As Many Rounds in 12 Minutes as Possible of: 20 Walking Lunges 10 Burpees
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Accessory Work 1500m Pace Row Pick a start Split time and drop :10 every 300m Keep your stroke rating below 20 s/m Start Split Options: A: 2:20, B: 2:30, C: 2:40, D: 2:50
It’s just like the old days.. We workout downstairs and I post the blogs after the WODS. Full Circle.
Back to “Normal” tomorrow.
7 rounds ~6 lunges. Quads were the limiting factor on this workout.
row: went for the 2:50 starter, but then couldn’t keep it steady there. Need to work on consistency in rowing.
Post-wod workout: CF kids + after party dodgeball. Did something like 150 jumping jacks plus lots of short sprints. Quads are now thoroughly fried.
Cheers! (I raise my glass of milk to you all.)
6 rounds, 20 lunges. oh burpees…
was going to forgo the row, was pretty spent, but went for it. started with the 2:30 split but then had trouble getting to the 2:00 split and then the 1:50 split at the end was doable, but only when i picked up my stroke rating. will continue to work on the slow rate. thanks dan for the help!
first of all sorry for all the Chaos today. Second of all, aside from Margie’s sweatshirt, I have a silver water bottle with a cfsbk sticker…which Shane just informed me was Laurel’s and took upstiars so nevermind… and a Little Guerra-sized windbreaker, just fyi, unless we have crossfitting elves.Loves <3R
Ps Come to my event 10/3pps BE FANS OF MY COMICON!
This is the first time I’ve missed a WOD because of sleeping/partying too much. Looks like I missed a beauty. Bummer. Just add one more to the list I have to make up.
8 rounds + 20 lunges. couldn’t get a 1:40/500m pace @ 20str/min which was kind of annoying, as I’ve been doing 2:00/500m @ 15str/min for my crashb workouts. I guess it’s a bigger jump than it seems.
Ooh, this looks fun. Gonna try to do it tomorrow at a gym which will not be named.Paul, your frustration is understandable, and the 1:40 will come…but you should know that I’ve never pulled a single stroke at 1:40 in my life, and I can hold 2:00 easy for 1000m (and once upon a time, for 2K). It is a big jump.
Laurel–being able to hold a single split time is as much about form/technique as it is about power/strength. You’ll get there.
I was looking at the wrong dealie on the rower. 1500m in 7:30. I got faster, but I don’t know how much.
Nick Petersonsays
I just want the record to reflect that I didn’t devise this accessory WOD. That said, I wish I had.
Laurel, Stephanie, Joe, and Paul: remember that you’d just done a really hard workout, so you were depleted going into it. The accessory WOD was a perfect accompaniment to the lunges and burpees, because it forced you to struggle with technique.
Charlotte’s right – the main purpose of the low stroke-rate training is to improve form.
Paul, 1:40 at a 20 stroke rate is really, really hard. I’d be amazed if any of the men can pull that off at this point. Holding that pace at that rating is actually a good benchmark; if you can maintain 1:40 at a 20 for several minutes, I’d be willing to bet you can rock the 2K.
I don’t know if I did just shy of 6 rounds or just shy of 5. I *think* I did just shy of six, but I started to second-guess myself on the way home. Perhaps I was being too optimistic?
I started at 2:50 and I just couldn’t get down 2:10 @ 20s.
Made this one up this morning…6 rounds even. Burpees=ouch.
Meant to start the row at 2:40, but started at 2:50 by mistake–jumped from 2:40 to 2:20 when I realized what I’d done. All the splits were just fine up til the end, when I could not for the life of me pull a stroke at 2:00 at a 20. Lowest was 2:02.
8 rounds. Rowing was hard, I was able to keep the pace but not the stroke rate. Dan thanks for the helpful rowing tips.
Was really suprised that my legs were hurting with the first round of lunges. Burpees are always miserable.
Total: 5 rounds plus 5 burpees.
The accessory row was also very difficult for me. I started at 2:50 but fluctuated from 2:40-3:10 during the first 300m. Really need to work on being consistent. I did much better after that until I got to the last 300m. I was supposed to be at 2:10, but I only got that once. And my stroke rating kept creeping above 20s/m. I really enjoyed this though and want to incorporate this into training more often!
After class, worked on some pullups and double unders. Then kept time for Dan while he did “Annie”. I’m so jealous of his double unders!
6 rounds. subbed lunges for box jumps on a 24″box. as if my legs weren’t trashed from FGB already!
1500m row. was good. started at 2.20 pace. could only get to a 1.44 pace while holding the prescribed stroke rate. looking forward to trying it again and getting 1.40
after, great fun at CF kids.
Nick Petersonsays
Did this workout a day late, this morning. 10 rounds. For the accessory WOD I did 2500m and broke it up into 500m segments. I couldn’t for the life of me hold 1:40/500m for the last segment – my legs were fried from the lunges, and I’m sure from FGB as well. I’m not sure I’d be able to hold 1:40 at a 20 anyway, actually. Here are my numbers:
It’s just like the old days.. We workout downstairs and I post the blogs after the WODS. Full Circle.
Back to “Normal” tomorrow.
7 rounds ~6 lunges. Quads were the limiting factor on this workout.
row: went for the 2:50 starter, but then couldn’t keep it steady there. Need to work on consistency in rowing.
