Fitness: Push Press 5 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 2-5 pounds to last week’s weight.
Performance: Rack Jerk 5 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Post loads to comments.
15-12-9-6-3, For Time:
Thrusters 95/65
Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Scale as necessary so that the sets can be done largely unbroken.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congrats to TFBA and Front Desk wonder woman Danae M., who got her first muscle up on Friday!
- FGB heat assignments will be sent out Tuesday night.
- We republished Coach Noah’s article over on Inside the Affiliate, for all the wide world of CrossFit to see: “Own the Weight: Moving Beyond PR-Dominated Thought in CrossFit.” Check it out, share it far and wide!
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Updates
WE’RE ALMOST AT 50% OF OUR FUNDRAISING GOAL! The best part? Since we hit $15,000, Brooklyn Community Foundation’s Board has been matching our contributions dollar-for-dollar. You or your friend puts in $10? The Board puts in $10, doubling your impact on Brooklyn’s communities. We’re so close! There will be another surprise when we hit $35,000, and we only have five days left!
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise! Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions (as of 2pm Sunday 10/12):
Top Five Teams:
- Wall Ball Me, Maybe
- Swoldiersoffortune
- Wodtoberfest
- Menace to Swolbriety
Top Five Individuals:
- Erik B.
- Peter M.
- Scott M.
- Chris Y.
- Richard G.
- Michael A.
- Asha B.
- Asta F.
- Michael R.
- Kate R.
It’s not too late to send an email to your friends and family! Rip off a version of this one below, and select, replace, or delete adjectives as you feel led. Ben W. used this email (with almost all of the adjectives) and quickly raised over $500. Jump on it!
Dear/Salutations/Greetings/Hola/Aloha/Beloved [insert name],
As you probably know, I’m really into CrossFit. It’s helped me/I love it because _______. Every year at my gym, CrossFit South Brooklyn, we have an event called Fight Gone Bad, where we do this crazy/hard/weird/incredible/soul-crushing/soul-enhancing workout (which you can see here).
What makes the event even more cool/inspiring/sweet/meaningful is that it’s not just a competition for highest reps, but also a competition to raise money for a local organization called Brooklyn Community Foundation. BCF supports a variety of artistic, agricultural, environmental, social, and educational programs in Brooklyn, helping people of all ages.
So, why am I telling you all of this? Because I need your help! [Insert any crazy story or incentives for hitting certain fundraising markers, i.e., If you donate $XX, I will do X, Y, and/or Z.] Donate here [insert link to your page]!
I will be sure to let you know how the event goes, and probably send along a sweaty/hot/sexy/revolting photo of myself post-workout.
Sincerely/With love/Gratefully/Be well/Shalom,
[Your name]
You’ve got five days left! Let’s do this!
What I Saw as an N.F.L. Ball Boy New York Times
How Wolves Change Rivers The Meta Picture
How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy The Atlantic
Overhead Wrist Position with Chad Vaughn CrossFit
Did you learn something new this weekend? (From our alternate programming… or anything, really.)
This weekend I relearned kipping pullups. Or, at least, they were as dialed in as they've ever been yesterday. Today…not so much, although I wasn't completely failing — just couldn't string them together. Baby steps.
Today's jerk work at 108. I'm going to go heavier next time even though 108 is already 90%, because I think I could have been more aggressive with trying to find a 1RM based on a) my strength in other lifts and b) that 108 doesn't feel that hard, even five times.
WOD 5:22 Rx. I thought I was going to be intimidated by having Mattis and Langevin standing up at the front of the class, but once the clock went off, I really didn't notice anyone else in the room.
Sh!t DO says: "You don't want to have problems with the first inch of your thruster."
7am McDO:
Jerks @155x1x5, it was kinda all over the place, I blame 3 days of no workouts. Its fun working out next to people who have awesome form.
WOD, I scaled the thursters to 75#, because I didnt want to get in a fetal position and cry midway through this workout. Finished in 6:40? My elbows were low and that made me tip forward quite a few times. Just an off day altogether.
I learned this week end that hearing banjo music playing on a nearby campsite at 2am in the morning triggers "deliverance" scenarios playing out in my head. Messed up my sleep.
Danae = amazing.
7am (<- alarm failure, sorry 6am). Push jerk: 205, 215, 215, 215, 215. Dip drive felt good today and I felt fairly fast, though I wasn't getting my head fully through. Metcon Rx: 4:50. Didn't put the barbell down on the thrusters, though I did have a few quick pauses in the rack position.
