2 Reps on the Minute for 10 Minutes
Load 5-10lbs heavier than last week
Post loads to comments.
(e5/8) compare to 4.2.11
Partner "Versus" workout
Partner A performs 30 KB swings while Partner B runs cone sprints (cones are 15' apart). Every time cone is touched, Partner B scores 1 point. Goal is to accumulate as many points as possible in the time it takes Partner A to finish their swings. Then switch.
Each partner must swing the KB 4 times.
Partner with the most points wins.
Post partner, kettlebell loads and score to comments.
Reminder that there is No Active Recovery Today. All other classes are on as regularly scheduled.
Good luck to Team SBK competing in Open Sectional WOD 11.3 today at CrossFit Virtuosity!
lululemon athletica Function Show Tonight!
Check out the lululemon "Function Show" at Triomph Fitness. David will be one of the ambassadors doing a short "demo" in their apparel. Tweet The Deets Here
Did you attend the "Rest Day Dinner" yesterday? How was it?!
Interview with Glen Pendlay
Glen Pendlay on Consistency and Olympic Weightlifting
Coach Wilkes Talks Bar Path in Olympic Weightlifting