Fitness: Clean Deadlift to Knee + Knee Power Clean + Front Squat (or Full Clean)
Work up to a heavy weight on the complex and perform 3-5 reps there.
Performance: Clean 5 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for As Many Reps as Possible:
1 Minute Dumbbell Snatch (as heavy as possible, alternating arms)
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Rest
Post Rx and reps to comments.
Even if you’re not competing in Fight Gone Bad on Saturday, you should probably still come and hang out, because, well, this kind of stuff happens.
- Happy birthday, Rachel D.!
- ICYMI: HEAT ASSIGNMENTS ARE AVAILABLE HERE! Team captains, please email your teams to keep them in the loop about when they need to be at the gym. The upstairs annex will be available all day for the two teams in the upcoming heat to warm-up.
CFSBK Leaderboards… Not Just on the White Board!
Front Desk wunderkind Ruth P. created a new tab for us on the blog, called CFSBK Leaderboards (located in the lower lefthand column under Member Resources). No longer must you row a 10K in order to review the top three men and women in each category. Now, you can stare at the Leaderboard while you couch stretch at your desk on your “lunch break” or foam roll in the privacy of your living room. Gosh, we’re good to you. Serious kudos and thanks to Ruth!
Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fats: How to be Safer With Your Supplements Precision Nutrition
Drinking Coffee, for Your Health The Atlantic
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey – Carl’s Wing
What’s Really In A Big Mac? McDonald’s Says It’s Ready To Tell All NPR
MattyChm says
6am with Nick and Lady Fox
I have been out of commission for about a week so it feels good to be back. I was in London for work and spent way too much time in the pubs and then turned my ankle bringing out the trash when I can back.
That's right, ultramarathons, triathlons, Spartan Races, years of Crossfit and never an injury. Bringing down the trash however, proved too much to handle.
Took today's class nice and easy. (Yes Fox, I had an excuse for using a lighter DB for snatches.)
Partnered with long lost friend Alex C, for cleans which were at 165# = 80%. Last week was at 90% but again, the ankle.
Hit 92 reps on the WOD which came to 15/15, 15/15, 17/15. Used the 50# DB but should have been at 60# or 65#
Michelle B. says
If anyone needs a last minute replacement for Fight Gone Bad, because they got sick, injured, were abducted by aliens, etc. please let me know. I'm available.
Linda says
6am with Jess and Nick. Worked at 103 on the cleans. I realized I'm not racking the bar on my delts because I have bruises on the bony parts of my shoulder from this weekend.
WOD: 13-13-14 on the db snatches at 30# and 14-14-15 on the burpees. I should know by now that Jess is usually right and I should've gone heavier.
Peter says
6am. Cleans: 224, 234, 244, 244, 244F, 224. Still working at smoothing out the speed of my pull. The smoothest pull of the day was the failure at 244. Just caught that one kind of soft and gave up on it after standing it part way up. Have a bit of tightness in my right hip area that I didn't want to aggravate. Metcon: 88 reps @ 65#. Rounds were 14/17, 13/16, 14/14. Could have gone heavier on the DB snatch, but I get scared of the metal DBs. says
6am with Nick and Jess
partnered with Matty Chm on the cleans, did: 164, 164, 174, 174, 174
kept catching high, finally got down on the last clean. These didn't feel particularly challenging otherwise.
WOD: 114 reps with 55# dumbbell
burpees: 30, 23, 20
snatches: 12, 14, 15
30 burpees in a minute might be a little record for me. I pushed the burpees pretty hard here, but took it easy on the snatches because it's my third day on.
Pigeon says
7am NcJess,
Worked up to 145 on the fitness side of the cleans, and then failed 2x @155, Nic told me my shoulders were right above the bar at knee height rather than in front of the bar, and Jess said my back is still rounded on the DL, and that my feet dont even get off the floor to catch wider, will work on these next week.
WOD @65DB, maybe a bit too much on my left side, the way down was the problem had to catch it with both hands around shoulder height. 10/12 x3 so 66 total.
I'm guessing people who are FGBing on saturday and came in today are taking a rest day tomorrow? says
Thanks to Jess Fox for the idea of the online leaderboard, Front Deskers Josh and Lindsay for helping fill in the content, and David for the awesome styling!
