As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Post Rx and rounds to comments.
compare to 3.7.10
Teresa B warms up for a Heavy Single
CFSBK Group Class Programming Notes
Starting today, we'll be programming a "Crush Week" of WODs before starting the back off week on Saturday the 5th. Our normal cycle of programming will continue on 2/12. Here it is all spelled out for ya:
1/30-2/4 "Crush Week"
2/5-2/12 Back Off Week
2/12 New cycle of programming starts.
The movement pool for the next cycle will be:
The Snatch, Front Squats & Push Press
SBK Competition Team Athletes
We'd like you to get a dose of doing multiple WODs in a day while managing pre and post WOD nutrition. Most, if not all, CrossFit competitions involve multiple events in a day and what/when to eat can be critical to performance. We'd like you to get that dose this weekend. While not mandatory, you are all strongly encouraged to come to either the 10 or 11am group class today and do the WOD, replenish your stores, and come back for the noon SBK Team Competition Class. If you come to the 11am class let the coach know you're also doing the noon class and you will be allowed to get started right away so you'll have time for a snack in between.
What to eat? Nothing new to your system. Something small and easily digestible. You need some protein and some carbohydrate, but nothing too heavy, and little to no fat. Fat slows digestion, which is not good here. You don't want a 1/4 pounder to be sitting in your stomach come WOD time.
Boiled egg and a few dried apricots
2-3 oz Chicken and a 1/4 sweet potato
1/3 -1 cup Chili made with lean ground beef chili and butternut squash
*1/2 serving Whey protein and carb (malto) shake (*During events, only do the whey shake route if you've done it before and know you handle it well)
Sign up for the Hail to the Queen Throwdown on 2/26/11! A Women's only CrossFit Competition!
A New Recipe from the SBK Paleolilith