Fitness: Snatch Deadlift to Knee + Knee Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (or Squat Snatch)
Work up to a heavy load on the complex and perform 3-5 reps there.
Performance: Snatch 5 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Post loads to comments.
3-5 Rounds or 18 Minutes:
10 Thrusters, Heavy and Unbroken
1-2 Rope Ascents
30 Second L-Sit
Post loads and rounds to comments.
Coach Nick raced in the three-mile Head of the Charles Regatta in Boston yesterday and they WON—and set the course record by five seconds for their age group (the men’s master eights, 40+ age group). The “head” format is different from the standard rowing race: competitors start 30 seconds apart, single file. Nick competed for Shannon Boat Club (of Limerick, Ireland) with some other former US National and Olympic team athletes. Last year they came in third. Nick has spent many lonely hours on the rowing machine the past few months in preparation; we’re so glad it paid off!
Fight Gone Bad 2014!
We’d like to thank everyone who volunteered their time and talents yesterday to make Fight Gone Bad 2014 such a smooth event. The amazing Ryan J. handled all the scoring including gathering scorecards and tallying results. He was assisted by Lauren B., Katie H., Matt J., and Brad L. Additionally, Asta F., Dan R., and Susan P. took pictures for the gym, which will be uploaded over the next few days. Big thanks to the Coach Fox for sacrificing his voice when the mike went out and for being such a great MC. Thanks to Coach Jess Fox for organization so many logistics and things on the back-end. And huge thanks to our wonderful Front Desk staff that was the glue keeping the whole event together.
And: a huge thanks to Coach David for donating lots of prizes on behalf of the gym and so much FREE BEER to the event, and for staying late on Friday night to set up the gym perfectly.
As always, the event is the sum of its parts. We loved having so many people in house and were excited to hit our fundraising goal. The biggest thank you goes to everyone who raised funds, cheered teammates on, and gave it their all yesterday.
All final scores and fundraising tallies will be posted tomorrow and everyone can pick up their score cards at the Front Desk.
Additional Thank You to Our Sponsors
We’re able to give out some awesome prizes to our event leaders today due to the generosity of the following sponsors:
Bricks, Brooklyn Boulders, Brooklyn Nets, Brooklyn Wine Exchange, Chameleon Cold Brew,Ho’Brah Taco Joint, Hu Kitchen, Ideya, Karla Otto New York, Kettlebell Kitchen, Left Bank, Lululemon, Olympia Wine Bar, Paisanos Meat Market, Porter Novelli, Reebok, Spartan Race, and Threes Brewing
How’d it go yesterday, FGBers?
8am. Snatch: 134, 134, 144, 144, 144, 154, 154. Traps are a bit sore from yesterday. Had trouble getting down on the lighter weights. "Fixed" that problem on the last rep by pulling too early and not finishing the second pull. I like snatching, but it sure can be frustrating. NFR work: thrusters @ 135, 155 and 135. The set at 155 was rough. First rope climb my legs kept losing track of the rope. Got a pro-tip from Jess and the second climb was much better and easier.
FGB recap: a great event as always. Many thanks to David and the coaches and volunteers and everyone who cheered. Last year I went in with a rep scheme that quickly broke down. This year I decided to go all out from the get go. Predictably the last round felt awful. Last year I totaled 326 reps. This year 305. Pacing works. Still, I'm happy with that performance and had a great time yesterday.
8am with the Foxes. I worked up to 100lbs on the snatches. These were a mixed bag today. Some felt fine, if imperfect, while others felt like garbage. I just have to do about 10,000 more reps I think. The nft work was fun-though the thrusters (@95lbs) felt rough – likely because of FGB – related fatigue. I'd never climbed the ropes before, so I was glad to get a chance to play with that. I'll do the inverted Cirque de Soleil stuff next time.
FGB was a ton of fun. I did better than I was expecting to (246 reps) and the camaraderie and good vibes in the gym throughout the day was great to experience. Well done and thanks for putting together such a great event!
(my first) FGB was SO fun!! so many good vibes! thanks to everyone for making it such! despite in going in such the first heat in a relatively empty gym, so happy to have had some cheerleaders (including my awesome judge, kate r.) and my awesome team! did it RX'd despite my looming cold and woke up not feeling so hot! happy to be resting right now!!!
wow excuse my typing in a haze!
