you approached “Murph” in the past, and how will you approach it this year? Tell us in the comments!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | Run, Pull-Ups, Push Jerks
Murph: Why We Do It Boxlife
From Couch to Community CrossFit Journal
Can you explain exactly how to do a Pervy Uncle Push-Up with good form? (Video preferred.) I don’t see it in the Exercise Demo Library and I want to make sure mine are creepy enough to get me uninvited to Thanksgiving.
I got you.
these posts are the best way to start a Monday
“Jay-Star’s Guide to Pervy Uncle Scaling Options”
Strong Monday instead of Thursday since I have to jiggle my schedule around a bit this week.
Squat 180x5x3. Fine.
Press 67.5x5x3. Felt strangely grindy at the very top on the last set.
Chinups 5×5, all unbroken, which is good.
When I saw what today’s WOD was I was kinda looking forward to doing it tomorrow. Then I saw a bunch of 7 AM’ers doing it in 608 this morning and I started to realize, duh, this will not be a nice quick workout. Still going to tell myself I am looking forward to it, because opportunity to practice T2B rhythm. But those pushups are going to go away on me FAST 🙁
Speaking of pushups…I’m still on the fence about Murph. On the one hand, I finally have consistent kipping pullups, so I really have no excuse not to do this Rx, right? On the other hand…I just hate these long slogs. Really, really hate them. Don’t wanna rip my hands open either. Would much rather get on Metro-North with the husband and go hike Bull Hill.
May compromise by doing the hike on Sunday and doing 1/2 Murph on Monday. I dunno yet.
LBBS 145x5x3. Getting a little squirrelly as it gets heavier, but actually my sets felt increasingly better today. Maybe I got over some of my fear in the first set!
Bench 95x5x3. Fine!
Deadlift 205×2, 1F. Frustrating because the first 2 reps felt strong! Jeremy said the bar got out in front of me a bit on the third rep (Jaime took a video and yep, that’s exactly what happened!). He also said I could move more than this if I was fresh, so I think I can chalk this up to some form weirdness and being worn out from the squats. Still, 205# was previously my 1RM, so it’s still a PR and I will take it!
I will be approaching Murph this year as a spectator because I want to stay fresh for IM. But everyone else should do it!! Super fun day at the gym!
Speaking of fun, today’s workout is right up my alley. Will bookmark it for a future date!
First of all – what great fun at the East Regionals! I only saw the Saturday events but they were pretty epic! It’s cool to see the elite athletes up close and experience the excitement of the competition. It’s also a great show of perseverance! So many no-reps on the handstand over hill and dale long walks but after 3-4-sometimes 5 tries, suddenly it would come together for many of them.
I had a chance to say hello and see David O in action. It’s such a well organized and professional event. We already know this but he is amazing!
Make up:
Saturday’s workout on Friday at 8 am with Katie HarpZ
I love rope climbing! The view from the rafters is cool. I managed a few jumping starts (which because I am short and can’t jump too too high is only an advantage in feeling cool, but that’s worth something to me). The WOD; I managed 6 rounds and 12 burpees. This was at least a round better than I expected of myself. Good cue from Katie to load as I step down from the box jump and use my arms more efficiently (i.e. don’t circle them like a human windmill) for box jumps. (Used 18 in. foam pylo box.)
Sunday AG – I didn’t get back in town in time to do the group class. I was sorry to have missed it until I saw so many people staring in grimace at their respective palms. Ode to those who followed up that workout with AG! I’m still having trouble stringing the kipping pull ups beyond 2-3 but they’re feeling stronger overall. I was told my butterfly (small circle) practice looked good but that’s not how it felt – more like spazzing while hanging. Just weird. I liked all the go-go-go 3 minute couplets! Used the 20″ hard box because of the small sets. All went well!
Today at 8 with Lauren
I could not move up in weight this week. I managed 30 lbs last week couldn’t get even one weak side press with 35 today. I only tried twice but even 30 felt heavy: 3 sets of 30# for 8 reps then 1×5 for the last. 40# DB for the lateral lunges, which all felt burny but doable.
Wod: 3:41, 3:37, 3:26, 3;39. Did hanging leg raises and these felt higher and better and maybe the kippiest I’ve ever maintained. Happy feelings lasted all the way through the first 5 push ups. These I scaled to 10 plus 5 more from the knees. Sit ups were the slow down! Tried to squat fast.
Well, 35 is a 17% jump from 30! That’s a LOT.
Metcon Rxd
2:30/3:01 (16:49)
Finally back in BK and can’t wait to be back at the gym after a loooooong week in Albany for the East Regional. More on that later.
Super excited for Murph this Monday. One of my fav days at the gym plus we ordered some swanky new weighted vests for it! Sign up!!
8am with Lauren
SABP @ 65×8, 75x6x2 – last set was grindy on the weak side.
GLL @ 24kgx8x3 – generally fine, just hard to breathe.
Metcon 3:16 (fastest) / 4:06 (slowest) – the sit-ups were really the struggle for me, in particular after doing Annie on Saturday. Scaled the T2B to V-ups since I definitely didn’t want to hang from a bar today, it was a 100% chance of my hands blowing up and ripping in 4 different places.
These morning classes are rough, you feel great afterwards, but then 11am rolls around and all I want is a nap…
*recommendations wanted*
a friend is looking for a singing coach – she’s a musician looking to polish her vocal skills. she skews a little pop/jazzish/r+b (not classical/opera.)
hit me up if you have someone you like. mignyc at gmail dot com.
7:30pm with Kharpz!
SA DB BP: 30x6e x2, 35x5e x2
I think these are the hardest lift for me, of allllll the lifts. Yikes.
Lateral lunge: 30x6e x2, 35x6e x2
WOD: slow and then slower. Didn’t get lapped by Katie E but it was close! 2:54 was fastest – 4:30ish slowest. Scaled to 10 push-ups each round and even then they went fast. Firms up my plan to go 1/3 Murph. On a brighter note I managed to kip 3-5 ttb together in a couple of rounds.