(e3/8) Sets Across
Theses are again, tempo sets at a 2-3-1 cadence. Try to add weight from the last exposures 3×5 tempo squats.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 1.08.11
Tabata Mash-Up the Following two Movements:
Kettlebell Swings
Box Jumps
Choose a weight and box height that will allow you to cycle reps quickly
Post total for each movement and Rx to comments.
compare to 9.05.09 or 6.22.09
Announcing the CFSBK Olympic Weightlifting Cycle!
The Olympic lifts are the ultimate expression of strength, speed and power. The Clean and Jerk and the Snatch require an array of physical skills (Strength, Flexibility, Coordination, Agility, Balance, Power and Speed) and can take a lifetime of training to truly master.
This class is designed to take athletes with a basic exposure to the lifts and spend 8 weeks improving their Clean and Jerk and Snatch.
We will focus on mechanical efficiency and technical proficiency emphasising proper position, tempo and finally load. The program is comprised of full squat variations of the lifts, squats and a selection of basic plyometrics and assistance exercises.
Whether you are looking to be a better Olympic lifter or Crossfitter this class will help improve your numbers and cut your WOD times.
In this 8 week, 24 session program we offer:
* Small group training designed to increase your competency with the lifts.
* Consistent and repeated exposure to the Snatch & Clean and Jerk and their variations
* A squatting variation each class.
* Video feedback/analysis
* Class materials include a syllabus and video materials
*New PRs.
Class is limited to 4 athletes.
Pre-requisite: 6 Months of CF Group Class Programming or 1 Strength Cycle
Athletes must be cleared by Coach Shane prior to participation.
For more information and for registraion links, Click Here!
Nicole Carrol talks CrossFit and Nutrition
Nicole Carrol Overhead Squats her bodyweight for 15 Reps