For Time:
75 Double Unders
15 Push Jerks, 135/85
65 Double Unders
9 Push Jerks 135/85
55 Double Unders
6 Push Jerks 135/85
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compare to 6.7.09
Accessory Work
P/PP/PJ Overhead Review
Dan in an Ice Tub. Perfect.
If you can regularly string together over 20 Double Unders, describe how you developed this skill.
10:26 w 125#. Double Unders were developed through practice and frustration. started doing them w really high jumps then tried jumping lower and lower. Also would do a lot of one legged hops and other various techniques just to get used to the rope. Also feel it helps using the same rope and shortening it as your skills progress. I also followed some of the tips Buddy Lee gives in his jump rope series that was published in the journal.
As Rx’d: 7:51Unbroken doubles for rounds 1 and 2. Round 3 was a mess.
Push-Jerks wereround 1: 5/5/5round 2: 3/3/3round 3: 1/2/3
10:25 scaled up to 155lbs.
Unbroken doubles for round 1 and then a few misses on the next couple of rounds.
This sucked. I didn’t really hear my time, I think David said 18 something.
Lots of room for improvement, at least.
What a tough and cool WOD!
12:44 min
Scaled down to 115 lbs and subbed Box Jumps (reps: 40-30-20) for DUs.
12:53, leo talked me into scaling up to 140. got some sets of 20 on DUs which is good for me. still need a lot of work on them, though.
great pic of dan.
love this WOD13.27 Rx’ddouble unders where for shit through out. phooey!
10:45135# push jerkssubbed box jumps
Thank you Jeremy for pushing me through my box jumps. I am finally doing more jumping than stepping!
9:1840, 30, 20 Box jumps65 lbs. on the push jerks/push presses, whatever they were. I’m weak.
Sorry about the late post, I was set to have it go up at 7am but the internet went down at my apt and I lost the html. Had to post after class.
Warm-Up:Peer Pressure and a couple jerks at 95, 115 and 135.
DU/PJ WOD as rx’d11 or 12 something.. anyone remember?.. Christian?
First 75 Doubles were unbroken which is a PR for me. First 15 PJ’s seemed pretty manageable but things started to get hairy after that. The Push Jerks felt very heavy and I was stopping doubles to rest, not because I was missing. Tough WOD.
I had really inefficient Doubles when I first got them. Lots of stomping and gassing out way too soon. One day at Equinox, mid Wod and gassing hard on doubles, I just started to relax a lot more and focused on getting my hands to move faster while the rest of my body remained calm. From there it was a slow process of me mixing doubles and singles to gradually being able to string them together. I found it quite useful to listen to the rhythm of consecutive doubles of other people and then trying to emulate them.
24:12 at 115. Doubles are my bane. For me it is single-double-single-double all the way. Most of mine were done in sets of ten like that, but they were broken up with lots of resting in between because if I went too soon I just missed.
After the doubles my shoulders were stuck in my ears and the push jerks which had felt pretty good warming up were murder. Was really tempted to quit – far more than I have been in months.
Need to figure out how to relax in doubles, because right now they are super tense and tight.
9:48 rx’d
this was tough. PJ 5,5,5, then 3,3,2,1, then 3,3
DU were 25 or so, then mostly in clumps of 5-10.
I’m still working on getting dialed in on DUs, and practice, practice, practice has been my best method.
I’m pretty sure I wound up doing 55 on my last set of DUs cause I was lost in the rapture. I should learn how to count under duress.
David: 11:34. Pleasure to watch our captain go at it!
re DU’s. practice and practice obviously. i need more practice, a lot more. it was single and and then a double at first and then trying doubles. i also watch crossfit and again faster video tutorials.whipping the hands faster helps as well as looking ahead, but relaxing while jumping is really the key. and the right length rope of course. during WOD’s the more tired i am the better i can string DU’s together.
my PJ were 5, 5, 5 then 5, 4 then 6.
I call bullshit that Reshef hasn’t chimed on the mystique of double unders
the BEAST pr’d his DU’s today too!!
8:3940/30/20 box jumpsscaled up to 95# for the jerks, probably should have gone higher.i aspire to double unders. that can be my project while i’m moving the next couple weeks.
Katie – nice numbers!
7:56modified with box jumps: 40/30/20 and 65lb push press
I think next time I should just suck it up and try to get those miserable double unders (although I’ve only ever got 4 linked). Also, with more practice I should be able to get more weight up with the push jerk. Thanks to everyone for pushing me. First set of push presses were 5-5-5, second set was 5-4 and last set was 6 unbroken thanks to David pushing me to not put the bar down.
