Low Bar Squats Today
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compare to 9.24.09
Accessory Work
Ring Work
A. Inversions 5 Holds
B. Skin The Cats 3×3
C. Front Levers 5x :10
Congratulations to Brian Scott for winning his company's 3 month pedometer Step to Health Challenge. Brian destroyed the competition, even beating second place by well over 700,000 steps.
Did Humans Evolve to Be Long Distance Runners? Mark's Daily Apple
You Walk Wrong and Your Shoes are to Blame Fitness Spotlight
The KB swings in the warm-up were really challenging for me (yellow KB-can’t remember the weight). Still fun but means I need to do that more. Thanks to Shane for assisting me with the K2E.
LBBS: 5×5(45), (75), (95), 115, 125, 135, 145, 150PR
3rd time with this lift and it’s going take me awhile to get used to that bar positioning and the stress on my wrists. Last week, I only got to 125 because my legs were tired and because it was pre-FGB. So, I felt good about today. I nearly psyched myself out when I lifted the bar off the rack (thinking, this is too damn heavy) but thanks to Julianna and Shannon, they pushed me through. Really nice lifting today ladies! My legs are strong, but I need to drive up stronger with my ass and not let my knees cave in.
And, thanks to all the posts about helmet use. I have a helmet, which I think looks cool, but I’ve hardly used it. That changes today. I will also now harass Mr. Fox everyday to wear it too! Thanks all!