Post-wod workout: CF kids + after party dodgeball. Did something like 150 jumping jacks plus lots of short sprints. Quads are now thoroughly fried.
Cheers! (I raise my glass of milk to you all.)
6 rounds, 20 lunges. oh burpees…
was going to forgo the row, was pretty spent, but went for it. started with the 2:30 split but then had trouble getting to the 2:00 split and then the 1:50 split at the end was doable, but only when i picked up my stroke rating. will continue to work on the slow rate. thanks dan for the help!
WOD: 12:00 AMRAP 20 lunges (10/leg)/10 burpees6 rounds + 15 lunges
Accessory: 1500 m paced rowLower 500m split every 300m. Stroke rate below 202:30 – 2:20 – 2:10 – 2:00 – 1:55
Couldn’t quite get that last split down to 1:50, not while keeping the stroke rate below 20. Getting better at paced rows though.
Happy to help re-set the equipment. Just a small taste of what the move is going to be like…
first of all sorry for all the Chaos today. Second of all, aside from Margie’s sweatshirt, I have a silver water bottle with a cfsbk sticker…which Shane just informed me was Laurel’s and took upstiars so nevermind… and a Little Guerra-sized windbreaker, just fyi, unless we have crossfitting elves.Loves <3R
Ps Come to my event 10/3pps BE FANS OF MY COMICON!
This is the first time I’ve missed a WOD because of sleeping/partying too much. Looks like I missed a beauty. Bummer. Just add one more to the list I have to make up.
8 rounds + 20 lunges. couldn’t get a 1:40/500m pace @ 20str/min which was kind of annoying, as I’ve been doing 2:00/500m @ 15str/min for my crashb workouts. I guess it’s a bigger jump than it seems.
Ooh, this looks fun. Gonna try to do it tomorrow at a gym which will not be named.Paul, your frustration is understandable, and the 1:40 will come…but you should know that I’ve never pulled a single stroke at 1:40 in my life, and I can hold 2:00 easy for 1000m (and once upon a time, for 2K). It is a big jump.
Laurel–being able to hold a single split time is as much about form/technique as it is about power/strength. You’ll get there.
5 rounds + 10 lunges
I was looking at the wrong dealie on the rower. 1500m in 7:30. I got faster, but I don’t know how much.
I just want the record to reflect that I didn’t devise this accessory WOD. That said, I wish I had.
Laurel, Stephanie, Joe, and Paul: remember that you’d just done a really hard workout, so you were depleted going into it. The accessory WOD was a perfect accompaniment to the lunges and burpees, because it forced you to struggle with technique.
Charlotte’s right – the main purpose of the low stroke-rate training is to improve form.
Paul, 1:40 at a 20 stroke rate is really, really hard. I’d be amazed if any of the men can pull that off at this point. Holding that pace at that rating is actually a good benchmark; if you can maintain 1:40 at a 20 for several minutes, I’d be willing to bet you can rock the 2K.
I don’t know if I did just shy of 6 rounds or just shy of 5. I *think* I did just shy of six, but I started to second-guess myself on the way home. Perhaps I was being too optimistic?
I started at 2:50 and I just couldn’t get down 2:10 @ 20s.
ok the vimeo link is working now.
i only was able to get footage of two heats, so i couldn’t get a shot of everyone, but I think everyone in those two heats is fairly well covered.
facebook has copyright police too now. argh. damn property rights.
Folks: these lunges weren’t weighted?
Made this one up this morning…6 rounds even. Burpees=ouch.
Meant to start the row at 2:40, but started at 2:50 by mistake–jumped from 2:40 to 2:20 when I realized what I’d done. All the splits were just fine up til the end, when I could not for the life of me pull a stroke at 2:00 at a 20. Lowest was 2:02.
8 rounds. Rowing was hard, I was able to keep the pace but not the stroke rate. Dan thanks for the helpful rowing tips.
Was really suprised that my legs were hurting with the first round of lunges. Burpees are always miserable.
Total: 5 rounds plus 5 burpees.
The accessory row was also very difficult for me. I started at 2:50 but fluctuated from 2:40-3:10 during the first 300m. Really need to work on being consistent. I did much better after that until I got to the last 300m. I was supposed to be at 2:10, but I only got that once. And my stroke rating kept creeping above 20s/m. I really enjoyed this though and want to incorporate this into training more often!
After class, worked on some pullups and double unders. Then kept time for Dan while he did “Annie”. I’m so jealous of his double unders!
6 rounds. subbed lunges for box jumps on a 24″box. as if my legs weren’t trashed from FGB already!
1500m row. was good. started at 2.20 pace. could only get to a 1.44 pace while holding the prescribed stroke rate. looking forward to trying it again and getting 1.40
after, great fun at CF kids.
Did this workout a day late, this morning. 10 rounds. For the accessory WOD I did 2500m and broke it up into 500m segments. I couldn’t for the life of me hold 1:40/500m for the last segment – my legs were fried from the lunges, and I’m sure from FGB as well. I’m not sure I’d be able to hold 1:40 at a 20 anyway, actually. Here are my numbers:
Average 2:00.1, 18SR500m: 2:19.0, 171000m: 2:09.4, 171500m: 1:59.4, 162000m: 1:49.8, 202500m: 1:43.0, 20