Sumo Deadlift High-Pull 101
Snatch Review
Advanaced: Find a 1RM
Novice/Int: Find a heavy double
Novice/Int athletes may work from the hang if necessary
Post loads to comments.
The Lady in Red: Steph P. has elbows high and outside during FGB 4
Congratulations to Ariel K. and Ben W. on their marriage!!!
We’re Gaining on ‘Em!
We’re currently #2 in the world in fundraising just behind Potomac Crossfit. We’ve been closing the gap but they are up by a little over $5000. Last year we were number 1 i the world thanks to the support and hard work of everyone most especially Matt U. Can we regain the top spot?
Matt U and CFSBK Featured in the Park Slope Patch
Check out this feature on Matt U. and his fundraising efforts for Fight Gone Bad 6 in the local Park Slope newsletter the Park Slope Patch!
From Zeroes to Heroes: Last 48 hours of the 23 Dollar Challenge
Last week we issued a challenge for all 107 participants to get at least $23 Dollars in their FGB accounts. We know times are tight, we know people are busy and we know that sometimes asking others for help isn’t easy. We also know that a little goes a long way and that if we each do a little we can do a lot to help others.
Our reminder earlier this week brought in a bunch more donations but we still have a few $0 amounts on the board. We’re asking team captains and anyone else willing to see if anyone has a zero dollar amount by their name. You can check by searching by team here. If so, please reach out to your team and see if anyone can donate $23 to that/those athletes or if you as a team can pool $23 bucks to help out your teammate.
We thank everyone who has participated in the challenge so far we have over 65 out of the 107 participants with donations now!
What was the most effective means of getting donations for you this year?
Vladimir Putin, Action Man The Atlantic
Bystanders Lift Burning Car to Save Pinned Motorcyclist Huffingtonpost
I saw the Putin pictures yesterday. Tremendous. The only thing missing is him drinking a Dos Equis.
Thanks Margie for all of your work on the CSA, everything looks great!
For all you surfer types, I saw this article in this week's NY Magazine and thought of you:
Decided to run today instead of coming to the 7 AM class since I'm saving myself for FGB. I simultaneously can't wait and am skeered.
i obviously loooove SDHPs! 🙂
i just made a $23 donation to my FGB efforts to be a part of the challenge. the hardest thing for me is that i do quite a bit of fundraising myself for Team Fox for The Michael J. Fox Foundation which is a cause near and dear to my heart, so it's nearly impossible for me to ask friends and family to support another cause. but if all of us with $0 just make that one $23 donation to our own efforts, it will all add up.
Another kind of Putin photo that's missing is him in a flight-suit in the cockpit of a Su-37. I'm also surprised that he didn't get weightlifting shot in there somewhere.
@Margie: Thanks for taking care of the CSA. Much appreciated. Should I bring the back next Wednesday?
I was super jeally of all the meat and veggies being picked up last night. what a puts I am.
Did Box Squats at #150 felt pretty good after the 1st set. HIt depth well.
Im down to make a spectacle of myself as well for FGB. Im going with the mohawk.
Best. CSA. Delivery. EVER.
Didn't realize how joyous it would to get 3 different species instead of just one. And beautiful, beautiful cuts. I have a pork loin roast, hot dogs and a huge porterhouse defrosting… Awesomo!
The Putin thing is hilarious(?) Amazing? Weird? I don't know what to think, but I'm with Samir– can't believe they don't have him in a singlet.
I don't like fund raising, so my biggest success was my mom. And myself. FB has gotten me zilch. I'm sending one more email to people I have donated to in past. They owe me, don't they? 🙂
Samir and all who are in on the Meat/Chicken CSA, yes please bring your back BEFORE Wednesday. You can leave them in a pile in the coat room and I'll collect them to give back to the farmers.
Also, in case my offal response was missed yesterday, definitely contact Jerry and Christine at Herondale to request it, I think they'd be happy to accommodate.
Speaking of CSA bags, I accidentally left my empty bag by the sink area in my post-WOD fog. Sorry coaches!
I was part of a crew of guys that raised 40k for cancer last year, and got to rock an incredibly macho mustache at the same time. The best line that I got on a fundraising request was from my on Mom:
"Sorry, I'm all tapped out for the year" – Mom Ryan.