As a sidebar, I really love talking about crossfit to my friends. Some of them are relatively athletic but because of scheduling conflicts, haven’t been able to check out our box. I hope that once our new space opens up, class schedules will also expand which will allow them to try us out. They are actually enthusiastic to learn and hear about what we do and are eager to try it out for themselves!
And Shawn, that boy of yours is too damn cute! Loved holding him while you pushed through your WOD! (Although Shane was quite good with him before I snatched him away:))
Oh, and yesterday’s WOD was super tough!
54.2 / 53.3 / 53.4 / 54.2 / 53.5
First time doing this sprint distance and it was definitely tough. I guess I’m happy with my consistency, all within 1 sec. I really felt like chucking after each round but didn’t. I did keep burping up the salsa I had the night before though for the rest of the day. Not fun! I guess my goal is to get to 50. Maybe if I don’t fall off my seat I can get to that… Thanks to Deb and Steph for pushing me through!
I’ll chime in for Dan R – I was unable to get more than one DU for the longest time. Practice, indeed! Then one day as I was laming my DU practice, Dan and Laurel were watching and gave me some tips. Then Dan came in with the magic – take my shoes off. Not only did I get a better feel for where the rope was and what it was doing in relation to my jumps but also when I missed, it would smack the shit out of my toes. Great negative/positive reinforcement!
I’m still not great at them but I have been able to string together 20 in a row. I also notice the more relaxed I am, the better the flow. All about the rhythm.
subbed both exercises, one for healing shoulder and one for ineptitude.
BJs 50, 40, 30225# DLs 21, 15, 9
last 9 DLs unbroken when previously couldn’t get more than 7. How does that happen? I love taking the weights outside.
Kids class was great again! very impressed with everyone’s chin up bar work. lots of blisters.
speaking of, Christine ran 20 miles and has a blister covering her entire small toe!
Oh! We missed the kid’s class! Milo ran a race today and had a birthday party. Will there be one next weekend?
Continuing to improve on my double-unders. They are magic for my cardio.Managed to do 110 consecutive double-unders in 55 seconds today.
Rested a bit, picked a point in space to focus on and then banged out 131 consecutive double-unders in 75 seconds. PR baby!
Slowing reaching my goal of 200 consecutive doubles in 2 minutes.
@David Mak: thanks for the backup! That was an awesome day, was stoked to hear it when you rocked 20 consecutive just by removing your shoes!
@Chris: I agree with the bullshit call. Couldn’t get connected at the Lyceum, damn their wireless! Will post something lengthy, shortly…
@.DMG – thanks Bro!
OK, a quick note before I launch into my little treatise in double-unders:
You might want to warm up with a few dot drills and ankle/knee rotations before jumping.
Take good care of your feet, and don’t go crazy with the volume — start slow and build up.
Try not to jump rope on the concrete, especially if you’re barefooted, in socks, or in Vibrams.
Ask other people to watch your double-unders and watch other people doing theirs. Ask questions of them, get feed back.
Don’t get too obsessed with doubles, remember to work all of your weaknesses.
OK, here it goes…
Get the right rope:Find a rope with the right length by (1) put one foot into the middle of the rope. (2) Hold both handles in one hand and adjust the length so the tips of the handles are at shoulder height.Ideally, spend the $2.99 and buy your own rope.Either way, try to use that same rope ALL the time.
Don’t have doubles?Add single jumps to your pre-class warm up.
Stay on the ball of your feet, don’t let your heels hit the ground. Make your calf and Achilles tendon take the load like a spring and bounce into the next jump. Practice this without the rope first until you’re comfortable.
Build your confidence with single jumps, while simultaneously conditioning your arms and legs by going continuously for small intervals: 10s, 20s, 30s, …, 50s, 60s
Once your arms don’t fatigue much (you decide if that’s at 30s or 60s), start on attempting doubles.
Working the Double:In general, doubles involve spinning the rope much faster while jumping only slightly higher. Try doing that and see what it gets you.
If you don’t get very far with that, try the following:Timing them without a jump rope. This involves standing there with your hands holding an imaginary rope and spinning that imaginary rope while jumping and use your internal voice to count out the timing. E.g. jump, jump, jump, explode, jump, jump, jump, explode.
Timing WITH a jump rope. As above, just with the rope.
Holding both ropes in one hand and spinning the rope faster to achieve the timing for the doubles.
Whatever works for you, do it until you got doubles — just remember to continue jumping once you get the double.
At the beginning that will mean getting a single after the double, later it will be getting a double after that double (and then adding another double ad infinitum)
One more time: continue jumping after you get your double. Condition yourself to continue jumping no matter what, even if you fail on the next jump.
Don’t worry if your jumps are ugly, you’ll fix that in post. Just continue getting doubles and keep practicing them once you do.
