Ever have more questions? Don’t hesitate to ask as our coaches are happy to help clarify anything related to programming. Chances are someone else might be thinking the same thing!
- Happy birthday, Becca W. and Mrav!
- Fight Gone Bad is only 8 days away! Send another fundraising email, get weird/creative/awesome!
We are hosting Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength Seminar again and the gym will be mostly closed tonight through Sunday night. As an alternative, we’re offering all sorts of fun activities…
Saturday Activities:
Coach Noah’s Beginning Kipping Pull-up Workshop at 11am
Register here!
Coach Noah’s Intermediate Kipping Pull-up Workshop at 12pm
Register here!
Endurance Coach Mike O.’s Running Clinic
What: 2-Hour Running and Endurance Clinic
When: Saturday, Oct 11th from 9am – 11am
Where: Red Hook Track
Cost: $12
Sign up here!
Brooklyn Boulders Field Trip
When: Saturday, October 11, 4pm
Cost: $30, includes day pass and gear rental for the day of the class (a $36 value)
TWO SPACES OPENED UP! Email Mare [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you’re interested!
Sunday Activities:
Coach Noah’s Beginning Kipping Pull-up Workshop at 11am
Register here!
Coach Noah’s Intermediate Kipping Pull-up Workshop at 12pm
Register here!
Roller Skating with CFSBK!
What: All-ages roller-skating, admission for the first 25 people that RSVP is compliments of CFSBK
When: Sunday, October 12, 2-4pm
Where: the newly-opened Pier 2 Roller Rink at Brooklyn Bridge Park
RSVP to mare [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com
Brooklyn Boulders Field Trip
When: Sunday, October 12, 4pm
Cost: $30, includes day pass and gear rental for the day of the class (a $36 value)
Sign up here!
End the day with Stella Z.’s free pub quiz at 68 Jay St Bar, where Charlie tends bar:
Where: Sunday, October 12,7 PM,
Where: Smart in DUMBO, 68 Jay St Bar
Kit Laughlin’s Stretching Videos
Give Me Gratitude or Give Me Debt Momastery
7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose Mark Manson
A Love Letter to America’s Wilderness The Atlantic
Floater Programming/WOD
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last week.
Performance: 5 – 5 – 5
Work up to a top set of 5 reps. No failing.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 12 minutes:
3 Box Jump Overs
3 Toes to Bar
6 Box Jump Overs
6 Toes to Bar
9 Box Jump Overs
9 Toes to Bar
…Add 3 reps each round until the 12-minute mark.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
6am with McDowell and DO
Did tomorrow's floater work. Front squat for a heavy set of 5 at 265. Felt good here – I think we're going to threes next week, so I'll feel confident working a little heavier. Metcon sneaks up on you after a few rounds. Toes to bar got tough to cycle efficiently so I was doing quick singles into the buzzer. 14 t2b into the round of 21.
5:30 last night with Whit and Arturo
Five cleans at 225. McDowell had me adjust my setup last week, so this was a little uncomfortable at first, but by rep 5 I was starting to feel the groove. A lot of things are clicking with this and I think my clean 1rm will shoot up next time I test it, as it is way behind my front squat now. If I can just get a good pull and get the bar racked, I know I can stand up a heavier weight than what I'm working 90% of now. Metcon was a little bit of a cruise, and I tried to focus on recovering quickly and keeping my heart rate in check. All wb unbroken, 40 du each round with probably 10-12 trip ups total.
6am with McDowell and DO.
FSQ 175×5 / 185×5 / 195×5
WOD: 8 T2B into the round of 21. As Brad said, the T2B got tough quick. Cycling them became quite a challenge so I ended up doing them a bit more strict to save my hands. All I could think about was the fact that I am doing the pull-up workshop tomorrow and didn't want to ruin my hands.
Looking forward to Noah's workshop tomorrow as well as some climbing at Brooklyn Boulders!
A mushroom walks into a bar. The bartender says "I don't serve mushrooms." The mushroom says, "why not, I'm a fun guy?"
Fungi. Get it? It's better verbally.
Congrats Fungs! All the best.
Congrats Aileen and Dave!!!!! Yayy!! Hope Benson is the official witness!
Happy birthday Becca and Mrav!!
Congrats, Aileen and Dave!!!!
Congrats Dave and Aileen, and sure congrats benson, (i dont think he can read). Skipped today's workout to rest my knee for the next 3 days.
Hooray! Congrats to the new Mr. and Mrs!
FSQ: 155×5, 165x5x2. I actually lost the bar on my left side before the fifth rep of my first set at 165. McDowell was about to help me back into the rack but I stubbornly insisted on doing the last rep once I got my fingers under the bar again. This has never happened to me before. Weird! Anyway, heavy. Yeah.
WOD: 27 situps into the round of 18/54. I did T2B for the first 3 rounds but once I figured out I was only going to be able to get them out in 3s, I switched to situps so I could keep moving instead of staring at the bar. I think that was the right decision.
You all should absolutely come to pub quiz on Sunday!
7AM Floater/Saturday:
Front Squat Perf 5-5-5.
Went with 165, 190, 205 w/ Joe. All moved well, 5# increase from last week.
Finished the round of 21's and got 3 box jump overs into the round of 24.