Isn't that cold?! My own MOTHER!.
yea for the CSA! the veggies are fantastic–we had salads last night with the greens, tomatoes, and sweet peppers. now it's just a matter of figuring out what to do with the rest. mcdowell has promised to make kale chips, and i'm thinking of using the cabbage to make stuffed cabbage rolls with deer sausage. mmmm.
i was able to raise over a hundred dollars in the past day just by sending a reminder email. some unexpected people were very generous.
Margie, can you just either post here or send an email to people for whom there was a CSA related snag. These posts are making me jealous.
CONFESSION: I welled up when those people lifted the car off of the motorcyclist…and welled up yesterday, too, watching the Ufford FGB 5 video thanks to Mike Voight's line at the end…I think it may be my time of the month or something.
I welled up at those pictures of Putin…
DMak! How could you? He's Russian! 🙂 Or is this just Slav-love?
Dude, Potomac only has a $2600 lead on us right now, which is like $25 from each of us participating in FGB. I say we beat them.
I've drummed up more donations by promising to do the workout in drag if I hit certain landmarks. seems people would like to see that happen…
I chipped in a c-note to switch from zero to hero.
Yoshi, you're killing it! Joe, awesome. I just did FB repost and got myself to tshirt level…
I tossed in $50. I've also been encouraging friends and internet friends to toss money Matt's way. Much more fun if he's forced to wear even tinnier shorts, and it's all going to the same place.
Joel – I have been in contact with the farms about all the snafus. They know to contact you. Let me know if they don't in the next day or so.
"Vladimir Putin aims at a whale with a crossbow" FTW
Amazing energy for fundraising! Great work everyone!!!!
I had about equal success with FB posting and emailing family, friends and colleagues directly. I recently deactivated my FB, which might have been bad timing as I think I could have drummed up a little more reposting a few times. But alas!
Also- lets hope this helps at all:
'm currently at $1,223 raised, if I reach $1,500 I'll do no less than 15 burpees during my rest period, if I hit $1,800 I'll do the whole thing in a 20lb weighted vest!!!!
Also- the Putin images..
I agree perfectly with Rob Is "hilarious(?) Amazing? Weird?" WFT Russia?
15×310 — up from 14×290 last week.
1 min SDHP pressure test: 43 reps
1×145 (pr)
Tabata Wallball
Deadlifting surprised me as I didn't let go of the bar — my grip is actually improving!
SDHP's felt alright, really need to drive more with the legs and take an even wider grip. Hamstring on the left leg started to lock up, lax ball loving needed!
Snatching went well, although I'm still muscling it up a bit; need to be more explosive. See max height box jumps in my future as well. Checked and 145 is a PR, prior PR was 135. I've neglected this lift for far too long, next stop: bodyweight snatch.
Wallball did not go well, took one in the face in the 6th round and it went downhill from there.
Good luck to everyone with their FGB training and fundraising efforts!
Annnd we've closed the gap from $5K this morning to $1K currently. Woot!
Go team sbk!!!!
Light foam rolling and droms
Barbell warm-ups
40kg x2x2
50kg x2x2
65×1 (143lbs)
Started resting too long by the end and letting myself get distracted. Snatch is the only exercise I know that is over when my attention span drops. Very technically sensitive lift. Tod ays lifts were well below my PR
Hell yeah, Steph P. Team Victorious Secret!!!
Hang Snatch – failed at 55, so finished at 50.
Most effective means of donations: facebook and my dad. I set my goal to the amount I was willing and able to contribute myself. I didn’t really think I would get any other donations, except maybe from dad.
I love, love, love The Atlantic! The In Focus section is great, as you can see. JR, my thoughts exactly re: the Dos Equis. I can't stop laughing about the title – Vladimir Putin, Action Man.
David O, you're now $100 closer to those burpees. I only regret I won't be at FGB to see you suffer through them.
FB is getting me nothing. I tried not doing any fund raising until the last couple of days and am now doing the big push. Got up to 300 or so. Not great but better than nothing. Tomorrow will be a big email blitz.
Did cleans instead of snatches:
75×2, 95×2, 115×2, 135×2, 155×2, 165×2. Came the closes I have ever come to passing out on the first of the 165’s…just got very light headed and the world went fuzzy for a few seconds. Woohoo, weight induced high!
late post.
sdhp: 25 @ 53#
-didn't want to push it.
53×2, 63×2, 73, 83, 93!, 98f
-I'm super stoked about 93 because I actually snatched it up as opposed to half snatch/half press out! I was getting 98 plenty high but I just couldn't get underneath it.