+ How are you feeling?
Standing Series A
+ Palms Up
+ Palms Down
+ Over and Back
+ Uni lateral Windmills
+ Torso Rotations
+ Hip Rotations
+ Gillies
+ Knees Out Squat > on off tension hip raise
3 Rounds NFT of:
10 Walking Lunges Each Leg
7 Pull-Ups
Focus Movements
Kettlebell Swings
+ Intro: heels, back, shoulders, relaxed arms.
+ Deadlift KB, “Hike” it back, snap it up
+ Troubleshoot with group, 5 sets of :30 on each.
DB Thrusters
+ Intro, Rack Position, Upright Squat, Explode Overhead
+ 3 Sets of 5 Reps
Box Jumps
+ Intro, dip drive jump, knees up, eyes on box, full hip extension
+ 2 sets of 5 reps each
(Move quickly through Thrusters and Box Jumps)
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
7 DB Thrusters
12 Box Jumps
+ Paleo Intro: Ancestral Diet, Clean Animal Proteins, Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, seeds
+ Recovery Intro: You get stronger when you recover, not when you workout, Sleep is essential for health
The warm-up seemed very unorganized. folks did okay with lunges but this was the first time they were left to pace things on their own and it was a little hairy. mostly with the pull-ups, not remembering how to properly help people in and out, what band to use and what proper ROM was.
the movemements went well and the WOD was changed to 12min amrap of 7 and 7. 12 box jumps seemed like it would be too unbalanced.
The lecture NEEDS to be laid out. I sort of shot from the hip and it was a hot mess.
Is there a Nutrition lecture laid out yet???