Interesting jumping over, as it doesn't require full hip extension. Very different from standard box jumps. Also surprising how difficult the toes-to-bars become after the 12/15 rounds. By the end I was stringing together 5's, 3's, and even a few doubles. Even missed a few reps in there.
6am. Front squats: 195×5, 225×5, 235×5. Was thinking I would do 240 or 245 on the last set, but 225 felt heavy on the second set. 235 moved slowly, though I hit better depth than last week. Metcon: through the round of 21 and 2 box jumps into the round of 24. T2B became the limiter in later rounds. Box jumps were smooth and steady today. Feeling a bit beat up after this week. Looking forward to taking the weekend off.
6am. Worked up to 125# on the fitness cleans which is new ground for me. Starting to feel more comfortable with this movement. Got a lot of good cues from DO today, including proper him movement and how to properly keep weight on the mid foot to prevent moving forward.
WOD – Contrary to what others posted yesterday, this is definitely NOT in my wheelhouse. These are my 2 most feared movements. I was actually pleasantly surprised that for the first time, I strung together 10 straight DU's, but I'm still too tense while doing them. Wall Balls, forget about it. For some reason, I'm a mess on these. Was switching back and forth between 16# and 20# on the 10' target. Would have stayed at 16#, but I'm so bugged out about this movement for Fight Gone Bad, I was trying to practice. If anyone has any good wall ball pointers, please let me know.
Also did the cash out just to torture myself.
***hip movement, not him movement
6 am w. McDowell and DO doing yesterday's workout.
Fitness cleans @ (75, 85, 95, 105 and) 115# (1x-1F-2x). This was a PR for me, mainly bc DO kept on telling me to add on more weight after each lift. I'm starting (*just* starting) to get a feel for the different movement components within this lift, and have so many notes in my book to work on improving each of the components. I'm feeling better about the hip extension before pulling, but need to do this ad nauseum so it becomes muscle memory. I'm still having trouble driving my elbows up fast and racking the bar onto my shoulders. I think I have a mental hang up about potentially banging the bar onto my shoulders or clotheslining myself with the bar, so I will start focusing on improving this portion of the lift more in the coming weeks.
WOD was good, but I felt inconsistent from round to round. Did the WBs at 16/10, which is now the second time working at this weight and height (up from 14/9) in an effort to work up towards 20/10. The first couple of rounds felt good, but then things gradually deteriorated to 9 – 10 reps per set by round 5. I ended up doing 14 reps in the last set in a feeble attempt to make up for some of the missed ones and no-reps from the previous sets.
DUs were better than before, but again inconsistent. The first round went great, with 30+ unbroken off the bat, so I went for 40 total. Then I started tripping up every 7-10 reps in following sets, so went down to 30 reps per round for the rest of the workout (except for round 7 where I couldn't do more than 1 – 3 at a time and only made it to 20). Once I get in the rhythm, the DUs are great; I just can't always find that rhythm. Hmph.
Also joined Mike in the cashout of self torture tabata hollow rox.
Noonish class
Back Squat
Felt more grooved in today, although of course still heavy. Have not been in this territory without a belt before, not sure if I'll need to use it on this cycle. If I stay on track squatting 3x/week with 5# jumps I'll finish the cycle at 315x5x3 which is only 10# off of my best sets across.
Was supposed to be 5 but I was anxious about grinding out another rep. I believe this is a 4RM for me so I'm happy. Will try 435×4 next week.
"Saturday" WOD
13 T2B into the 18 round. BJOs felt smooth, T2Bs did not. Ended up doing singles for the last 9 or so. I was doing much better with these when they were in SWUs, I should just add them back in every now and then.
See y'all on Monday!
Perf front squat: I decided to do the same weight as last week as I may have went too heavy last week for week 1 of the cycle. so 115×5, 120×5, 125×5. Last set was heavy. My left knee was caving in. Need to work on strengthening my adductor muscles. Thank you Noah!
WOD: Got into round 21, finished box jumps and got 1 Toes to Bar in that round. This got hard fast. Steady on the box jumps. Broke TTB into 3s, 4s, and 5s.
8am with McDowell and Noah.
Front Squat
45 x 5, 95 x 4, 125 x3, 140 x 1, 155 x 3 x 3.
Felt heavy. Will only add 2.5lbs next week, I think.
WOD- 20inch box with double sit-ups- went over by two seconds to finish the round of 21/ 42. Fun and fast. Some day I'll get you, toes-to-bar.
MM- re: wall balls- Noah told me to think of maintaining a high bar (upright) position and that really helped me an awful lot. Also, thinking about them basically being the same movement as a thruster has really helped too.
Forgot – I used a 24" box and we had 10 minutes, not 12. Not complaining.
My legs were smoked after Wed's squatting, yesterday's cleans, and this morning's loop of Prospect Park. I found out quickly that I was not going to be able to go beyond last week's max of 205 for a heavy 5.
Last week I had done 195, 200, 205.
Today, I came in and tried 205 for the first set. I finished but it was too darn heavy. I dropped back to 195, and then did a set at 200. So the same weights as last week, just in different order. I'll take it for now.
Skipped WOD.
FSQ, 115# x 5 which is a 5# PR for a set of 5 for me. Then did the WOD with a 20" box and finished 4 T2B short of finishing the round of 18. That's 59 T2B total – grip and lats were fried!
Front squat, 5RM, -5%, -10% x5
Behind the neck press, 5RM, -5%, -10% x5