Wow congrats to Coach Nick! That's awesome!
Rowing turned out to be my biggest FGB improvement this year over last with a round of CRASH-B's under my belt. I started with the row and decided to go all ham on that erg, actually rowing 17 calories in 45 secs with what I thought of as plenty of time to rest (10 seconds, how luxurious). However, after that, strolling over to the wallball station was like one of those dreams where you show up naked for the final exam, only it was NOT a dream, this was real.
Seriously, it was a very fun day — congrats to all of my Badger teammates, Hayley, Jun, Noah, Josh and Sarah, you guys were all fantastic! And thanks to everyone who made it such a success again this year!
11am with NoRo. Worked up to 83# on the snatch (80%) and did 3 rounds of the accessory work with a 73# thruster. I was so sad to miss FGB yesterday, but I am leading a teacher training intensive at the Pilates studio this weekend. Congratulations to everyone who participated, it looked like it was fun as always!
Noon class
Wasn't feeling great so predictably didn't snatch well
Had a few reps at 154 (80%) and a few misses at 176 (90%). Took the NFT literally, with a top thruster set at 132 and a few sloppy rope ascents trying to use a speed wrap.
FGB was a blast as always. It's really cool to be in the middle of everyone while there's a great energy flowing around. Thanks to my fellow Vatos for throwing down with me. Score-wise, not my best effort. I am notoriously not good at FGB and never feel a strong impulse to push hard so I'll just leave it there.
FGB was amazing. Its amazing to have discovered a healthy, dedicated, and compassionate community. I'm so impressed by the amount the gym raised that will go directly to our owncommunity and the neighborhoods that need the investment the most. I'd recommend this gym to anyone in a heartbeat.
Anyway, today's workout was pretty challenging with the thrusters since the push presses burned my arms out a little bit yesterday. Worth it. Looking forward to not scaling next year because I kind of feel like I cheated FGB. The workout didn't kill me like I think it should have.
Also, just throwing it out there: someday I'd love to be a crossfit kids instructor!
2 Position pause pull+Snatch, work up to a HS
2 Position pause pull+Clean+Jerk, work up to a heavy single
HBBS w/1 second pause at bottom, 3RM, -5%x3x2
374×3 (top set)
Congratulations Nick!
Soccer team killed it today. So proud to be a taco.
Went to class before because I haven't hit a Sunday class yet, really wanted to snatch and I couldn't pass up rope climbs
Snatch w Katie Harpz
83# x 1 x 7 — Jake noted I wasn't getting full hip extension — felt faster and lighter with this fix
88# x 1– should have been at this weight — miscalculated percentage and was conservative
Work out — all hard stuff but fun. I didn't keep track of time
3 rnds
10 thrusters @68# unbroken
1-2 rope climbs
:30 L-sit (only two rounds, both legs straight, broken up :10, :05, :05, :05, :05)
Makeup post from the last few days.
Friday OG:
Bench 110x3x5. Moved easy. I failed on the fifth rep of the last two sets when I tried this a week ago. Will go to 115 next week.
Front Squat 115×5, 125×5. Kept this light.
FGB was so freaking fun. I've been visualizing this WOD for weeks, training my WB a bunch, and really wanted 300. I scored 293 this year, and my team freaking won! So proud of The Paleo Breakfast Club. I did step-ups on the box jumps (after planning on jumping up and stepping down), so I gained more reps by not being as virtuous with the movement, which will be my goal to change for next year. I did step-ups last year, too, and only got 257, so I'll stoked about the 36 rep PR. What a fun day.
Came in today for a few things.
Deadlift 165x3x5. My back has been super sore today so I've been mobilizing a lot, and went with a light weight.
Then some kipping pull-up work with KHarpz, plank work, and lots of handstand walks, which I've been working on for weeks and am getting better at. I want a ten step walk!
Congrats nick!
So glad I stopped by for FGB yesterday. Such a great day in our community, every single year. I actually wished I had been participating (?!)
Fittingly, one of the patron saints of FGB at SBK, OG Matt Ufford, just celebrated the birth of his first child. Congrats, sir!