6am w/ McDowell and David
Push Jerk: 175, 175, 185, 185, 185
Coordination problems today. The weight didn't feel heavy, just was able to link everything together.
Metcon: 6:02 Rx. It was fun chasing Elliot. I broke up my thrusters from the start.
6am with McDO(h)! I was debating whether or not to come this morning, but glad I did although I sandbagged it a bit on the push press. Worked up to 80x5x3, with room to add more next time.
WOD: 65# on the thrusters and 16kg Russian kb swings, finished around 5:20ish. I need to play around with American swings.
I'm still trying to process everything I learned this weekend from the starting strength seminar. It was an incredible experience and I'm looking forward to incorporating some of that knowledge into my lifts. And now I really want to do strength cycle!!
6am with McD and DO.
Push press 150x5x3. Moved surprisingly well today. I thought I would struggle with this weight, so I was glad to move through these with no problem.
WOD 6:22 Rx. Missing that 6th rep in the round of 9 really messed me up. So damn close that it really threw me off for the rest of the workout. I didn't break up the first set, which was probably a big mistake. I was using Brad as my motivator and was totally psyched that I was ahead for a while. I should have known better ๐
Awesome Saturday with Noah's pull-up workshop and then some rock climbing. I got the basics of the butterfly pull-up, although it feels totally weird and will take plenty of practice. I haven't done any rock climbing since I was a kid. It really worked my fingers and forearms. I'm ready to go back! Thanks to Mare for organizing.
hi cfsbk, i posted this in the classifieds but will put it here as well.
Furniture for Sale!
I'm selling some of my furniture before the move, pics in craigslist link:
Love seat
Media console/bookcase
Ladder bookcase
Tall cabinet
End table
e-mail me at gina.gatto at gmail if interested!
Thanks CFSB for a fun day rollerskating yesterday!!
Nice work Danae!
PP: 45, 65, 87#x3x5. felt heavy but most moved well, had a couple that were a bit slow.
WOD: 5:32
I thought I'd do this at 55, because i have a fear of thrusters, and had convinced myself that 65 was too heavy for me. Pressure no.1, DO pairing me with Linda even tho I had not raised my hand for 65#. Pressure no.2, Linda asking me what I had just did for push press, followed by her giving me the 'stop being a pussy' face. That works. With the exception of dropping the bar in the round of 6, I did better than i thought i would. So thank you Linda.
@Linda – your time was 5:15! i think that was the best of the 6am
10am w/ Noah and McDowell:
Had the most incredible action dream last night…so needless to say I woke up all pumped up and ready for the morningWOD
Push press: 90# 5×3
5 lbs more than last week…still feel like I have good control. Although the majority were fine I could definitely work on pushing my head through a little more at the end of the press. I know I can do this but sometimes I'm still hesitant to go to end range..not because it hurts it's just mental or something
WOD: 4;50 RX
thrusters felt nice and light after the press. All unbroken except for set of 12 thrusters (broken into 2 sets)……currently have the notorious Fran cough.
Finished with the cash out, corrective squats w/ band around knees, and fun handstand stuff w/ Arturo and co!
Danae you rule!!!
First day back after a 6-week layoff due to a back injury. Very successful in that I didn't injure myself at all!
Worked at 155 and 165 on the split jerk. Everything felt good after I settled in and got some of my muscle memory back.
Scaled the WOD to 75# and 24kg Russian swings with the goal of keeping everything unbroken, which I did (4:06)
Hell yeah, Danae! You worked so hard for that.
I learned how to rock climb for the first time yesterday, and it was just as fun/cool/challenging as I thought it would be. Thanks to Mare and DO for organizing so many great activities this weekend.
Also… I posted on Instagram a few months ago about an older gentleman I've been working with for a few years who escaped from Nazi-occupied Austria as a child and has led a very impressive life since then (much of it happening in old-school Brooklyn). I took his oral history over the summer of 2012 and wrote an article about him, and after my IG post, a few of you asked me to share it when it was finally published. It's called "The Teacher." The print version is far prettier, but here's the online one. ๐
6am with McDowell and DO
Worked at 185# for split jerks, which again felt better than last week. I'd say 3 of the 5 were acceptable in terms of the weight not being forward and having relatively good depth on the split. The other two were both somewhere between a split jerk and a push press with a little jig, but not as bad as others. Overall I feel like I'm making progress.