Keep jump roping in your warmup by picking a number of Double Unders as your target and keep trying until you get each one (10, 20, 30).
Shoot for three sets of 20 or 30 doubles any way you can.
Once you can do a reasonable number of doubles and your arms and legs are used to doing that volume, it’s time to shoot for consecutive jumps/attempts of that same volume.
Don’t get frustrated if you don’t get them & don’t get too excited if you do.
And for all of you substituting box jumps for double-unders in the WODs, STOP.
OK, I “got” doubles, now what?Keep the doubles in your warm up. Do 3 sets of 10, 20, or 30 depending on how you’re feeling (don’t go crazy, and give yourself time to recover between sets)
Try any/all of the following, but attempt only one change at a time:
Take off your shoes, leave your socks on. It sounds crazy, but you’ll have a much better feeling for the floor if barefoot. Yes, it hurts like a mofo if you hit your toes. Don’t hit your toes.
Feel where there’s tension in your body, and work to reduce it. There are two things I often see: (1) A tendency to shrug up while jumping, resist that urge, and keep those shoulders down and relaxed.(2) A desire to raise the arms up as fatigue sets in. Keep your arms by your side, that keeps the rope the same length. Raising the arms shortens the rope, and makes it more likely you’ll hit your toes (ouch).
Don’t bring your knees up so high.
Don’t jump so high.
Spin the rope faster.
Keep your posture, don’t break at the hip, and don’t stick your face out from your body.
Be relaxed and comfortable while jumping.
Get in the zone, find your rhythm, go your speed.
OK, I’m solid on technique, I want VOLUME:Get a leave in conditioner. OK in all seriousness…Do your double-unders to failure POST wod. Being fatigued goes a long way to improving your doubles under duress. Many people can do doubles fresh, but once they get fatigued, they disappear.
Pick a number, do that many double unders — don’t worry about consecutive jumps or not.Once you’re good on getting that, pick a number and do three sets of that many consecutive. Keep the sets small at first, and if you don’t get all of the reps in the set, that set doesn’t count.
Create a couplet of double-unders and something else.examples:deadlifts & double underspullups & double undersmuscleups & double underspushups & double undershand stand pushups & double undersetc
Particularly nasty:5 rounds of:1 minute double unders1 minute box jumps
5 rounds of:1 minute double unders1 minute push press
Kick ass, and good luck getting your doubles under control!
Wow! Thank you so much, Dan. And wow, again!
Damn awesome post dan. When I started at CFSBK I was obsessed with getting doubles. I bought my own cheap rope and practiced a lot. After being able to do 0 in foundations I got to 10 pretty quick. Then I stopped practicing and quickly regressed. Since Im not coming during the week Im gouing to practice more now after being inspired by this post.
far from RX
Did Box jumps and 90lbs.
I had120 on the bar during warm ups and tweaked my wrist so I decided to drop the weight. It was tough but still too easy. I was able to do 4-5 unbroken.
I think 105-110 wouldve been a more appropriate weight.
Thanks everyone for watching Kamau today during the WOD. He is a really physical baby–he loves getting around and playing with different things–I think he’s going to love something like crossfit kids when he gets old enough. I want to bring him more as he continues to get older and become more aware.
Shane he was shy at 1st but you helped him get out of his shell and running around the gym, great job!
Dan! You are the MAN!
There should be a permanent link to that DU post.
Shane the kid whisperer
Dan, you might as well put those posts together into a little mini-treatise on DUs, which could then be linked or posted somewhere on this blog (hopefully).
Quick note to Andy, Shawn, Chris, and Samir:
Thanks for all the positive feedback! Hope the write-up speaks to you and helps you to reach your next goal with double unders.
Dan: Very much so – I finally strung together two DU’s last week, and made it up to 6 or 7. I’m hoping to get to 10 this week. Your tips will help tons.
7:4040, 30, 20 Box jumps70 lbs. push jerks/push press hybrid thing.
Prob could have gone heavier, but damn would I be even more sore today.
There’s something mental about box jumps that is very appealing. Hard to tell.
re: double unders. My PR is 5>. I blame the rope. Seriously, it’s all about timing and practice and muscle memory. Like golf and competitive eating.
just in case we do this down the line
did this Tues AM 10:28
M/ 35/ 131 lbs/ 5′-6″16:15Used 125 lbs for PJ(Double Unders were not that bad.. usually in the 12-22 range a few in the upper 20’s as well.)I was a little flat i nintensity and I really wanted to concentrate on the form and technique of my Push Jerks.. I need to force myself to RE-DIP and to get my legs more into it… less push press and more push jerk.. so that’s what I did… pretty fun overall.