Another FGB (my 2nd) in the books and it was an fantastic day!! Hooray for "Dan Don't Row"!! A big thank you to those running the show, both in front & behind the scenes!! My goal of FBG was to improve from last year and i did, even if by only 5 reps. Step-ups and SDHPs remained about the same as last year, wall balls and erg made progress that i'm happy about. I'm surprised by how much trouble i had at the push press station. This was my last station of each round so by the time i got there i was smoked, i even failed a rep during round 3. I know i was using too much arms and had a very hard time pushing through my hips. Even looking at pics today i saw my wrists were broken, very low elbows, and a narrow grip.
Basically, the 1st round was great with a good pace & feeling strong and round 2 was good, only a few reps less at each station. Round 3 was just AWFUL!! My body started to shut down and kept saying "no", but my mind said "BECCA MOVE", it was a fight (oh, see what i did there) the entire round. My take-way: get to the gym consistently both during the week and month-to-month, a really fun day/event, and i love being a part of this community!!
FGB was awesome. Im so happy Im feeling healthy and was able to participate this year. I'm very impressed with everyone's performance yesterday, so many big PRs! It's nice to have a benchmark like this every year to see how far we've come. I even surprised myself. I managed to somehow get an 11 rep PR with a total of 279 (I think) which feels really good considering I thought I was going to completely tank this year with the push presses. Good job everyone!
1pm with David and Arturo:
Snatch: 83, 93 (85%), 93F, 93F, 83F, 83# (this one felt the smoothest so I ended here)
MEH. It just wasn't my day. Started off fine and felt comfortable with my first two. David pointed out that I was too forward in my setup. Once I started focusing on that I just couldn't commit to the overhead position even though I was already under the bar. Again, I need to overcome the fear of being overhead at end range.
David gave me really good tips to help me become more comfortable in the overhead position with my heavy thrusters. Focused on locking out my wrists at the end of the movement and pausing at the top, which felt SO solid and I felt like a had a lot more control of the weight.
NFT: 3 rds
Thruster: 68, 73, 78
2 rope ascents
30 s of somewhat L-sits
Miscellaneous activities afterwards: scap-jacked sesh, jump rope trix, handstands, kipping and planking with my friend Ms. Kate Reece. I was at the gym for almost 3 hours lol WHOOPS
Congrats Nick!
FGB was so much fun! This was my second time doing it and I was very happy to hit 274 reps, which was a PR by 68! I still went out too hard on the first round, with a blazing 114 reps, and then fell off to 82 and 78 reps on the second and third rounds. I'll need to work on pacing next year.
Thanks to management and all the volunteers who helped make the event run so smoothly!
And I signed up for strength cycle!! I CANNOT WAIT!!
Congrats to Nick!
1pm with DO and Ro.
I was feeling pretty tired from FGB but wanted to get some snatches in since I've missed several weeks of them. Worked up to 135. hit my first, then failed 2, then hit the last attempt. David helped with some setup cues (knees out, hips up) and told me not to pause so long from the knee hang into the first pull.
NFT: Thrusters 115 then 125. Spent some extra time on the rope because it's fun.
FGB: My first and it was a lot of fun. Definitely an intense workout. I loved the gathering of the entire CFSBK community and it's nice to see lots of new faces I don't know because we work out at opposite ends of the day. Thanks to everyone involved for the great organization. I'm looking forwarding to seeing my score tomorrow.
The one surprise of the day was figuring out at the end that Fox was in costume.
1PM – DoRo
Snatch –
Worked up to 150 today. Really starting to get a lot more comfortable catching at the bottom of a snatch instead of power snatching everything.
4 sets of the thrusters 95-115-135-135…that tweak in my shoulder crept up again today, it's any violent/quick movement overhead that really bothers it…so todays thrusters were more of a FS + Pp. Subbed rope climbs for a bunch of pull-up work afterwards.
Cashout –
Did some broad jumps…hadn't done those in a while, I want to get an official testing on these soon…I think I have some leaderboard material.
another cfsbk event that was start to finish incredibly well planned and executed. Planned and executed for what you may ask…I'd simply say "fun"…
*fun working out – something about judged workouts makes you go just that much harder
*fun team camaraderie – excited to have some new buds at the gym in Stella and Cait
*fun community event – great to meet new peeps, whether it was significant others of competitors cheering em on or 6am'ers (I will never make that class) at the bar. 333 was great venue too.
+1 to Elliots surprise.
Linda in Strength Cycle! YAAAAAASSSSSS!