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compare to 8.12.09
Accessory Work
Medicine Ball Rotational Tosses
Clean Drills
Kicking Ass and Taking Names one Decade at a Time
Fight Gone Bad Team 3!
Juliana Agudelo
Christian Fox
Paul Steinman
Paul Sanwald
Colette Komm
Fund raising note: Everyone who would like to participate in Fight Gone Bad IV must register through the FGB portal and is encouraged to attempt a fund raising effort. While there is no minimum to compete, even donating $20 yourself will go a long way towards 2 great causes. At the end of the day, this is about community, charity and friendly competition. Register here
Get well soon to Bethany B. who dropped a knife on her foot and Allan E. who d broke his leg dancing. Yikes!
What was a really enjoyable meal you had out recently?
America's Food Crisis and How to Fix it Time
Orthorexia: Healthy Food Eating Disorder Guardian UK