Increase load each set to find a HEAVY set of 5!
Post loads to comments.
(E 2/8) Compare to 3.26.11 and 8.18.11
With a partner, complete the following work for time:
100 KB Swings 2 pd/1.5 pd
2000m Row
Partition the work anyway you see fit, only one athlete working at a time. All work must be completed before time is called.
Post load and time to comments.
A Great from the Crate: Alan is LOVES going overhead!
Get Ready to Squat!
Tonight, we're going for heavy sets of Back Squat! Please read or re-read Coach Margie's excellent article "Getting Ready to Squat" on preparing for a heavy day under the bar. Get psyched!
Remember we've got a slew of awesome and informative training and nutrition articles under the CFSBK Training Articles and Media section of the blog.
C'mon on ride that (PR) train, come on ride it…Woo! Woo!
Vincent D. 49.5" Box Jump
Katie M. 245# BSQ
Jess F. 225# BSQ
Laurel M. 100# Press
Margie 90# Press
Steph P. 6:59 Annie PR
Congratulations to everyone and great job on all the hard work!
CF Games Open Sectionals WOD #2 at CFSBK this Weekend!
We're proud to be hosting Sectionals WOD #2 this Saturday! The event will start at 1pm with athlete registration starting at 12:30pm.
There will be NO 12pm Group class, Active Recovery or CrossFit Kids classes today.
Anyone interested in volunteering who did not last time shoot David an email at: david(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Shaolin Soccer Photo Album! Der Spiegel
Graham Holmberg's Competition Strategy Crossfit