Complete 7 Rounds of:
:20 Deadlift, 225lbs
:40 Rest
:20 Burpees
:40 Rest
Post reps completed to comments
Todays WOD is a modified version of a CF Football WOD. Athletes may choose to substitute Double Unders, Box Jumps or Lateral Jumps over a barrier for Burpees. If 225 is too much for you to Deadlift, divide your 1RM by 1.4 to scale.
Accessory Work
Strict Pull-Ups 3×5
Lecture Series: Understanding Sarcoplasmic Vs. Myofibrillar Hypertrophy
Below is the list of people who are interested in hotel/travel with SBK for the Qualifiers. If you would like to join the group, please email Margie ( no later than Friday morning (4/24). We will likely leave Friday afternoon and return Sunday evening. We are working on group travel arrangements and will keep everyone posted.
Anne and Rob, Laurel and Malcolm, Vadim and Olga, Dan R, Charmel, Erik, Sameer, Jeremy, Sal, David O, Margie, Jacinto Juliana and Brandy
There are no classes this weekend for our first Gymnastics Certification.
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