WOD in 5:20 Rx. I think I had plenty of room to get to sub 5 here, but I was just taking too much rest before each round of thrusters. I wanted to make sure I didn't break up any of the rounds, so I took a few extra breaths, but after each round I knew I could've done with a little shorter break. Oh well.
Got through 1-1/2 round of the cash out before I had to hustle out and try to make it to work in time for early Monday meetings… I did not.
Worked at 130# for the rack split jerks. Thought about stepping forward with my heel, instead of jamming my front toe into the ground, which seemed to help a lot with getting my feet wider and myself lower.
Wod rx'd in 5:05. Seriously raw lungs.
I did the Staten Island Half Marathon yesterday.
Similar to last Sunday's Half Marathon (Grete's Great), I treated it as a training run pace wise. My time yesterday was 2:08:05, last week it was 2:09:23 (as reference, my PR is 1:47:12, from the 2013 Brooklyn Half)
Unlike last week, I did not then run 7 more miles after the race nor did I go to open gym afterwards to do squats and dead lifts (because it was closed). The unexpected result: my legs are much more sore this week than last week.
This was my 2nd of 5 straight weeks of competitions. This coming week is Fight Gone Bad. Following that is the 10/25 Starting Strength Competition in Queens. And, finally the NYC marathon on 11/2, which will be my ninth NYC marathon, and tenth marathon overall.
12pm with Arturo.
Push press- 45 x 5, 65 x 4, 80 x 2, 90 x 3 x 5.
This was the weight that made me cry last week. Today I just got on with it because there were three of us and I was afraid I wouldn't get all of my sets in and I didn't overthink it and everything felt so much better. I can't even believe it was the same weight, to he honest.
WOD in 5.01 Rx. I enjoyed this one.
This weekend I learned how to do kipping pull-ups. I am yet to successfully complete one but I am a lot closer. Today, evidently, was not the day to try out what I learned probably because I am still sore from Saturday and I guess I might have been a bit tired from the WOD and push press.
Looking forward to practicing tomorrow or Wednesday.
6 am w. McD and DO.
Push Press @ (45 x 3, 75 x 3, 90 x 2 and ) 102.5# x 5 x 3. The first rep of each of the 5 work sets went up smoothly, but then I would gradually started more "pressing" and less "pushing" for reps 2 and 3 of each set.
WOD in 6:57 with 65# bar and 20 kg KB (American). Had to break the set of 12 and 9 thrusters into two. I think if I broke up the first set too I might have needed to rest less during the other sets/transitions. Although, since I still had a few minutes to go before the 10 minute cap in this WOD, I think the next time I see thrusters I will start adding some more weight onto the bar.
Also, if anyone during the 6 am / 7 am class transition heard someone who was hacking out a lung for 5 minutes, it was me, and my apologies. I thought the Fran cough was a special and unique combination of thrusters and inhaling chalk during the pull-ups, but apparently the chalk isn't necessary at all for the cough. The only remaining logical answer is that I am allergic to thrusters.
Get it, Rob!
4:30 class with Noah.
Worked up to 135# for the rack split jerks. Loved doing this with Jess, as she's both a badass and gave me great cues about dropping under it and reracking in a more controlled way. This still feels totally doable when I punch up. Still loving working on this lift. Now if I could only clean that much…
Wod Rx-ed in 5:12. My thrusters weren't very pretty and I should have focused on being more controlled, but I was chasing Chris across from me. Really fun WOD and overall class.
4:30 class
WOD Rx'd
All unbroken but didn't really push too hard on this one. Had to squat after…
No belt. I was tired and it was hard to control my breathing but the weight moved well enough.
I learned that sitting around all weekend, watching football, not working, and drinking copious amounts of alcohol make me feel not so great come Monday. I seriously sat probably 2-3x as much as usual this weekend. I can't imagine how people who sit all day at work and then go home to sit on their couch without any movement break in between must feel all the time. How do they even walk? Glad to be back at the gym today.
DANAE!!! ๐ ๐
this weekend i learned that i could finish a WAWA (in PA) hot turkey bowl without puking!
Last week on wed I think Denae said to me, "Im going to get my first muscle up this friday"….
Frustrating day. Tweaked shoulder, aching right hip…. woe is me
Squat, Supposed to do 10RM.
375×6, wasnt feeling it…my right hip is sorta fucked again.