An Interview with Stay Strong Scholar AS
You probably know that The Iron Maidens Raw Open, a women-only powerlifting meet slated for Saturday, June 2nd, is one of our most anticipated events of the year. 60 women, from CFSBK and beyond, will test their strength at Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. You won’t want to miss it!
For the 3rd year in a row, Iron Maidens lifters will raise funds for the Stay Strong Scholarship, which supports students at Bronx-based Grace Outreach. This year, our goal is to raise $40,000 to continue supporting these students. Right now we’re at $7,128 raised. Can you help us get there? Show some love by donating to your favorite CFSBK lifter(s) through the 2018 Crowdrise campaign here.
Today we’d like to bring you a brief interview with AS, a Stay Strong Scholar since September 2016. So far, AS has completed an Associate’s degree from Bronx Community College!
What has the Stay Strong Scholarship meant for you?
The Stay Strong Scholarship means a second chance for me. This scholarship has opened up doors for me that I never thought would be open. The Stay Strong Scholarship has also been the biggest financial help, because without it, I honestly wouldn’t be able to afford college on my own, especially since I am not eligible for financial aid. I can honesty say I am a example of what wonders this scholarship can do for you if you too are in need of help to get through college.
Did you try to find other ways to pay for college before you received the SSS?
Yes, I did try to find other ways, but it’s not easy applying for scholarships when you’re competing against thousands of other students hoping that your essay will be chosen. With the Stay Strong Scholarship, I fit the criteria, and being an alumna of Grace Outreach, they helped me through the process of applying.
How has your college impacted your life so far?
College has impacted my life in such a positive way. It has opened up so many doors for me through which I can network and meet people who can be beneficial to the career path that I want to take. I’ve already completed my my associate’s degree, and I’m currently working on my bachelor’s. Even being able to say that is surreal to me because I have come so far in my life, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have a college education as well experience.
What are your goals for the future?
Once I finish college, I want to work with the federal government. My mind so far is set on Homeland Security. In my career field, I want to build a foundation for myself so that everything I’ve learned in college can be applied to my job as well as my life.
Thanks, AS!
News and Notes
- Coach Whit is a longtime client of Zach Dacuk, who is offering a workshop from June 21st to the 24th. “Mapping the Body: Recognizing Successes & Principles in the Application of Fascial Movement” is of interest to massage therapists, fitness instructors, and movement professionals. Check it out!
- We’ve delayed the start of the upcoming Active Life Strength PM Cycle (but not AM) to next Monday, so you know what that means: There’s still time to register! See yesterday’s blog post for details, and go HERE to register.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Bench Press / Lateral Lunge | Row, Dumbbell Thrusters
Memorial Day Murph: Who? What? Why? Beyond the Whiteboard
The Surprising History of Swimming’s Suffragists Atlas Obscura
Wednesday’s Programming
A1) Front Squat:
4 x 8-10
A2) Single-Arm Ring Row:
4 x 8-10
Use a heavy load (or degree of difficulty for the Ring Row) for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form, heavier than last week. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Front Squats, followed by a set of Ring Rows, heavier than last week. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
20 Minutes or 5 Rounds:
3-6 Strict Pull-Ups
12e Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings
20 Second L-Sit
Use assistance or add weight to the Pull-Ups as appropriate. The Kettelbell Swings should be heavy for 12 reps. Scale the L-Sits to Tucks or Half-Tucks as appropriate, or accumulate 20 seconds in a few sets.
Post work to comments.
5 e lateral box step ups
5e SA ring rows
45 sec ring FLR
Pistol/Ring dip practice
FT@ aer
350m row
8 toes to bar
14 alt pistols
30 double unders
8 toes to bar
14 alt pistols
30 double unders
350m row
rest 5 min
x2 sets
Solo accessory day!
3 rounds:
Rear foot elevated split squat @21×1 tempo, 30# DB, 8ea
Single leg squat to box 8ea
3 rounds:
Banded side step x12ea
Log roll to v-up x8
3 rounds:
Single arm plank :30
Banded glute bridge x10
12 rounds:
Tabata burpees and sit-ups
Then I did 6 strict pull-ups! Was pretty surprised at how easy they felt. I’ve upped the protein in my diet a bit over the last month or so and I think it’s working. SCIENCE!!