Shawn says
6am with Jess and Nick. I worked up to 135# on the cleans. These felt slow for some reason today. It's probably just that I'm stiff and sore from the last couple of days. I did 87 total reps on the metcon with a 40lb dumbbell. I was fairly consistent through each round (28, 29, 30), getting in a few more snatches and a few less burpees each time. This was fun – I like those dumbbell snatches a lot, actually. The cashout felt and probably looked ridiculous, but Fox calling the Y's and T's "Fonzies" (two thumbs up, "Aaayyyyyy!") helped.
Sam says
Is there a floater WOD tomorrow?
Jacques says
Interesting article on the times about fitness age today.®ion=Marginalia&src=me&pgtype=article
Fox says
FLOATER FRIDAY WOD (If you came yesterday and are doing Fight Gone Bad tomorrow, consider doing only the lifting portion)
WU 1 or 2 (8min)
Barbell (15min)
Work up to a heavy, non touch and go 3 rep deadlift.
Conditioning (5-10min)
20 Double Unders
5 Power Clean 155/105
5 Front Squat says
6am with Jess and Nick.
Clean – worked up to 175 and all felt good.
WOD: 95 reps @ 60# (12/14, 14/15, 15/16).
30 burpees, Alex? Damn.
@Michelle – team Snatch Adams needs another member. Can you email Jess? She already knows we are a (wo)man down.
Michelle B says
Thanks Elliot, just wrote to Jess! says
Not sure if it was the weather, or I am sore from Tues-Wed work, plus raw hands today from yesterdays pullups, but I had an off day today. Failed the clean twice at 98, when I was hitting them really well last week at 103. I ended up getting it up at 98 one time but then scaled back to 88 to finish up on a good note.
Met-con – Did 30lb dumbbell and didn't count my reps. I did count burpees and did 14-14-15.
Need a rest day before FGB! says
Did some light High Hang Squat + Mid Hang Squat Snatches at 50kg
Did some Clean + FSQ + Jerks up to 80kgs
Then Today's WOD:
DB Snatches @ 75lbs
Burpees w/ strict push-ups
Got 9/12 in each round.
K HarpZ says
4:30 w/ Whit and David:
Clean: 142#, 142#, 147#, 151.8#, 151.8#
first time working w/ kilos so I was a little lost on numbers. Was following ladyfox on this one so this is just a rough guess when converting back to lbs. May not be completely correct. Got some great tips from David for my setup. Need to get my hips higher to accommodate for my longer-than-average femurs. Unsure of my 1RM still but the felt comfortable with the weight and I had plenty of energy left.
WOD: 102 reps w/ 40#
Should've gone w/ 45 on the dumbbells. Either way fun workout!
Fox says
4:30 class
Working on bringing the bar to my hips and catching upright with weight balanced through my whole foot. I tend to catch on my toes. Didn't jam up my SC joint tonight while wearing a tank, that's progress.
DBSN: 12/10/10
BURP: 12/15/15
Took 'er plenty easy. Need to lift lots tomorrow. Looking forward to FGB! says
7:30 with DO and Ro… 🙂
83# on the cleans trying not to push the weight too high and work on catching the bar lower into the squat.
started with 25# on the WOD. way too light so I switched to 30# in the final round. Not even close to the reccomended 30-45% of my body weight haha.
14-14-14 snactches
10-11-10 strict pushup burpees.
Excited for resting tomorrow and FGB saturday!
JakeL says
Power Snatch , 70%x3x5
Clean pulls
Charlie says
5.30 with Arturo.
Worked up to 93# on the cleans today which was 10# less than last week but everything felt MUCH better. Something clicked today and all of the pieces came together somehow, but there is always a good chance I'll just have to start over again next week. Who knows…
WOD- I had great difficulty organizing the DB snatches. I reluctantly used the 40# DB even though it felt really heavy but I really don't think the weight was the real issue here. My first round I lost my balance and I think I either only managed 7 reps and 16 burpees. After that it was 12, 15, and 12, 16, for a total of 78. I wrote 68 on the whiteboard because I did not feel like getting a calculator and that's what happens.
Cash out- hollow rocks hurt. Did some kipping almost-pull-up practice and 5 mins of DU practice.