192 people did “Murph” at CFSBK, which means collectively we did almost 20,000 pull-ups!
Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered, brought food, and shared their thoughts on the blog for our 2014 Memorial Day “Murph” event. We believe it was one of the most successful “Murph” events to date! We were honored that so many people chose to spend their holiday with us honoring Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy and those that we’ve lost. Special thanks also goes out to our CSA partner Herondale Farms for providing the meat and some grilling skillz. We also want to acknowledge our awesome Front Desk Staff for doing an amazing job holding the event together. Finally, check out the sweet photos of the event taken by Asta F and Dan R on our Flickr page.
Remember, if you’d like to make a greater impact from your “Murph” performance, we recommend donating a dollar (or more) for every minute it took you to complete the workout to the Lone Survivor Program.
News and Notes
- There is no Active Recovery this upcoming Saturday as Coach DO will be in Canton working the North East Regionals as the competition director.
- Please note that there is no floater WOD programmed for Tuesday, since Crush Week began yesterday. If you come today, your only options are “Murph” or tomorrow’s WOD. Plan accordingly!
- PILATES IS CANCELED THIS EVENING, as KH (a.k.a. Cage) is away for the long weekend.
- There’s a new post over on Coach DO’s blog Inside the Affiliate called “Don’t Sell Out: Selling Supplements at CrossFit Affiliates,” about why we choose to sell what we do at CFSBK. Check it out, share it with your friends who geek out on CrossFit!
Olympic Lifting Cycles Want YOU
The PM Olympic Lifting Cycle with Coach Frankie Murray just opened up one more slot, and the AM cycle still has a few slots left.
Spend the next eight weeks focusing on proper technique, mobility, and your individual weak points with an outstanding Olympic lifting coach, who has medaled at five separate National Championships. Learn more here.
AM Cycle
5/29/14 – 7/17/14
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30am to 12:00pm
Register Here!
PM Cycle
5/28/14 – 7/21/14
Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30pm to 10:00pm
Register Here!
Beat The Heat
Memorial Day not only marks the time of year we get to do “Murph” and drink beers, it’s also the (almost!) beginning of summer. This change of environmental conditions comes with some new responsibilities that we all need to be aware of. The two biggest risks when working out in high or humid temperatures are dehydration and heat stroke. Dehydration occurs when your body loses more water than it requires for normal functioning and heat stroke occurs when your body temperature rises faster than you can regulate. Both of these conditions are very serious and can lead to sickness and even death in extreme cases. That being said, you can do a few simple things to make sure you’re safe while working out:
1. Hydrate! Drink cold water before, during, and after you exercise. We have two water pitchers in the fridge that everyone can use. We encourage everyone to bring their own reusable water container, but we also have cups available if you forget yours or don’t own one. Try to drink water at regular intervals. You want to be taking in more water than you’re losing so don’t wait until you’re thirsty to start chugging.
2. Listen to your body. If you’re feeling lightheaded, dizzy, nauseous, begin to cramp, or display anything resembling fever symptoms, it’s time to stop, cool down and hydrate. Sometimes during hard workouts we try to “push through the pain,” but remember that putting yourself at risk in order to shave off an extra :15 seconds is both dangerous and contrary to why you’re here in the first place. (To get fit!)
We also have ice in the freezer available in both cubes and cups that you can grab to eat, rub on your body, etcetera.
If you didn’t tell us already, how’d “Murph” go yesterday?
Fitness Crazed New York Times
No Bullsh*t: The Voices in Your Head Elitefts
A Young Woman Falls in Love with Everything NPR