Nice job on the pullups!
7 AM squatting with Jess
@Henry: I was right, “odoriferous” is a word. You are also right, and “odorous” is a word. Apparently “odoriferous” carries more of a connotation that the smells are bad, so a rose can be odorous, whereas the Gowanus can be both odorous and odoriferous. #PedantsOf7AM
Squats in sets of 108×8, at 3-0-X-1 tempo. Thanks Fox for the tempo suggestion. Cleaning the bar was comically bad. If Jeremy were there he would have said “nice reverse curl.” I’m a little mad at myself for not coming on Sundays this cycle, but not mad enough to give up one of my rest days!
NFT work was grip city! Worked up to 24kg on the KB swings, and did most of my L-sits on the rings with a tuck. My hands are good and fried now (although I still hope to make it into AG tonight to beat them up some more).
Most of today’s class was doing Monday’s work. I was so happy to be cheering people on instead of doing it myself. It was bad enough yesterday, when the gym wasn’t sticky and humid like it was today! (I knew it was bad when I basically couldn’t see Jess demo-ing the NFT movements because either my glasses were off and I was blind, or my glasses were on and they were covered in fog. Blech!)
You can tell a lot about how a workout will be based on glasses visibility, that’s for sure.
Sorry AG…got out of work in time for Strong Fit for a change and could not resist!
Need to get better at cleaning the keg.
7am doing Weds with Jess and my fellow grammar nerds (I’ve gotten two Slack messages already today with a request that we “flush out” requirements, thank you for appreciating my pain)
FSQ at 103. I like this work a lot because it’s enough volume for my core to start wanting to give up – really focused on keeping elbows up and braced through all reps. Ring rows happened.
+1 that the NFT work was grippy! I had to give my hands a break between the pull-ups and KBs. Fun though.
omg, FLUSH OUT — I hate that one sooooo much!
Also, I never want to hear the word “utilize.” Ever.
hahahaha…are you tempted to respond, “How shall we flush them out? With a 3-day juice cleanse?”
Great interview with AS. Looking forward to the day!
8 am with Lauren
FS with 85 on the bar. So hard. It was difficult to clean but maybe made harder by using the 45# bar. Will switch to yellow next week in the hopes….. x10 for each set – no pace. Ring rows were sort of hurting my neck and felt harder today than last week. I think yesterday was still a little taken out of me. Oh yeah- plus I didn’t sleep a wink last night. Tried to fix my gaze on something neck neutral.
5 rounds: 3 strict pull ups. It seems like it would be so easy to start – you just pull up, like the name says. These died hard in the 5th round. Did two then a few false starts then just kipped one to be done. Used a 12 kg KB cuz of my stiff neck and had fun switching hands in the air. Tuck sits. Tried to put my feet out a little but there is a lack of core strength plus some mobility issues that keep the L from L-ing. Tomorrow I rest.
Today’s Rogramming:
A1) Back Rack Reverse Lunge
@8-10 reps/leg, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
110 for 3×10, toasty! but did a better job of using my R butt today
A2) Dumbbell Tate Press
@2010 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
much easier than last week 20# ea hand
A3) Ab Roll Out
@12-15 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
3×15, working on getting this right! think im feeling it in the abs okay.
B1) Rope Climb
2 ascents, 4 sets, unbroken
felt better as i went along. HR got better as I went along! Startign to get more efficient. Would love tips on a fast descent for sure!
B2) Wall Ball
15 reps, 20/9, 4 sets, unbroken, rest 4 min
hard towards the end! But i can do it just fine.
C) 20 min @aer/grinder
20 cal AB
3 turkish get ups, 16kg/side
30 double unders
10 lateral med ball tosses, 20lb/side
TGU was perfectly challenging for three. Its just tough on stabilizing the midline. Shoulder fatigue did NOT exist woooo! Working on rotating in the med ball tosses. I have never known how to rotate my torso.
D) 10-15 min flush
Think the clouds are starting to part a little bit from my post open let down. Energy levels are starting to come back and I’m ALMOST not feeling exhausted every day. Geez this is taking awhile. Heading out to ActiveLife tomorrow to clean up some rust in the joints and looking forward to figuring out my routine a little bit more 🙂